
“Thank you, Master of Blood Song!”

Shen Xiaolong’s tears flowed uncontrollably.

Finally, he finally got this day!

His tears of joy were not because Master Bloodsong agreed to teach him the genetic martial skill, but because after such a long basic skill training, Master Bloodsong finally recognized his efforts!

“Xiaolong! Very good! Your Blood Song Master is about to teach you the genetic martial skill! Why don’t you hurry up and worship your teacher!” Chen Ying reminded eagerly.

Shen Xiaolong just woke up like a dream, and quickly fell to the ground respectfully, “Master Blood Song is above, please accept Xiaolong’s disciple three times!”

Chen As soon as Xing raised his hand, he helped Shen Xiaolong up.

“Xiaolong, I know you really want to take me as your teacher, but I’m afraid I can’t officially accept you as your apprentice yet.” Chen Xing said solemnly.

Shen Xiaolong said sadly: “Why? Is it because Master Blood Song that you dislike Xiaolong’s aptitude is too bad?”

Chen Xing faintly smiled, “To be honest, your aptitude is too bad? It’s not bad, it can only be regarded as a normal level. Of course, if you take me as a standard, your aptitude is really not very good. But as a Master, choosing a discipline is not just about innate talent and aptitude. Innate talent under the sun It’s good, there are many children with high aptitude, but I still look down on none of them. Therefore, I don’t accept you as a student now, not because of your aptitude and innate talent, but from my own side. The reason. I will not use a fake identity to fool my discipline, nor will I let my discipline worship a code-named Master. Remember, Xiaolong, one day, you will become my discipline in an upright manner, and you will serve you I am proud of the name of Master. And this day will not be too long.”

Shen Xiaolong immediately wiped away the tears in his eyes and said heavily, “I understand the Master of Bloodsong! If the Master of Bloodsong does not If you like Xiaolong, you will naturally not take care of me like the medical senior sister, so worry about me! Although the blood song master and the medical senior sister are only code names, no matter what the identities of the blood song master and the medical senior sister are, You are all my benefactors to Shen Xiaolong! You are my reborn parents! Please accept me three times!”

Speaking, Shen Xiaolong knelt on the ground again, and knocked three times. Headshot.

Chen Xing was too late to stop it, and there was no way to stop it.

The reason why Shen Xiaolong kowtowed for the first time was because he wanted to worship him as a teacher. When he didn’t reveal his true identity, he naturally couldn’t use the code name of Blood Song to accept apprentices. Responsibility is also disrespect for oneself.

And Shen Xiaolong kowtowed to him and Chen Ying for the second time, in gratitude for their life-saving grace, cultivation grace, and even conservation grace.

Shen Xiaolong tried to be his own rebirth parents with Chen Ying.

Such thoughts and ideas can never be said to be wrong, because in fact, Chen Xing and Chen Ying’s care for Shen Xiaolong is, in the eyes of anyone else, parent-like kindness.

Shen Xiaolong was naturally also deeply touched.

——The doctor and the blood song, one is the kind mother, the other is the majestic father.

However, he didn’t know that the doctor and the blood song were clearly a pair of siblings. Of course, they were siblings with no blood relationship.

Taking parents as a metaphor for two people, this kind of statement made Chen Ying blushed, and even the always calm Chen Xing was made a little not knowing what to do.

“cough cough, Xiaolong, don’t talk nonsense!” Chen Xing coughed a few times.

“Master of Blood Song! Xiaolong is not talking nonsense! In Xiaolong’s heart, you and Sister Doctor Senior are really my reborn parents! Without you, there would be no me!”


“cough cough, Xiaolong, I’m treating Senior Sister with you, in fact… it’s not what you think…”

“I don’t care! Anyway, no matter what your code name is, In my eyes, you are equivalent to my parents! Master Blood Song, you are my father, Sister Doctor Senior, you are my mother!”

“cough cough! Xiaolong, I I understand what you mean, you don’t need to be so detailed!” Chen Xing scratched his head helplessly, and in a blink of an eye, he saw that the five peak wolf mercenaries were still standing there dumbfounded, acting like watching a play.

Chen Xing then shouted angrily: “What are you looking at? I’ll spare you this time, but don’t think this is the end of your business! This time tomorrow, you can continue to come!”

Those five peak wolf mercenaries waved their hands again and again, “Don’t dare! Don’t dare! Bloodsong Great Demon King – no no no, it’s Lord Bloodsong! We really don’t dare to run anymore! We When we go back, we must stay obediently and honestly, whoever dares to run around, even if they have the intention of running away, we will be the first to refuse!”

Chen Xing coldly said: “Of course I know you don’t dare. Run, but the showdown between Shen Xiaolong and you is not over yet. So, starting from tomorrow, you will send me a War King-level mercenary every day to spar with! If you dare to disobey—”

Cold light in Chen Xing’s eyes!

“Yes yes yes!”

The five peak wolf mercenaries shivered with fright. How dare they bargain with the Great Demon King?

Even more how, the Great Demon King didn’t ask them to train with them by name, as long as they donated a War King-level mercenary to train with them every day.

Chen Xing coldly said: “You guys don’t try to fool me, you all know my means and strength, if you dare to fool me, I will directly destroy your peak wolf town. Stay!”

“Don’t dare! We will do our best to meet all the requirements of Lord Bloodsong!” The five mercenaries who escaped from the dead said excitedly.

This feeling is very much like a dragon blackmailing an innocent small village and asking them to contribute beautiful girls.

The evil dragon is naturally the Great Demon King of Bloodsong, and these peak wolf mercenaries are the innocent little villagers in the story – so pitiful, so sad.

However, for Chen Ying and Shen Xiaolong, it is: so handsome! So cool!

Chen Xing then waved at the five mercenaries, “Get out of here!”

“Many thanks, Lord Bloodsong! Many thanks, Lord Bloodsong!”

Those five peak wolf mercenaries, you supported me, I supported you, and trembled back.

In a short while, he disappeared into Fenglang Town.

Those who had been waiting for the first team of Peak Wolf mercenaries to charge ahead had already dispersed by now.

From the moment they saw Chen Xing appear, they knew that they could not escape.

And after the five mercenaries returned to Peak Wolf Town tremblingly, they came out one after another cautiously.

“You guys are so awesome, you actually returned safely from the Great Demon King of Blood Song!” Someone said complimentingly.

The five mercenaries who survived the disaster gritted their teeth bitterly, “You stand alone and talk without your back pain! Listen, starting from tomorrow, we will choose an unlucky one every day. , to accompany the Disciple of the Great Demon King of Blood Song!”

“To accompany, to accompany the Disciple of the Great Demon King? For what?”

“For what? Get beaten up!”

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