After walking through the corridor, they came to the room with a fireplace.

A conversation started in the room, and one of them called the other person Mikhail.


March 7th got the point:"That's the name. Now we all know he is a watchmaker!"

"Sanyue is really smart."

Luo Ming laughed and praised.

Sanyueqi's face fell instantly. She always felt that Luo Ming was scolding her.

Ji Zi ignored the fight between the two and said to Misha:"So, who is Mikhail talking to? Little Misha, do you know anything?"

Misha shook his head:"Sorry, I don't know much about the watchmaker, but Mikhail......Mikhail is my grandfather's name."

"Grandpa? What do you mean, are you the descendant of the watchmaker?"March Seven was shocked by the truth.

Ji Zi was a little confused:"But the story we learned before did not mention that the watchmaker had descendants, and this name is not uncommon, it may just be a coincidence."

After that, she smiled and said to Misha softly:"Little Misha, can you tell us in detail about Grandpa Mikhail?"

"Yes, of course!"

"Mikhail is a sailor. No matter how mysterious the sea is or how dangerous the storm is, it can't stop him. He is always out and about, and he has many friends traveling with him."

"Mikhail doesn't like people calling him grandpa, he says it sounds old, Mikhail himself is still young, it's the name his parents left him - Mihaly and Iris, two great sea travelers"

"Every time he came back, he would show me the logbook and talk about what happened at sea. My dream is to become an adventurer like Mikhail."

After hearing this, March 7 was no longer confident in his previous judgment,"It sounds like it has nothing to do with the watchmaker. Is it really just the same name?"

"So where is your grandfather now?"

Misha said in a low tone:"He has embarked on a new journey, and we haven't seen each other for a long time."

Seeing that there were no clues here, everyone went to another room. As soon as Misha stepped in here, he immediately closed his eyes slightly and pretended to listen:"There is a dim sound in the room.......Origami Bird? It’s the name of a good friend."

Sanyueqi was a little surprised:"Are you and Origami Bird also friends?"

"Yes!" Misha nodded heavily,"It, like Clock Boy and Miss Mirror, is a member of the Compass. There is more than one Origami Bird! They are a big family with many brothers and sisters who look exactly the same."

"They obey the arrangements of Miss Mirror and are responsible for various tasks on the ship. They are the best sailors."

"Sailor?" Sanyueqi asked puzzledly:"Does Origami Bird have such a setting?......"

Jizi looked at Misha seriously:"Little Misha, can you tell us the story of the Compass again?"

Misha nodded:"The Compass is a ship bound for the New World! It leads Clock Boy and his friends through layers of fog and sails to the depths of the sea. Every time they encounter danger, Clock Boy will operate the compass to lead everyone in the right direction."

Jizi smiled,"What a good story, but in Pinocchio's animation, Clock Boy and his friends have always lived in Dream Town, and it seems that they have never left?"

"Eh, it seems to be true."Misha was also a little confused.

"Strange, but I remember it clearly......The Clock Boy finally arrived in the New World......"

Jizi looked at him and said,"Perhaps Clock Boy has a past that we don't know about."

At this time,

Misha turned his head and looked in one direction,"I seem to hear the sound of water......."

"I remember there is a very spectacular fountain there, let's go and have a look."

Several people quickly left the room, walked through corridors, and came to the very spectacular fountain on the second floor of the lobby.

Misha stared at it for a while, and after a moment, he seemed to murmur:"The water in the pool is like a gem, inlaid in the dreams of all those who set sail."

"Every day I wander, gazing at the light under the waves, I seem to be back here, back to you......."

Jizi asked,"Misha, did you remember anything again?"

"This is what Mikhail wrote in his logbook. Grandpa said that although there are many dangers in going out to sea, every time he stood on the deck in the afternoon and looked at the sparkling waves on the sea, he would always think of the fountain at the door of his home."

"He often said that at that moment he felt like he was back home with his family, and no matter how hard life was at sea, it didn't seem that hard anymore."

At this time,

Sanyueqi sighed sadly and put his hand on his chest,"Alas, I can understand this feeling......."

Xing looked at her and reminded her,"Don't sigh, you'll have gray hair......."

Sanyueqi said in panic:"Where, where!"

Then he reacted and glared at her:"Stop it! I just wrote it down!"

Jizi said gently:"Perhaps every adventurer who is far away from home has such a fountain in his heart. Even if the other side of the sea is full of unknowns, the fountain at the door of his home is his grandfather's compass, which can always lead him back to his loved ones."

"Yes." Misha suddenly became happy,"When Mikhail is at home, we will stand by the fountain, and under the pool is the Compass - a toy boat I made myself!"

"At that time, I would ask him when I could embark on an adventure like him, and Mikhail would always smile and say that the child was too young."

March Seven was a little disappointed:"It seems that this Mikhail is really a navigator, and has nothing to do with the watchmaker we know."

Then she looked at Luo Ming and asked puzzledly:"What's wrong with you? You have become so silent and don't say a word."

Luo Ming spread his hands helplessly,"I can't see Misha, nor can I hear him speak, and you won't relay it to me, what can I say?"

Xing immediately said:"Give me 10,000 credit points, and I will be your lifelong translator!"

Luo Ming looked at her,"Didn't I give you 100 million credit points before?"

"have......Is there?" Xing scratched his head and pretended to be dumbfounded.

Ji Zi shook her head and concluded:"From the information currently known, the scenes in this dream bubble are all Misha's childhood memories."

"But this adds more mysteries. According to Misha, he is a child born on an ocean planet and lives an ordinary life. He has nothing to do with Pinocchio......."

Luo Ming reminded him,"Don't forget, Misha was a child at that time, or a child. His grandfather Mikhail might have used fairy tale-like words as metaphors to tell him."

"Is it possible that the so-called sea is the sea of memories?"

"That's right!" Xing's eyes suddenly lit up,"When I saw that memory hole at Liumeng Reef before, it gave me the feeling of a huge mouth in the abyss."

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