
The embassy has been surrounded by water.

Chen Xing’s MK main station tank has been removed from the yard ahead of schedule by Tyrian.

In this way, Chen Xing and Shen Meng could only walk out of the Xingshi Embassy.

Facing the densely packed opponents outside the embassy, Chen Xing couldn’t help sneering in his heart.

Shen Meng’s slender hand tightened slightly, Chen Xing clearly felt that Shen Meng was very nervous.

This is not to blame for Shen Meng.

Not just anyone can remain calm in the face of a magnificent army with thousands of men and horses alone.

But as a weak girl, Shen Meng’s performance has been very good.

Chen Xing said softly to Shen Meng: “Don’t be afraid, with me here, I will never let you do any damage.”

Shen Meng felt great peace of mind.

For some reason, she now fully trusts Chen Xing.

Even though today is a deadly battle, it is not a blessing that she can die with Chen Xing.

Shen Meng gave Chen Xing a sweet smile, “Chen Xing, you poured so much into me, I will always repay you, I will fight with you until the end.”

Chen Xing laughed, “It’s just a group of mobs, you don’t need to shoot, just stand at the door and watch.”

After finishing speaking, Chen Xing let go of his hand, Standing alone outside the door of the embassy.

The Ma Family mercenaries and people from the Law Enforcement Bureau rushed over immediately, all weapons aimed at Chen Xing.

“Law Enforcement Bureau, Chen Xing is the target of our Ma Family, you stand back!”

“Ma Family mercenary, Chen Xing committed a serious crime, we are following orders!”

Both sides neither giving way to the other, each for its own sake.

The Ma Family mercenaries are naturally to avenge Ma Tianyi, while the Law Enforcement Bureau is to fulfill the orders of the Queen and Little Prince.

Chen Xing smiled coldly, “I hurt Ma Tianyi and killed Xue Bin and Sun He because they shot first and made murderous intentions! What is my fault? Your masters only But I just want to find an excuse to get rid of Lao Tzu! Since that’s the case, let’s have sex together!”

“Chen Xing, you are too arrogant!”

“Don’t be so careless! It’s amazing! Let’s go together first, and we’ll discuss who it belongs to after we take him down!”

“Okay! Go!”

“Remember! Die!”

The Ma Family mercenaries and the people from the Law Enforcement Bureau reached an agreement temporarily and rushed towards Chen Xing like a tide.

Behind Chen Xing is the embassy of the Lions Empire. Taking a step back, there are Lions guards attacking.

But in this case, Chen Xing still face doesn’t change, calm and composed!

The cosmic vortex in the body rotates at an accelerated rate, and the genetic cells instantly complete the 999.9 billion tear and rebirth!

The surging genetic power spreads through the body through the Star God gem!

Chen Xing’s arms are transparent again, showing a demigod state!

Immediately afterwards, the left hand turned into a terrifying dragon tooth dagger, and the right hand turned into a huge keel ballista!

Two transmogrified weapons, all surrounded by four elements of ice, fire, electricity and poison!

“Aren’t you going to fight?”

“Then have a good fight!”

Chen Xing didn’t wait for the wave of soldiers to rush in front of him. Take the initiative and leap into the magnificent army with thousands of men and horses!

The dragon tooth dagger in his hand dashes from the left to the right, and the ballista beams of light!

The two dragons are always by Chen Xing’s side. Anyone who dares to approach Chen Xing will be killed instantly!

Those Ma Family mercenaries are all about Level 30 war mad Martial Artists, and even some of them have reached the level of gene War Generals!

There are also Law Enforcers from the Law Enforcement Bureau, they are all War General-level Martial Artists who have retired from the Zhulu Empire army. They usually always show off one’s military strength and look at people with their nostrils. .

And now facing Chen Xing, they couldn’t even hold a round!

Whoever gets on will die!

