Seeing that Ji Zi, Walter and others had no objection,

Luo Ming glanced at Black Swan and said to everyone with a smile:"But my sister has something to ask, so I may need to trouble you."

Xing straightened his chest immediately after hearing this,"Just tell me, I'll take care of it!"

Ji Zi nodded with a smile in her eyes. Obviously, as long as the problem was not particularly excessive, she would also help.

""Sister, you tell me yourself." Luo Ming looked at the Black Swan.

The Black Swan nodded, his eyes gentle and sincere,"It's actually very simple. I want to make an exchange with you, an exchange of memories. I am a rememberer and a collector. I want to witness those crystal clear, brilliant and precious memories."

"You are the unknown passengers of the Starry Sky Train, the practitioners of the Way of Pioneering. I believe in your potential and I also believe that you will shine with unique brilliance on this stage."

"Where nightmares and sweet dreams meet......It is the most suitable place as a cradle of memory."

"Practitioners of the path of pioneering shine with unique brilliance....Is it really that amazing? Hehe."Listening to Black Swan's gentle praise, Sanyueqi scratched her head a little embarrassedly.

Luo Ming turned his head to look at her and stretched out his hand to pinch her cheek

"What are you doing?"

Sanyueqi slapped Luo Ming's stinky hand away in dissatisfaction.

"I see if you have a long face"

"What do you mean?" March Seven was a little puzzled.

Luo Ming sighed,"March, don't leave the train in the future, otherwise I'm afraid you can be easily deceived."

Ji Zi seemed to have gotten used to the two of them playing around.

He ignored her and nodded to Black Swan,"No problem, Miss Black Swan can collect memories from us at any time during this trip to Pinoconi."

Even without Luo Ming's relationship, a rememberer who respects and advocates the aesthetics of memory is not a big threat to the train and can bring great help.

"Thank you very much."

Black Swan thanked him sincerely.

"Okay, let's go back and rest first, get your spirits up, and then work together to deal with this mess caused by multiple forces."

After discussing the plan, several people left the reception lobby and prepared to go back to their rooms to rest.

In the corridor,

Sanyueqi suddenly realized something was wrong, and shouted to Luo Ming who was walking towards another corridor in confusion:"Your room is in this direction, what are you doing there?"

Luo Ming smiled, did not speak, and continued to follow the Black Swan away.

Xing came over and pretended to be curious and said:"Little Sanyue, where are they going?"

"How would I know?"

March Seven turned around and left angrily.......

In the corridor, Luo Ming held Black Swan's soft hand, smelling the body fragrance of Yun mature woman, and his breathing gradually became hot.

"Don't move."

Black Swan smiled and slapped away Luo Ming's evil hand that was sliding towards the hollow clothes on her waist.

Luo Ming had to give up.

Anyway, he was going back to the room soon, and he could taste it however he wanted.

Turning the corner of the corridor,

Black Swan's steps suddenly paused, squinting his eyes and looking forward.

Luo Ming followed her line of sight and saw two familiar figures, who were parked in front of a guest room.

The two were dressed gorgeously and had extraordinary temperaments. One of them was holding a humming golden dimensional piggy bank in his arms.

They were senior cadres of the Strategic Investment Department of Interstellar Peace Company, Jade and Topa, two of the ten people in Stone Heart.

Topa, needless to say, had long legs, crystal skin, and a perky butt, giving people a fleshy feel.

Jade was a mature"big" sister, with the lace that was faintly visible on her chest, which looked particularly attractive.

But Luo Ming didn't like Interstellar Peace Company very much. These people could sell everything for the sake of profit, even themselves.

"The two of you."

Black Swan walked over and said calmly:"Please make way, this is my room"

"Miss Black Swan, we have been waiting for you for a long time."

Jade smiled with her lips pursed, and her attitude looked quite sincere.

Black Swan was about to speak.

Luo Ming had already come to her side and said to Jade lazily:"You two from the company, why don't you try to find a way to reunite with Shajin instead of running here to disturb others' peace."

Jade obviously already had a lot of information.

She was not at all surprised by Luo Ming's appearance, and said sincerely:"We are here to cooperate with Miss Black Swan. Pinocchio may be more powerful than you think......."

"Not interested."

Luo Ming slowly pressed his palm on the hilt of the knife, and a faint aura of terror instantly filled the entire corridor:"I'll give you three seconds, otherwise, I don't mind learning the power of the protective cornerstone."

Emerald's pupils constricted, and she stared at him deeply, then turned and left without saying anything.

Topa didn't say anything from beginning to end, but looked at Luo Ming with curiosity. Seeing his tough attitude, he quickly followed Emerald and disappeared into the corner of the corridor.

Luo Ming retracted his palm and returned to his original slightly lazy appearance.

With a sly smile, he took the Black Swan's waist and disappeared into the guest room together.

Listening to the sound of the door closing in the distance.

Emerald frowned and murmured:"Why is this person's power so terrifying? The company's assessment of him is simply outrageous."

"What should we do next?"

Topa looked very relaxed, as if he had really come to Pinocchio for fun:"Should we continue to win over Black Swan and Star Train, or wait and see and wait for good news about the gold dust?"

Emerald thought for a moment, shook her head and said:"Let's give up on Black Swan first. Judging from the cold attitude of that guy just now, does he really dare to attack us in the hotel?"

"By the way, how strong is he? If we fully release the power of the cornerstone, can we compete with him?"

Emerald looked at Topa who was quite interested, and said with a chuckle:"You can try it, if you can come back alive."

After that, he left without looking back.

Topa shrugged and walked away.......

In the room.

Luo Ming sat on the sofa, listening to the sound of running water in the bathroom. In his mind, he couldn't help but imagine a plump figure stretching her body in the mist.

Suddenly, he felt itchy.

Unfortunately, before entering the bathroom, Black Swan warned him that if he dared to sneak in, he would be kicked out of the room immediately.

Luo Ming certainly didn't believe that Black Swan would kick him out.

But since he had agreed, he couldn't do anything to regret it at the last minute.

The sound of water in the bathroom stopped soon.

A moment later.

Black Swan walked out of the bathroom.

The slender waist, the voluptuous buttocks, the full breasts, the white and slender legs, with her steps, were looming under the thin bathrobe.

And the warm and mature body fragrance that instantly filled the entire living room gave people an extremely tempting feeling that almost made them lose their minds.

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