Misha shook her head, apologetically:"I'm sorry, I don't know, but the memories are pouring out like water from a fountain......."

"Maybe......Maybe if I go further, I can remember more......."

After saying that, he walked down the stairs, as if he was going to the opposite road.

Walking beside the flowerbed full of flowers, Luo Ming and the others could clearly see that there were many words floating in the air that were the same as in the previous room.

With a strong sense of reluctance, he was like a child who was about to be abandoned here, wanting an adult to take him out.

Turning left and right, the road ahead was obviously different.

Misha's pace became faster, as if he remembered something and looked a little anxious.

Pushing open a door.

Ahead was the intricate corridor of the building.

Misha led the way and said to the others,"Ahead is......Mikhail's study, the last time I saw grandpa was there."

Ji Zi relayed Misha's words to Luo Ming.

Both of them saw the meaning expressed in each other's eyes. Whether Misha and the watchmaker had any relationship, perhaps the answer could be revealed in that study.


After pushing open a wooden door, the scene of the study appeared in everyone's sight.

It was a large area, and the walls were surrounded by tall bookcases filled with various books, which looked quite old.

Soothing jazz music floated in the air, which sounded very relaxing and comfortable.

At the innermost of the study was a large wooden desk.

The"abandoned" child seemed to come here often, and around the desk, various words he left were floating.

March 7 quickly checked the study and couldn't help saying:"The atmosphere of this room is different from the previous ones."

At this time.

A joyful voice came:"Misha, you are finally here!"

Everyone looked in the direction of the voice, and the watch boy had appeared in front of the desk without knowing when.

"Clock boy, so you are here, yes, it seems that we first met in this room."

Ji Zi looked at the bookcases around:"Are these books on the wall the logs left by the navigator Mikhail?"

Misha nodded and said:"Every time Mikhail came back from the sea, he would put a logbook on the bookshelf in the room. This is a record of his exploration of every inch of the world."

"He said that our world is like that fountain. Since some time ago, the sea water has been flooding the places where people live little by little."

"In order to provide a place for everyone to settle down, Mikhail had to keep going out to sea to explore and find the source of the seawater."

Misha's tone became depressed as he said,"That day, he called me to the study and said that he was going out to sea as usual. Grandpa's expression was very serious. I saw the same expression on my father's face before his last voyage."

"I begged him to take me with him, but he said my adventure wasn't here, and asked me to stay home and wait patiently for the sound outside the door."

""What's that sound?" March 7 asked.

Misha raised his head and looked at the others:"Mikhail said that there is a more vast ocean in the sky, an ocean of stars. There is a train carrying children who want to go far away, crossing the sea of stars without stopping."

"He knew the person in the car, and he would ask him to take me with him, the trip I had always dreamed of.......It will start from here"

"Train?" Sanyueqi couldn't help scratching his head:"Could it be......"

"It's the Star Train." Misha replied,"I remember now. Mikhail's friends are a group of unknown guests who came to our world to solve a disaster caused by a star."

"Then Mikhail gave me his pocket watch, which was his treasure and appeared in every story of sailing. He said that the days ahead would be difficult, but the hands of the pocket watch would point me in the right direction."

"As long as I keep taking that step forward, I will definitely reach where I want to go, and then, I seem to hear......"

Misha lowered his head, and his voice gradually softened, no longer as childish as before,"I heard the train whistle, it sounded from the other side of the room......."

Clock Kid jumped up,"Yes, Misha! Then we followed the direction of the sound, right?"

"Yes."Misha nodded gently,"I should be able to find the way back then."

After saying that, Misha and the Clock Boy disappeared together.

Not far away, a piece of the dream puzzle appeared.

"It seems that the truth is about to be revealed."

Ji Zi told Luo Ming exactly what Misha said just now.

Then she looked at the dream platter and said,"The truth is just opposite the exit."

"I'll do it."

Xing Yue said eagerly. She had encountered this kind of dream-building platter more than once when she was traveling.

"No need to bother."

Luo Ming walked forward and closed his eyes to sense it, then raised his hand and waved it. A passage related to memory immediately appeared in the corner of the desk in front of him.

""Let's go."

Led by Luo Ming, the group entered the deep dream space one by one.

With a dizzy feeling,

Ji Zi and the others quickly landed on the ground. This was also a room, a little smaller than the previous study. There were many clocks and watches on the walls, in the corners, and in various furniture.

Misha and the clock boy were already waiting here.

Misha whispered,"It's here, here......This is my clock room."

"While waiting for Mikhail to return from his voyage, Uncle Wald gave me this studio, toy room, my secret base."

Jizi noticed that Misha's tone became more obvious. He was no longer as innocent as before, but had a bit more of the steadiness and confidence of an adult."

"I am here to learn how to repair springs and gears. I like precision machinery. I am the captain of the Compass. Together with my partners, Clock Boy and Miss Mirror, I am looking for new lands in my dreams."

Misha looked at the familiar environment and said,"I......I was born and raised here."

Ji Zi summarized all the known information, and the answer was already clear,"So, this building in the dream bubble is your childhood home.’"

Misha nodded, then shook her head,"Yes and no, maybe it's more appropriate to say......This dream bubble is my home."

Looking at Misha's eyes, Ji Zi said:"It seems that you have remembered everything."

Xing also nodded slowly.

"Wait, wait, wait!"

Sanyueqi felt that her brain was not enough,"How come everyone except me has the same mind?"

She looked at Luo Ming hopefully,"You must not know yet, right?"

Luo Ming ruthlessly destroyed her hope and said in a deep voice,"No, I already know it too!"

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