In less than 3 minutes, blood flowing into a river was already at the gate of the embassy of the Awakening Lion Empire, and the corpses were piled up like mountains!

The Ma Family mercenaries came in two formations, a team of 4,000 people!

The Law Enforcement Bureau came to a formation, a team of 2,000 people!

That’s 6,000 people!

But she was killed by Chen Xing and cried, scared witless!

Chen Xing’s whole body was dyed like blood, but it wasn’t his blood, he didn’t even get hurt at all!

After several fights, no soldiers dared to approach him anymore.

Not to mention the Ma Family mercenaries and the Law Enforcement Bureau, even the guards of the Lion King behind them were all scared witless and their calves were weak.

Terion was even more gloomy, secretly blaming the master for this Expulsion Order, which was a big failure.

Chen Xing said that what can’t destroy me can make me stronger.

Yes, if it goes on like this, Chen Xing will become stronger and stronger, and in the end, it will be enough to devour the Xingshi Empire.

Terrian couldn’t help but sighed in the heart, is it really going to get to that point?

“Come on! Come on! Why don’t you dare to go up?”

Every time Chen Xing took a step forward, the soldiers besieging him lost one’s head out of fear and retreated. several steps.

The head of the Ma Family mercenary and the Chief-In-Charge of the Law Enforcement Bureau gave each other a wink, and at the same time jumped out and stood in front of Chen Xing.

They know that if Chen Xing is allowed to kill him, let alone 6,000 people, even 60,000 people can’t stop him!

Therefore, at this time, the two leaders must stand up and suppress Chen Xing’s strong momentum.

“Captain Wang, you attack his left side, and I attack his right side!”

“Okay, Chief Luo!”

Ma Family Surnamed Wang, head of the mercenary group, and Luo, the Chief-In-Charge of the Law Enforcement Bureau.

surnamed Wang holds two phantom mace in his hand, and Luo’s hand is a phantom strong shield and a phantom dagger.

The strength of these two people has obviously reached the level of a three-eighteen-nineteen-level gene War General.

The division of labor between the two is also reasonable. Surnamed Wang’s phantom mace is used to deal with Chen Xing’s left-hand dragon tooth dagger, and Luo’s phantom strong shield resists Chen Xing’s keel ballista.

Chen Xing smiled coldly, “shrimp soldiers and crab generals!”

After speaking, a thunder Avatar, and then four silhouettes!

The red light Avatar is the Fire Element element Avatar, the ice light Avatar is the ice attribute element Avatar, and the azure light Avatar is the electrical element Avatar, which is also the body of Chen Xing.

And the fourth Avatar is the green light poison Avatar!

As soon as the four Avatars came out, the head of surnamed Wang and the officer surnamed Luo were immediately surrounded.

They originally planned to deal with Chen Xing with their own strengths, so that Chen Xing was unable to attend to other things and had no time to deal with it.

didn’t expect Chen Xing to be Avatar!

I thought it was two-on-one, but it turned out to be four-on-two!

As soon as the brace oneself fights, they attack hundreds of moves in an instant!

The head of surnamed Wang finally seized the opportunity and smashed the magic hammer in his hand towards the red light Avatar with a single move —

The red light Avatar immediately Broken into thousands of fire stars.

The fire star suddenly condensed and slashed with a fire wave, directly stabbing his heart!

The head of surnamed Wang was criticized out in surprise, fortunately, he was experienced, and his nerve reaction was fast enough, a lazy donkey roll on the spot, which avoided the fatal blow.

But dodging the red light Avatar, the next second his thigh was hitting the green light Avatar’s dagger!

The head of surnamed Wang let out a scream, and hurriedly gritted his teeth and swung his mace, forcibly smashing his poisoned thigh!

No, poison qi will be killed immediately!

He just endured the severe pain and broke his thigh, and before he could crawl away, Chen Xing’s body teleported in front of him.


After a thunderous attack, all of surnamed Wang’s head was electrocuted.

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