
The news of the annihilation of the Langgu reinforcements soon reached the headquarters of the Langgu mercenary group.

“What? All dead?!”

Commander Lang Gu stared in horror as he slumped down on the commanding chair.

“This, how is this possible? That’s 3,000 elites! How could they all be dead? Did not even a single person escape? What weapons of mass destruction did the other party use? Is it a [white phosphorus radioactive bomb]?”

The intelligence mercenary called the head, “Master regiment, it is not a white phosphorus radioactive bomb. We have three thousand mercenaries!”

Captain Lang Gu couldn’t help holding breath cold air, “One person? One sword? That blood song, is that really so powerful? No! I don’t believe it! This must be because of your cowardice, so you deliberately exaggerate his power! No way! I will personally lead the troops to avenge those dead brothers! Pass my order and immediately assemble all the wolf-gu mercenaries and bring them with them. Heavy equipment! Ready to go!”

“Yes!” The intelligence mercenary saluted and hurried out.

The head of Lang Gu may not really want revenge, but if he, as the head of the A-Rank mercenary group, has killed 3,000 of his subordinates and still doesn’t counterattack, then he doesn’t need to Mixed in the mercenary circle.

even more how, although the 3,000 mercenaries taken away by the giant artillery died, their equipment was still scattered on the battlefield.

That’s all money.

That night, the Wolf Gu mercenary group was assembled, and grandiose headed towards the peak wolf town.

On Chen Xing’s side, he continued to supervise Shen Xiaolong’s practice.

In addition to the daily basic skills practice, Chen Xing also began to properly teach Shen Xiaolong some practical martial skill moves.

After master and disciple practiced for more than four hours, the sky was already bright.

“Today’s practice, just stop here.”

Chen Xing closed his fist, lightly saying.

“Master Bloodsong, it’s still early, I still want to practice for a while, those martial skills you taught me just now are all unimaginable subtle moves, I’m afraid I’ll take a break and put the details Forget it!” Shen Xiaolong scratched his head sadly.

Indeed, Chen Xing’s martial skill moves are not just ordinary martial skill moves in the interstellar world, but a combination of the fighting skills he learned and used when he was the king of soldiers in the Earth world.

This includes Tai Chi movement method, Shaolin grapple, boxing, Muay Thai, Israeli martial arts and more.

It’s the best of the best!

A general Martial Artist, let alone understanding the essence of this martial skill, has never seen it before.

Therefore, when Shen Xiaolong studied Chen Xing’s martial skill very seriously, he felt that he had no idea what to say in the face of the vast ocean.

Chen Xing smiled faintly, “Xiaolong, let me ask you, what do you think is the most important genetic skill?”

Shen Xiaolong blurted out without hesitation, “Nature is exquisite, Surprise! To maximize the effect of genetic power!”

Chen Xing asked again with a smile: “How to be exquisite and unexpected?”

Shen Xiaolong blinked, ” This…I think, it should be to study hard and try to remember the martial skill that Master Bloodsong taught me?”

Chen Xing smiled and said to the head, “No.”

“Isn’t it?”

“You should forget all the martial skills I taught you.”

“Forget all?” Shen Xiaolong blinked in surprise, ” However, such an exquisite move has been rarely seen in Sansheng, and it is too late for me to learn, how can I forget it!”

Chen Xing said solemnly: “martial skill is for strength and speed. .Either it is to make up for speed, or it is to strengthen strength. If it does not serve both, then the martial skill is just on the shelf. However, everyone’s strength and speed are different, so everyone’s martial skill, also They should be different. My martial skill only applies to me, but it may not apply to you. You can imitate me in the process of learning, and you can draw scoops according to the bottle gourd, but in actual combat, you can imitate I, you are a complete idiot. In this world, there is no master of martial arts who succeeds by imitating others. Any Grandmaster who can establish the sect can be a Full Mastery. So, you are learning martial from me When you are using a skill, you must imitate and appreciate it carefully, but after you have learned it, you must forget it. Because, the better you remember, the less you will be able to get out of my framework. After all, you are not me, this world, and it is impossible that someone is me .”

Shen Xiaolong stood there in shock.

This theory is something he has never heard of before, and it is also very difficult to understand.

He thought that as a discipline, he had to learn every part of the Master.

However, the Bloodsong Master is completely different. The Bloodsong Master taught him the martial skill, but made him forget it.

Thinking about it carefully, what the Bloodsong Master said is also very reasonable. If you don’t forget the Martial Skill of the Bloodsong Master, how can you create a genetic martial skill that suits you?

“Master Blood Song, I, I don’t know how to create my own martial skill, I, what will I not…” Shen Xiaolong said in distress.

Chen Xing smiled faintly, “No one is born with it, you have imitated the martial skill I taught you today, and you have imitated it very well. But you don’t have to put your mind on it, wait for you to have a pair. During a battle, some moves will pop out of your mind.”

Shen Xiaolong was nodded, “Okay, then I won’t practice, I’ll go to rest for a while. Master, you Take a rest, too.”

Chen Xing faintly smiled, just as he was about to speak, he suddenly sensed a change in the pressure of an army in the distance.

“Xiaolong, you stay here to protect Sister Senior, I’ll move my muscles and bones.” With that, the four wings of light behind Chen Xing’s arrogant dragon mecha unfolded and flew away in the blink of an eye. to the distance.

“Yes! Master of Blood Song!”

Shen Xiaolong watched his Master leave, his eyes full of admiration.

“Target found! Target found!”

On the other side, the radar equipment of the Wolf Gu mercenary group found the trace of Chen Xing, and the intelligence mercenary immediately roared and reported it.

Captain Wolf Gu glanced at the holographic radar screen and immediately held breath cold air.

He has never seen anyone fly so fast, even an aerospace fighter with ten times the speed of sound, merely this!

“This kid, Blood Song, seems to have done so much! But unfortunately, no matter how powerful you are, you are still an opponent of my more than 20,000 A-Rank elite mercenaries!”


The head of Lang Gu’s face twitched slightly, and he shouted viciously: “Everyone has it! Lock that desperate boy for me! Full firepower!”

“Yes! “

“Aim radar!”

“Tracking missiles in place!”

“Proton guns warmed up!”

“Shoot! Launch! Launch!”

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