"Sister, you smell so good~"

Luo Ming hugged the black swan's slender waist, buried his face in her softness, and took a deep breath of fragrance.

The black swan looked at him helplessly.

The corners of her lips couldn't help but curl up, and she stretched out her snow-white soft lips to gently touch Luo Ming's hair. In her amber glass eyes, there was a touch of tender memories.

In the previous life, Luo Ming saved her from death at the cost of self-destruction, and completely solved the crisis of the planet's memory domain leakage.

After that, the black swan followed the female rememberer and embarked on the road of traveling around the world, gradually becoming a qualified and powerful rememberer.

After so many years, the black swan has never returned to the distant mother planet once. She is afraid that after seeing those familiar scenes, she will fall deeply into the memory of that painful past.

But now, everything is nothing.

Luo Ming is back by her side again.

Those ridiculous things, the pain and regrets brought by them, have long disappeared as the two meet again.

The black swan now just wants to be with Luo Ming forever.

No matter what Luo Ming wants, she is willing to give everything without reservation.......

The living room gradually quieted down.

The night was long, so Luo Ming was not in a hurry.

He exerted a little force with his arms, and the two of them fell on the sofa together. His right hand naturally slid into the bathrobe and caressed the black swan's fleshy white thighs.

""Sister, what do you think of the situation at Pinocchio?"

Luo Ming asked.

Black Swan thought for a moment and said,"There are many factions, it's very complicated."

Luo Ming laughed and pinched Black Swan's thigh,"Isn't this nonsense? Anyone who knows a little bit about the inside story knows that the stars of this event are very complicated."

"What I'm asking is, which faction do you think is most likely to be responsible for this impending turmoil, or in other words, who will benefit the most from muddying the waters of Pinocchio?"

The family has been protecting Pinocchio for hundreds of years, and there has almost never been a problem. However, such a big abnormality occurred before this most important Harmonious Ceremony that attracted many forces from all over the world.

It can almost be concluded that there must be someone behind the scenes manipulating this, and it may not even be just one party, but multiple forces working together tacitly.

Black Swan didn't mind Luo Ming's moving hands.

Thinking of meeting Jade and Toppa waiting outside the door when he returned to the room before, he thought and said,"The company must be deeply involved. Only when Pinocchio is in complete chaos and breaks the stable rule of the family, the company will have a chance to take this prison star back into its pocket."

Luo Ming nodded:"The company's purpose is almost obvious. Jade, Toppa, and Gold Sand are here to recapture Pinocchio, but they are under the close supervision of the five major families. Not only can only one person enter the dream, but almost all of their luggage has been confiscated."

"At present, it has not really entered the chess game, and it has nothing to do with the turmoil that Pinocchio is experiencing now."

Black Swan pondered and said,"This is indeed a problem. The company is strictly controlled by the family and is excluded from Pinocchio. If there is no suitable opportunity, perhaps we can only let the situation develop and then look for loopholes in it."

"But I think, with the company's strength and strategy, they will definitely create a legitimate reason to directly extend their tentacles into Pinoconi."

After saying that, Black Swan found that Luo Ming was silent.

Looking up, she found that Luo Ming was looking at her with a smile.

"What's wrong?"Black Swan asked softly.


Luo Ming shook his head, then held the black swan in his arms, kissed her pretty face gently, and said with emotion:

"Why didn't I realize that my sister is so smart before? It seems that your experience as a rememberer over the years has brought about earth-shaking changes in your strength and vision."

In the simulation of that time period, although Black Swan showed extraordinary intelligence, he was more of an urban white-collar worker who was quite law-abiding and just wanted to live a peaceful and stable life.

He is very different from the mysterious and elegant lazy rememberer with a pair of eyes that seem to be able to see through all the truth.

"People always grow up."

The Black Swan sighed softly,"Sometimes when it's late at night and everyone is asleep, I always wonder, if that crisis hadn't broken out, would we have lived a peaceful life together, would it have been more stable and happy."

Seeing that the Black Swan seemed a little sad.

Luo Ming comforted him softly,"Isn't it the same now? I will always be with you."

The Black Swan looked at him,"What about your white-haired sword fairy disciple?"

Luo Ming was choked.

He coughed awkwardly and could only pretend not to hear.

The Black Swan snorted.

He raised his hand to tighten the collar of his bathrobe to cover the vague white ravines.

Luo Ming cursed himself for digging a hole for himself.

Bringing the topic back,"The company's plan is still behind. The change in this dream is actually related to two forces. One is the watchmaker force that wants to clear the name of the watchmaker and bring Pinocchio back on track. The invitation letter with the secret code is the one they sent out."

"The second party is the traitor among the five major families and the biggest potential crisis for Pinocchio. What this force wants to do is very likely to involve Taiyi, the Star God of Order who has been assimilated by Hippie."

After hearing such explosive news,

Black Swan's face became visibly serious:"Where did you get the news from? How credible is it?"

It's okay if it involves the watchmaker who is said to be the father of Pinocchio. After all, no matter how strong he is, he is at most at the level of a messenger. Today's Pinocchio is not short of messengers.

But once it involves a Star God, the danger level here will instantly reach its peak.

Luo Ming said vaguely:"I deduced it based on the currently known information. The three seniors who got off the Star Dome Train are most likely the founders of the former watchmaker faction. As for the credibility, it is at least 90%."

Seeing the worry in Black Swan's eyes

, Luo Ming took her hand and smiled,"Don't worry, even if it involves a Star God, don't forget that a Star God can only do things related to his own destiny and it is impossible for him to directly participate in such things."

"At most, they can respond to the believers' prayers and grant them the power to become messengers. This is nothing to be afraid of. In terms of combat power alone, we have already occupied an absolute advantage."

Black Swan hesitated and nodded slowly.

Then he thought of something, restrained all his expressions, and looked at Luo Ming seriously:"If there is any danger, you must not sacrifice yourself casually like last time, otherwise......"

"What if not?"

Luo Ming approached with a smile and pushed Black Swan down on the sofa.

Black Swan knew that Luo Ming was deliberately making a joke.

He snorted coldly and said,"Otherwise, I will leave cruelly and you will never find me again."

"Wow! This is too cruel!"

Luo Ming reached out to unbutton the collar of the Black Swan bathrobe, pretending to be curious and asked:"But don't you think this is also a punishment for you?"

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