
shua~ shua~ shua~ !

Boom bang bang!

Countless beams and cannonballs slammed into Chen Xing, and the huge explosion shook the entire area!

Not only the nearby Fenglang Town, but even the Donglang area in the distance also sensed a huge explosion and vibration.

“Hehe, it seems that the Wolf Gu mercenary group is really moving this time.”

Boss Mi Gu, who linked the mercenary group, looked at the holographic combat screen full of gunpowder smoke and was satisfied the nodded.

Wolf Gu mercenary group is a powerful mercenary group with the best battle strength in the entire linkage mercenary group.

Although each mercenary group in the linked mercenary group is an A-Rank mercenary group, there is also a difference in battle strength between A-Rank and A-Rank.

When Langgu head sent 3,000 people to support Fenglang Town, Migu boss wanted to remind him that 3,000 people were not enough, but he knew that if the Langgu mercenary group did not suffer any losses, they would It won’t be real.

Now, the Wolf Gu mercenary group is attacking with all its strength, and such a powerful firepower is concentrated on one person, even if this person is a Martial Artist of Battle Ancestor level, it is absolutely unbearable.

The boss of Migu said laughed: “Excellent, at this time, the crisis in Fenglang Town has been lifted, order other mercenary groups to mobilize for war and prepare to go to White Wolf!”


“Yes!” The Migu mercenary in charge of the order immediately saluted, turned around and walked out.

On the main battlefield outside Fenglang Town, the first round artillery fire has stopped.

The first round of artillery fire lasted a full ten minutes.

The Wolf Gu mercenary smashed out almost all the family properties without reservation.

Every time a rocket was fired, Captain Wolf Gu’s heart twitched, and he muttered silently; one million was gone, another one million was gone, um, this one costs five hundred 10,000, that’s 10 million…

He made a rough calculation, and in the ten-minute firepower attack of the first round, his Wolf Gu mercenary group spent at least 300 million star coins!

This is definitely a huge consumption for an A-Rank mercenary group.

Of course, as long as the blood song can be killed, as long as the revenge can be avenged, as long as the crisis in Fenglang Town can be solved, then the 300 million star coins are still worth it.

After all, after the victory, Fenglang Town was left to be slaughtered by Captain Wolf Gu.

Even the mercenary group of the same camp must show enough sincerity and benefit to thank them for taking care of the mercenary group.

The military spending of these 300 million star coins is naturally to be passed on to the Fenglang mercenary group.

Lang Gu frowned, and when he was secretly calculating the profit and loss, the light spot signal on the holographic radar moved slightly.

“Report, Captain! Radar detected a suspected target!”


Captain Wolf Gu stared wide-eyed in horror, “What target? That guy in Blood Song should have been blasted to pieces by our firepower!”

“But… there is a spot of light on the radar…”

“Really! I don’t believe it! Send Lao Tzu’s space fighter battalion! One thousand space bombers, carrying bird-of-paradise air-to-ground bombs, continue to bang for me! I don’t care what that blip is! Even if it is Only insect, I have to blow up Laozi!”


The flying battalion of this aerospace fighter is the pride of the wolf-gu mercenary group.

They are all composed of the most elite War King-level Martial Artists, and the pilots of each space fighter battallion are all equipped with high-level Dragon King mecha, and equipped with the most powerful firepower mounted drones .

After the Dragon King fighter and the UAV fit together, a more active aerial ultimate weapon is formed.

Moreover, the aerospace fighters of other mercenary groups are at most just a platoon, while the aerospace fighters of the Wolf Gu mercenary group are flying battalions of 2,000 people.

The sky fighters were densely packed, and even the gunpowder smoke on the battlefield was blown away by the air waves disturbed by the fighters.

A silhouette stood up slowly in the ruins of the battlefield.

The ghost, the arrogant dragon mecha, exudes black and strange rays of light in the unclear battlefield environment.

This is Chen Xing!

Under the onslaught of concentrated firepower of nearly 30,000 people, his Netherworld? Arrogant Dragon mecha was not damaged at all!

The firepower that was enough to smash a Battle Ancestor-level Martial Artist only delayed the time for Chen Xing to rush to the Langgu mercenary camp!

“This! How is this possible?”

Boss Migu, who was watching the battle through the military satellite, suddenly sucked in a cold breath of air: “This kid, this kid has surpassed ordinary people. Battle Ancestor? Also! His mecha! How can his mecha be so strong?”

At this time, the messenger Xizizi’s return report: “Report Migu boss, the others The mercenary group has been ordered to start preparing for war!”

Migu frowned said: “Tell them to wait!”

“Ah? Don’t fight White Wolf. Is there anything?”

“Nonsense! Just wait if you wait!”

“Yes yes yes!” The mercenary was ordered to keep quiet out of fear.

On the main battlefield, Chen Xing flexed his muscles and smiled slightly, “Oh, it’s interesting, I actually broke my genetic shield. It seems that this wolf cares about the battle strength of the mercenary group. , it’s not bad.”

Compared with the Eagle Falcon mercenary group, the battle strength of this Wolf Gu mercenary group is indeed stronger by more than one grade.

Imagine that if several other A-Rank mercenary groups of the mercenary group are linked to attack the White Wolf, the White Wolf must not be able to support it for even an hour.

And this is exactly the meaning of Chen Xing’s support by the strength of oneself.

Of course, the Wolf Gu mercenary group is more than one level stronger than the Eagle Falcon mercenary group, but compared to Chen Xing’s Star God force, it’s still too far behind.

Chen Xing looked up and saw the approaching aerospace plane battallion. As soon as his brain wave moved, the four wings of light behind mecha immediately rose into the sky.

The demigod True Dragon holy sword also appeared in his hands!

Those Buzz! Buzz! Buzz! fighter jets flying over in a group, before they could react, were rushed by a black light——

The entire 2,000 The air formation of people was rushed to pieces in an instant!

“Fuck! What the hell?!”

“For air-to-air missile attack!”

“Fuck! This bombing is fully equipped It’s a Bird of Paradise air-to-ground photon bomb, what kind of air-to-air missile!”

“Not good! The black light is here again! Help! Help! Ah-“

The whole sky turned into a fire sea in an instant.

After just a few minutes, the Wolf Gu air fighter formation, with each one, was all killed by Chen Xing!

Commander Lang Gu looked at the wreckage of the fighter plane in the sky, and burst into tears: “My ace! My elite! My family property! It’s over! It’s over! What are you still doing? Prepare me for a second round firepower attack! I must kill the blood song at any cost!”

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