
That evening.

Chen Xing slept with the two women.

Fiona is unrestrained and unrestrained, but Shen Meng is shy but wants to turn off the lights.

After turning off the lights, Chen Xing moved his hands up and down and touched his entire body.

After tossing with the two girls in the middle of the night, Chen Xing reversed the genetic power and injected them into the bodies of the two girls until they were exhausted.

Fiona rose to Level 1 again and became a Level 30 Gene War Mad. The distance to breakthrough to Gene War General is only one step away.

And because of Shen Meng’s relatively low foundation, this time he has been promoted two levels in a row, reaching the level of the second 15th level Gene War Mad.

In the same day, the genetic strength of the two girls has grown rapidly!

In contrast, even if they were beaten by Chen Xing, it was nothing, but they took advantage of Chen Xing.

even more how, they all like Chen Xing in their hearts.

And that’s the most important point.

If it weren’t for Chen Xing, if it were any other man, even if they could raise them to Level 10 all at once, they would be dismissive.

After the toss, the three of them all felt exhausted, so they embraced each other and fell asleep.

Chen Xing hugs from left to right, it can be said that he enjoys the best of luck.

second day early in the morning.

As soon as Chen Xing woke up, he regained his full genetic power.

He gently pulled his hands out of the arms of the two women, of course, he had to knead it, and then the live dragon and animated tiger jumped out of the bed and found a quiet place. place to exercise.

The strength of the fleshy body is not valued very much in the interstellar world.

After all, with the high-tech protective gear of mecha, the role of fleshy body strength is not so important.

However, for Chen Xing, the fleshy body is the foundation of everything.

Without a deified fleshy body, it would not be able to undertake the rotation of the vortex in the body, nor would it be able to undertake the growth of Star God gems!

The current Star God gem has thirty-seven halos.

Compared to when Chen Xing just got the Star God gem, it is already a great improvement.

However, this is far from over.

If you want to better play the role of Star God gems, your body must be deified as soon as possible, or even fully deified!

Therefore, no matter when, even in Warm Countryside, Chen Xing must be vigilant and never give up the training of fleshy body strength.

After Chen Xing left the room, Shen Meng and Fiona woke up leisurely.

Shen Meng actually woke up very early, but when she woke up in the morning and opened her eyes, she saw that all three were naked, so she could only continue to pretend to be asleep.

Even when Chen Xing kneaded her before leaving, she didn’t dare to resist.

Fiona laughed, “Shen Meng, so you are pretending to be asleep.”

“Ah? Fiona! So you are…”

Shen Meng blushed and said: “It’s all your fault, what happened last night was too…”

Fiona said with a smile: “You’ve been promoted two levels in a row! Once, you have been promoted to Level 4 in a row! Excuse me, if it wasn’t for Chen Xing, when would you be able to get to the second 15th level?”

Shen Meng sighed, “If there is no Chen Xing, I am afraid that After graduating from college, I won’t be able to reach the second 15th level.”

“Yeah! How much we took advantage of! You’re still not happy!”

Fiona With a bad smile, “Tell me to say, we should find a way to lock Chen Xing here and squeeze him dry.”

“Squeeze, squeeze him dry?!” Shen Meng almost bit his own Tongue.

“Yeah! I give him a lion’s heart every day, and then let him fly with us every night! In less than a week, I promise to reach the level of thirty-five Level 6, and You can also become a Gene War General!” Fiona said excitedly.

“Fiona, are you crazy?”

“I know it’s cruel to Chen Xing, but we’ll hold him accountable.”

“No! I don’t want it!” Shen Mengmeng remembered what happened last night, his whole body had a fever, and he couldn’t help covering his face and shaking his head desperately.

“hmph! You don’t want me! Chen Xing is owned by this Young Lady, and this Young Lady can upgrade faster!” Fiona said triumphantly.

Shen Meng bit her lip immediately, her heart full of sourness.

At this time, there was a knock on the door.

“Miss, it’s an old servant.”

Terion’s low voice rang from outside the door, “If you wake up, please wash up as soon as possible, master. Calling you for an important guest.”

“Learn about Tyrian Uncle.” Fiona complied.

“Important guest? Who is it?”

Fiona tilted her head and thought for a while, then shrugged indifferently, “Never mind, I’ll come back after a short walk, Shen Meng, neither you nor Chen Xing are allowed to leave! I want to drain Chen Xing!”

After finishing speaking, Fiona got up and dressed up and left the room beautifully.

Not long after, Chen Xing came back from outside full of smelly sweat.

“Huh? Are you alone?”


Shen Meng was even more shy when she was alone with Chen Xing.

Chen Xing didn’t see anything at all, and took off his clothes directly, “I’m going to take a shower first, you help me wash my clothes, and dry them by the way, I’ll wear them later. .”

Chen Xing! You take me for who!

Shen Meng wanted to scold on the spot, but when the words came to his lips, he swallowed them involuntarily, just lowered his head and blushed, like a little daughter-in-law, softly “um”.

After Chen Xing finished taking a bath, Shen Meng also helped Chen Xing dry the clothes.

Chen Xing got dressed and satisfied, “Well, the service is good!”

Shen Meng bit her lip, embarrassed and hated.


The door of the room was slammed open, and a large group of guards from the Awakening Lion Empire rushed in.

Shen Meng started and shouted sharply: “What are you doing? This is Miss Fiona’s bedroom! We are Miss Fiona’s guests, do you want to rebel?”

Tyrian walked out from behind the guards and said with a gloomy expression: “Lord Chen Xing, Shen Young Lady Meng, I’m sorry, we have to drive you out from the embassy of the Lion Empire. I miss you Fiona. Miss’s guests, we don’t want to resort to martial power, but if you don’t leave immediately, I’m afraid we can only do it.”

Shen Meng said angrily: “You, you bully intolerably! Feio! Where’s Na! Fiona!”

Terrian waved his hand, “Shen Young Lady Meng don’t need to scream, Miss Fiona can’t hear it, I advise you to leave by yourself.”

Chen Xing laughed, “It seems that the host of your ambassador wants to make me suffer.”

Terian sighed, “Chen Xing knows that if Lord Chen Xing can change his mind now, so it’s not too late.”

Chen Xing coldly said: “I didn’t plan to come to the embassy of the Lion Empire to seek asylum, it’s just your Fio family. Miss Na’s kindness is hard to resist. Since your master has placed an Expulsion Order, then I will leave! Shen Meng, are you afraid to follow me?”

Shen Meng held her head high, “Not afraid! “

“hahaha! Good!”

Chen Xing laughed a few times, and then said to Tyrian with sharp eyes: “Terion, remember, what can’t destroy me Yes, it will make me stronger! Say goodbye!”

After saying that, he took Shen Meng’s hand, walked straight through the Xingshi guard, and walked outside the Xingshi embassy!

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