"Is this the robin's room?"

Luo Ming used his dream passport to enter a luxurious suite and experience firsthand what it means to live a life of luxury.

If the upgraded rooms in the train set are high-end guest rooms.

Then the private residence of the robin in front of him is a presidential suite of the highest standard.

The living room, study, movie room, entertainment room, etc. are all fully equipped, and there is even a small bar and swimming pool.

Living here is simply a pleasure.

Luo Ming wandered around the suite, checking that there were no omissions, and by the way, helped the robin cover the dirty clothes she had thrown on the bed, and then came to the large bathtub in the dream room.

Pinocchio's dream pool looks like a large shell, filled with a smooth and dreamy liquid, and it seems to emit a faint fragrance when you smell it.

Proof that the robin has slept in it more than once

"I don't know where the firefly is. After I deal with the matter of the robin, I will go find her. This time, with the power of the rememberer, there is almost no place in the whole Pinocchio that can stop me."

Luo Ming thought to himself and slowly lay down in the dream pool.

The dreamy liquid gradually submerged him, but he did not feel suffocated. Instead, he could still breathe normally. He also felt a warm feeling in his mind, and he seemed to fall asleep unconsciously.......

Luo Ming opened his eyes and found himself still in the room of the robin.

However, from the teapot floating on the table and the dream bubbles in the air, he knew that this was already the Daydream Hotel in the dream.

Coming out of the dream pool.

Luo Ming reached out to touch the dream bubbles floating in the air, and felt a cool and soft touch on his fingertips.

These dream bubbles were a sign that the dream world was gradually disintegrating and Pinocchio was sinking into the deep sea of memory.

"According to the time calculation, the Daydream Hotel in the dream world is currently being ravaged by the memory domain meme. Is it time for Gallagher, the"old dog" of Pinocchio, to kill the mockingbird? Just as

Luo Ming thought of this, the whole room suddenly fell into darkness.

Then, countless eyes emerged from the walls in all directions, staring coldly at the"robin" in front of the dream pool.’

"As expected, it's here."

Luo Ming chuckled in his heart, but pretended to be panicked.

The next second, with a"pop", the sharp claws pierced through the body of the"robin" and stabbed out from the front. The slender body was lifted in the air, and the mouth opened a little bit, and gradually there was no breath. The sound of water was heard.

The dead"robin" lay back in the dream pool, with a hideous wound in front of her body, proving that she was completely dead.

The darkness retreated from the room.

A sound of footsteps came from outside the door and stopped at the edge of the dream pool.

"I'm very sorry, Miss Mockingbird, but only if you die, the Harmony Festival can't be held normally, and the water of Pinocchio can be completely muddied."

The person who spoke the voice was obviously an uncle.

It was Gallaher who called himself an old dog of Pinocchio, and was more intelligent and patient than Sunday and Gold Dust.

He was a [mysterious] destiny walker who could manipulate the memory domain meme.

It was a complete"Gallaher""fictionalized" in the dream by assembling a strand of cognition from each of the fifty-two loyal family members.

Gallaher represented the forces of the watchmaker who were truly loyal to Pinocchio.

Opposing them were the traitors who appeared in the family.

These traitors praised the good name of the watchmaker, the father of Pinocchio, while nailing him to the pillar of shame and distorting his reputation.

Gallaher had fought against these traitors, but lost in the end. After a long time, the dream The impact on the land has been too profound. Under the endless pursuit, the family traitor broke his spine and became a miserable stray dog.

But in order to avenge this humiliation, to clear the name of the watchmaker, and to get the"harmony" of Pinocchio back on track.

Gallaher never forgot what he had to do.

He has been forbearing until now, and finally waited for the opportunity.

It is the Harmony Ceremony that Pinocchio is about to hold.

This ceremony involves many forces, including the company, the Flowing Light Memory Court, the Masked Fool, the Knowledgeable Society, the Patrol Ranger, the Star Train, and the Star Core Hunter.

As long as the lead singer of the ceremony, the robin, is"killed", the water will be muddied, and various forces can use this to penetrate into Pinocchio.

At that time, the secret of Pinocchio will be made public. To the public.

Those invitations with coded messages were also sent by the watchmaker faction on Gallaher's side. Several factions within the family also went with the flow, each with their own goals. The next series of events were almost all carried out according to Gallaher's script. Even if there were some minor changes, they could not affect the final situation.

This thirteen-year-old middle-aged uncle, everything he did was worthy of the name of loyalty.

Entering the Dream Pool.

Luo Ming was thinking about whether to show his true identity and have a negotiation with Gallaher.

After all, the watchmaker side and the Starry Sky Train have a deep connection, and Gallaher has introduced himself to Xing and others in the tone of an old unknown guest. There is no conflict between the two sides in the ultimate goal.

But after thinking about it, Luo Ming still didn't do it.

This multi-party The final battlefield of the power game is not in the surface dream of twelve o'clock.

It is the 'real Pinocchio' that one will go to after 'death'.

Exposing one's strength too early will easily attract some unnecessary attention.

Luo Ming also planned to take advantage of the two days to stroll around this dream place peacefully.

The footsteps gradually faded away.

The room became quiet again.

Luo Ming exuded the power of the Rememberer, and after making sure that there were no eyes in the room, he opened his eyes and walked out of the Dream Pool.

The ability of a thousand faces and a thousand illusions can make him completely change into another person in terms of voice, expression, body shape and everything else.

It is not comparable to the ability of the Masked Fool.

So Sunday could recognize the Robin disguised as Fireworks at a glance.

But Gallagher could not see through Luo Ming's transformation.

"It feels a bit troublesome. I should have known not to agree to the robin...."

As a famous and popular singer who worked hard step by step, Robin is definitely not a naive person.

Even the"death" in the original plot is likely the result of cooperation with Gallagher.

She is a person who truly has feelings for her hometown of Pinocchio.

If Gallagher can find the real traitor and put Pinocchio back on track, she definitely doesn't mind cooperating with him to fake her death once.

Luo Ming sighed slightly, regretting the harm of beauty again. When he was about to leave here, there was suddenly some subtle movement outside the door.

"Who is here again?"

Luo Ming turned into a robin again, lying quietly in the dream pool.

The door opened.

A small fiery red figure walked in from outside with bare feet.

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