Fu Xuan closed his eyes tightly and controlled the Poor Viewing Array with all his might.

The third eye in the center of the eyebrows bloomed with purple light, which was extremely dazzling.

The “Great Rayof Paths” began to account for all the elusive points in the fate of the divination things by an innumerable method.

And, once activated,

The Poor Viewing Array will begin to calculate the information contained in the goal of the “diviner”, and send the part related to the “divination content” into the sea of the diviner’s consciousness.

Guy Man is always on the path of fate, moving in time and space, accomplishing all kinds of causes and effects.


At this time, Fu Xuan was trying to borrow the power of the Poor Viewing Array to explore the content of the “Sambo” sea of knowledge.

In this way, you can distinguish the truth of the other person’s speech.

The link between thoughts was easier than he imagined, and Fu Xuan sensed a brilliant sea of consciousness.

Here, countless fragments of memory flashed by, sometimes churning, sometimes hidden.

Unpredictable, unsearchable.


he said

She smiled faintly, the so-called “undetectable” is just for ordinary people, for her, it is a trivial matter.


She tore through the fog of her mind and looked up the information related to “Elysia”.


There are clear memory fragments unfolding, and this scene is like experiencing a scene from the past.


It was a spring afternoon.

The fireballs on the horizon are gradually falling, and night is approaching.

Under the lilac sunset, a smiling face as beautiful as a flower suddenly appeared in front of Fu Xuan.

“Hey, miss me!”.

“No matter where or whenever you are, Elysia will respond to your expectations. ”

The girl smiled, her eyes as bright as a sea of stars full of confusion like the afterglow of the setting sun.


Fu Xuan subconsciously called out the name.

The moment the girl appeared, her heart involuntarily beat rapidly.

No need to explain, no need to doubt.

In this moment, she believed in the so-called “pure beauty”.

Before she could say anything, the memory space flowed again.

This time, it’s a spring morning.

“Hi, good morning~”.

A girl like a flying flower appeared in front of her, smiling and greeting.

“Why are you sad, smile quickly~ Aren’t you happy with me~”.

“Nope. Fu Xuan replied subconsciously.

After the words fell, she became a little unnatural.

Looking at the beautiful face that was close at hand, she couldn’t help but sigh “What a great face this is”.

It’s hard for anyone to resist the charm of this girl, right?

She thought.

“Don’t move, borrow your eyes and look in the mirror, okay ~ How do I look ~ “.

The girl put on a delicate posture, which is very cute.

“It’s beautiful. ”

Fu Xuanmu replied.

At this moment, how she wanted to find some words to describe beauty in her memory space.

“Elysia, as you can see, is a beautiful maiden as lovely as a flower. ”

The girl’s voice grew farther and farther away, gradually withdrawing from the memory space.


The fog of thought was still rolling, but in the outside world, a flush appeared on Fu Xuan’s ancient face.

The audience in the live broadcast room didn’t know what Fu Xuan had experienced now, and they could only guess one by one.

[A certain Alie fan]: Strange, what did Fu Taibu see in Mr. Sambo’s memory space?

[A certain audience with a bad taste]: Hehe, could it be said that I saw some of Mr. Sambo’s… You know hehe.

[Passerby]: Hey, is this divination so powerful?

[An unknown diviner in Taibu Division]: Why do everyone want to enter Taibu Division so much! This iron rice bowl is not as easy as you think!

[Xianzhou Workers]: Okay, then let me suffer this sin!


On the Star Dome Train.

After the live broadcast started, Ji Zi and Lao Yang hurriedly stopped what they were doing and started the live broadcast.

This matter is related to Xiao March, and the two “parents” are more worried than anyone else.


Even why Fu Xuan blushed had to be analyzed.

The first is Lao Cheng’s serious former anti-entropy alliance leader, Lao Yang.

“It’s strange, could it be that the energy consumed by the Poor Viewing Array is too great, which makes Fu Taibu a little heated?”

After hearing Lao Yang’s analysis, Ji Zi smiled and said:

“How is this possible, I think Fu Taibu has discovered something?”

“Yes. Walter nodded, “Then wait for news.” ”

Just as the two of them continued to watch, suddenly, Fu Xuan’s brows furrowed, as if he had seen something terrible.

This scene instantly made countless viewers worry about their hearts.

Taibus, poor watcher.

In the linked thought space, Fu Xuan frowned tightly.

If everything that had happened before was a normal scenario that she could have predicted, then what she was seeing now was enough to make her doubt the reality of it all.


Here she was, seeing a familiar person.

Marshal Xianzhou, Hua.

Or rather—

The twelfth knight of the Pure American Knights: Floating Knight: Hua.

And before that,

She also has an identity.

The twelfth of the Thirteen Flame Chasers, “Floating Life” Hua, fused with Garuda’s genes, participated in the Tinder Project, spent endless time, and survived until now.

“This can’t be…!”.

Looking at the history of “Hua”, Fu Xuan frowned, his face full of incredulity.

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to rush immediately(Event Period: September 29 to October 6)

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