After walking out of the transmission channel, the surroundings are no longer the dream hotel.

It is more fragmented, desolate, and even weird. There are some meaningless words floating in the air, and it seems that there are endless cries of reluctance in my ears.

It seems that I will sink into the deep sea of memory at any time.

"It's actually here."

Luo Ming looked around. Although it was his first time here, he recognized it as the"Child's Dream"’

"This is the deep dream that the family tried hard to hide."

Black Swan glanced around and understood the danger of this dream.

Ji Zi looked thoughtful, as if thinking about why Hua Huo brought Xing here.

Huang Quan held a long knife in her hand, alert to the enemies who could appear at any time. She had accidentally broken into the dream hotel before and was attacked by the Dream Theater. Naturally, she knew the tricky nature of these dream monsters.

"Come this way."

The Black Swan led the way in front, heading towards the deep space of the Child's Dream.

Luo Ming walked side by side with her, always alert to the monsters that might appear.

Huang Quan followed behind.

The navigator, Sister Ji Zi, walked in the middle, looking at Luo Ming, the Black Swan in front, and Huang Quan holding a long knife behind her, and suddenly felt a strong sense of security.

With such a lineup, even if they break into the Chaolu Mansion, or even face the mysterious dream master, they will be able to escape unscathed, right?

Not long after.

The Black Swan stopped and said,"This is it."

Luo Ming looked at the empty hall and wondered,"There is no one here?"

The Black Swan raised his head with a strange look on his face:"Here."

Luo Ming looked up, and his expression instantly became wonderful.

On the dome of the hall, a big smiling face appeared, looking at the four people with a smile, with two small red dots under his eyes, exactly the same as that of the happy girl.

"This smiling face is a one-way transmission channel. You will only know where it leads to after you enter it."

Black Swan had just finished speaking.

Luo Ming said directly:"You wait here, I will go in and take a look"



Two voices sounded almost at the same time.

Ji Zi, who was about to speak, was stunned, and her eyes towards Black Swan and Huang Quan became a little subtle.

Black Swan glanced at Huang Quan.

Even with her gentle and tolerant nature, the corners of her eyes couldn't help but twitch a few times.

Why didn't I see that Luo Ming was so fickle before.

How many women has he provoked?

Luo Ming coughed lightly, pretending not to notice the sudden weird atmosphere, and said seriously:"I have the strongest strength, and nothing will happen easily. I am the most suitable person to explore the passage. You just wait for my news here, okay?"

Black Swan was ready to go back and settle accounts with Luo Ming.

She looked at him firmly:"This memory domain is far more vast and complex than the one we have experienced. If you are not careful, you will be completely lost in it. I absolutely cannot separate from you here."

Huang Quan said calmly:"It was because I didn't take good care of the masked fool that the little girl was in danger. I must rescue her myself."

Luo Ming felt helpless and had to look at elder sister Ji Zi.

Ji Zi put her red hair behind her ears and smiled elegantly:"I am the train navigator. Now that something has happened to the train crew, how can I just sit there and do nothing?"

"All right."

Luo Ming no longer insisted,"The fireworks have broken through the sky, which means we will be sent to the most dangerous dreamland. At worst, we can fight our way out together, but you must follow me closely and don't fall behind or get separated."

Just after he finished speaking, Ji Zi suddenly heard a message alert.

He took a look and his eyes narrowed immediately, as if he was shocked by the news.

"What's wrong?" Luo Ming came over and asked.

Ji Zi hesitated for a moment and said,"The singer we met in the reception hall, the Robin who will sing at the Harmonious Music Festival.......Died in a beautiful dream."

Huang Quan looked at Luo Ming and shook his head.

Luo Ming immediately understood that Ji Zi didn't know that the robin was in his room. It was estimated that when Xing was abducted, the robin was afraid of being exposed and hid.

"There is also a rememberer from Liuguang Yiting who disappeared in a dream not long ago."

Ji Zi looked at Black Swan, her face became visibly serious:"A rememberer disappeared in a dream, Miss Black Swan, what do you think about this?"

In the memory domain, the rememberer can be described as returning home, and the means that can be exerted are far stronger than any other faction.

However, he just disappeared like air, without leaving any trace.

Black Swan shook her head:"It's not missing, but being 'killed'. All rememberers have abandoned their physical bodies and exist in the form of meme bodies. The one who appears in the dream is the rememberer's real body, just like me now." Luo Ming guessed who did it.

He said to Black Swan:"Will Liuguang Yiting take action to go deep into Pinoconi because of this?"

As one of the top forces in the universe, Liuguang Yiting's strength can be described as unfathomable.

This is the first time that Pinoconi has publicly invited factions outside the family. In addition to Black Swan, many rememberers have come to Yiting to record this historic moment.

Now that a rememberer has an accident, it is reasonable to put pressure on the family.

"Definitely." Black Swan said firmly

"Pinocchio is getting more and more exciting."

Luo Ming looked at Ji Zi:"Did Uncle Yang say anything else?"

"The family wants to entrust us to investigate this matter.

The family has promised that the safety of every guest will be guaranteed. Even if they are in danger, they will be forcibly awakened and return to reality safely.

The confidence to make such a promise is because of the blessing of harmony. The dream builders of the family connect their thoughts into one and build an unbreakable safety line.

However, now, there is a problem with this line of defense. The robin, who has lived in Pinocchio since childhood and is about to sing at the Harmony Festival, died in a beautiful dream without any signs, and even the body was not left behind. There is only a vague image of a dream bubble.

The family will never reveal this news to the outside world, nor can they investigate the truth of this death under the attention of multiple factions.

So they can only ask the neutral faction's Starry Sky Train for help.

"Walter thought he could agree to it, and he could use the power of the family to help investigate the whereabouts of Xing and the clues of the three passengers who got off the train. However, he would also step into the vortex of disputes, and he wanted to ask for our opinions."

After hearing what Ji Zi said,

Luo Ming immediately said,"No problem, the train has been exposed since it set foot on Pinocchio, and it can't be avoided. This time, as the home family, we are asked for help, and we can take the opportunity to dig out more clues."

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