"Okay, I'll let Walter know right away. It's just right for us to split up into two groups."

Ji Zi agreed with Luo Ming's judgment and immediately notified Walter with her mobile phone.

In this way, the already neutral train can establish a more friendly relationship with the family, and through the family's resources, it will be more convenient to complete the next task.

Finalize the plan.

Luo Ming no longer hesitated, holding the hilt of the knife with one hand, his figure suddenly rose into the air, and rushed straight towards the big smiling face in the air.

The Black Swan used the power of the Rememberer, taking Huang Quan and Ji Zi, and followed into the transmission channel.

After a brief darkness, a strong light pierced into the eyes, and bursts of noisy sounds came to the ears.

"This is......Golden moment?"

Luo Ming saw the familiar surroundings and was unable to react for a moment.

"Golden Moment......You and Xing came here to play before, right? What was the intention of that masked fool who took Xing back here?"

Ji Zi frowned and thought, feeling a headache.

These masked fools acted illogically and without regard for any consequences. The bigger the mess they made, the more excited they were. It was simply a torture to deal with them.

At this time, the black swan sensed it, took a step, walked towards a small alley next to it, and finally stopped in front of a trash can.

Luo Ming had a strange look on his face:"No way......"

Jizi took two steps forward, opened the lid of the trash can, and looked inside. She felt relieved, but also a little amused.

She saw Xing curled up in the trash can, drooling, and soundly sleeping.

"Hua Huo Dou went through so much trouble just to stuff Xing into a trash can to sleep?"

Luo Ming walked to Ji Zi's side and looked at Xing who was sleeping soundly. He really couldn't understand the train of thought of that happy girl.

"No, it's for me to meet you all."

A man dressed in fancy clothes, like a golden peacock with its tail spread, walked out from the depths of the alley.

He spread his hands, and his temperament seemed extremely frank and sincere.

However, Luo Ming seemed to have not seen him.

Together with Ji Zi, he took the sleeping Xing out of the trash can.

"Sister, check what's going on with Xing. You can't sleep in a dream. Maybe Hanabi did something to him."

"" Okay."

Black Swan stretched out his warm palm and gently placed it on Xing's forehead. A wave of power that was there and not there slowly spread out.

Seeing that no one paid attention to him,

Shajin's expression was not unnatural at all. He smiled and said,"She is fine. She may even get some benefits mentally. I spent a lot of money to get Hua Huo to help."

Luo Ming saw that Xing's eyelashes trembled, as if she would open her eyes at any time, so he handed her to Ji Zi.

He stood up with a cold look on his face:"How dare you attack the people on the train, Shajin, do you think that with the protection of the cornerstone, you can guarantee your absolute safety?"

"I am willing to make any compensation to the train for this matter."

Shajin said modestly,"Besides, Miss Huahuo didn't really do anything irreparable to Miss Xing."

"Everyone on the train, I want to have a frank talk with you."

"You should understand that there are undercurrents surrounding the so-called inheritance at Pinocchio, and people are all harboring ulterior motives."

"But the company, or I, have no interest in the inheritance dispute. I came to Pinocchio just for work. I want to recover some lost heritage for the company, that is, the ownership of the Border Prison."

"Thanks to the cancer of the universe, this thing has long become a bad debt. The company wanted to sit down and talk several times, but the family didn't even open the door."

"That group of people is very difficult to deal with. They were able to conceal the shadow of Pinocchio's death. It is hard to imagine what more dangerous things they will do next."

"So friends on the train, I need your help."

Luo Ming said lightly:"Are you done?"

No matter how many difficulties Sha Jin had, he was calculating the train and forcing the train to take action.

Sha Jin looked at him and sighed helplessly:"Sir, we don't seem to have any grudges, why do you keep us so far away?"

Luo Ming looked at Xing, who had just woken up and was still a little dizzy, and said calmly:"I don't like people in the company. You were born on a slave planet, but now you have become one of the ten executives of the company in Shixin. Along the way, your hands must be stained with a lot of blood, right?"

From the beginning of its establishment to now, the company has covered the entire universe with its economic hegemony system. It is a dark and bloody feast.

No matter what it looks at, it only has cold values in its eyes.

Even Topa, who has a relatively positive image, said bluntly when he was collecting debts from the planet Yalilo that the"future" of this planet and everyone on it would be bought out by the company. What is bought out is not only freedom, but also the life and death of everyone. Everything depends on the interests of the company.

Such a cosmic hegemony organization with blood flowing from its pores, anyone with a sound mind would never have a good impression of it.

"I didn't expect Mr. Luo Ming to have such a deep prejudice against the company."Sha Jin sighed softly, trying to make a final struggle:"I believe that we will meet again soon. I hope that by then, everyone in the train will have a slightly different view of the company."

Luo Ming retracted his gaze and did not look at Sha Jin who turned and left.

The train is a neutral faction, and is entrusted by the family to find out the truth about the death in the dream. The next time Sha Jin mentioned meeting, he might have to use the train to"kill" him, so that the company can have a reason to directly intervene in Pinoconi.

Thinking of this, the train seems to have become a great good man in the universe, and anyone can easily calculate it.

"who I am......Where is this......?"

A groan sounded.

Luo Ming looked back and saw Xing just woke up, rubbing his temple,���She looked around in confusion.

Seeing Luo Ming looking at her

, Black Swan smiled and explained,"Her consciousness was imprisoned by Huo Huo. She just woke up and her memory has not fully recovered. She will be fine in a while.""

"So that's how it is."

Luo Ming nodded, and Ji Zi beside him also felt relieved.

"Who are you?"

Xing noticed Luo Ming, his handsome and elegant appearance almost blinded her eyes, and she couldn't help swallowing.

"I am your father."

Luo Ming reached out and gently touched Xing's head.

""Ah?! Cough, cough, cough!"

Xing was choked by his saliva and started coughing violently.

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