"How is it possible? You can't even hear Misha's voice!"

Sanyueqi protested loudly, thinking Luo Ming was lying.

At this time, Xing kindly comforted him:"Yes, you are the only one who is kept in the dark!" The originally heavy atmosphere became much more cheerful.

Jizi smiled, and then said to everyone:"Do you remember that Xing said before that there is a clock boy who only she can see?"

"Remember, isn't it the one next to you? But at Liumeng Reef, didn't we all see him, ahem, except for someone, Uncle Yang also said hello to it."The

Clock Boy put his hands on his waist and said happily:"It seems that everyone on the Starry Sky Train is very childish!"

Ji Zi nodded:"The answer is the Starry Sky Train. Xing's experience proves that at least Luo Ming, Miss Liuying, and Miss Huangquan cannot see this Clock Boy."

Luo Ming tried to struggle:"In fact, I can really see the Clock Boy!"

Ji Zi smiled and continued:"And at Liumeng Reef, I wonder if you have noticed that there are other people outside the train group.......I have never had any conversation with it."

Xing reconsidered:"I also noticed"

"It seems that only certain people can see memetic life.......It's like a secret letter someone left for the nameless guest."

Sanyueqi looked at Misha and asked,"But then, can't Misha also see the Clock Boy? They are even good friends who grew up together, but Misha has not yet embarked on the road of pioneering......."

Ji Zi said seriously:"This is the key to the answer. Now, try to recall it again. Just like Clock Boy, have you ever seen people outside the train interact with Misha?"

"ah......No way......"

Sanyueqi thought of a shocking answer and almost subconsciously looked at Luo Ming.

Luo Ming nodded and said,"I haven't embarked on the path of pioneering yet. Strictly speaking, I am a person 'outside the train'. Just like I can't see the clock boy, I can't see Misha either."

Misha tilted his head and smiled reluctantly,"That's the answer. This dream bubble is the cradle of my birth. I......A dream person who is no different from the memory domain meme"

"I should have stayed in the dream bubble waiting for everyone to visit, but reality and memory overlapped, so I unconsciously pushed the door open and left here with the watch boy."

March Seven looked at Misha who was in a low mood and whispered:"So, the dream bubble left by the watchmaker is empty, not because there is no content, but because......Which content left without permission?"

"The whistle you heard was the sound of the train arriving at Pinocchio?"

Luo Ming denied:"It was earlier than that. The train arrived at Pinocchio a few standard days later, which was not enough for Misha to get familiar with the hotel environment. He also became a doorman on his own."

"I think what Misha heard was actually the first whistle sounded by Sister Jizi after she repaired the train."

"Is that so?"Sanyueqi imagined in his mind that Misha walked out of the dream bubble and became a doorman, wanting to help the guests who came to the dream with their luggage, but no one could see him, and he suddenly felt a little sad.

Jizi agreed,"This is indeed an interpretation, but there should be a longer story behind it. I think it's better for him to explain all the ins and outs and the confusing parts."

As she said, she looked at Misha,"Why not start with your name? Now, how should we call you, Misha, or........."

Misha raised his head and said,"Thank you for helping me find this long journey. Let me introduce myself again."

His tone became very calm, like an old man who has experienced many storms:

"I was born on the planet Rusalka in the Przemyr system. I am the adopted son of Mr. Mikhail, a navigator, and Mrs. Charles. The two old people gave me a treasure, a name that carries their hope and message.——"

"Raghu voq shah mikhail, or more succinctly......Misha"

"If you wish, you can call me by the name that people are more familiar with, the watchmaker, that's fine too."

March 7 finally understood,"So, you are the watchmaker himself?"

"It's a pity that the dream tycoon that everyone admires is no longer here."Misha closed his eyes with some sadness," I am just a microcosm of his life."

"The child who has been with you all till now is the ignorant protagonist in his childhood dream - the best friend of the clock boy, a young apprentice, a future train mechanic......."

"At the same time, it was also the starting point of his lifelong exploration."

Misha took a step forward, his voice became old:"At the end of my life journey, I left this precious flame in my deepest dream, hoping to pass it on to the unknown guests of the future generations."

The voice of Misha River watchmaker sounded at the same time:"But I don't know how, he ran out of the dream bubble without permission, and forgot all his mission. I'm sorry, I really made a fool of myself for everyone."

Ji Zi smiled and said:"Because he was born to explore, wasn't he?"

"I think Misha has not forgotten her mission as a guide, so she mistook herself for a hotel doorman and appeared at the first moment when everyone fell asleep."

When Xing and Walter and others first entered their dreams and passed through the corridor of thoughts, it was Misha who guided them.

"Haha, I have a bad friend who always says that I have been going around in circles all my life and ended up back at the starting point.......Perhaps this is the stage that every nameless guest has to go through.

The voices of the watchmaker and Misha overlapped, and it sounded like an indescribable sense of loss and joy.

"But in the end you still found me. Let's get back to the point. You all must be very interested in what the watchmaker's legacy is. My hound should have mentioned the star core and the tycoon's wealth......."

"I'm sorry, the star core is real, but Mikhail's wealth is just a rumor."

"I said goodbye to my hometown when I was a child and embarked on a pioneering journey, passing through one station after another, and finally stopped in Asdena. My friends and I built the original Pinocchio and have been fighting for its future ever since......."

"I have been moving forward all my life, trying my best to break through the obstacles that blocked my way, but in the end, my road has come to an end, my body is like a broken car head, and there is nothing worth entrusting behind me......."

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