Prior to that,

There is no information made public, and there is a “marshal” among the pure American knights.


When that familiar face appeared in front of Fu Xuan, she immediately expressed her suspicions, this was simply impossible.

As a Xianzhou person, she had no reason to believe that the marshal was a member of the Pure American Knights before that.


She couldn’t argue with it.

Because, this is the result of the prediction of the Poor Viewing Array.

The biggest probability is that the marshal had followed the “Pure Beauty Star God” for a period of time before this, and after the fall of the “Pure Beauty Star God”, she came to Xianzhou, bid farewell to all her past identities, and chose to become an ordinary Xianzhou person.

After countless years, he grew up to become a marshal on the fairy boat.

It was the most plausible explanation she could think of.

Despite the absurdity of this matter, between the Poor Viewing Array and her judgment, she still chose to believe the prediction of the Poor Viewing Array.

Because, there has never been a mistake in the Poor Viewing Array.


“Going through the ages, nothing more than defeat and then success. ”

“Kevin, one day, we’ll meet again. ”

The girl smiled and said goodbye to the man who was as cold as ice.

The crimson feathers slowly fell, taking away the memories of the past.

All the things of the past are in the present.

The former identity disappeared into the air with the burning of Yudu dust.

From now on, the girl has to start another life.

A life that belongs only to her.

Goodbye, Elysia;

Goodbye, Knights of the Pure Beauty;

Goodbye, my past.


Fu Xuan slowly opened his eyes.

In her mind, everything she had just experienced flashed, like a slide, constantly wandering in her mind.

In the live broadcast room, countless people are looking forward to this moment.

“Fu Taibu, are you still satisfied?”.

Lin Yuan also opened his eyes, he smiled slightly, and looked at Fu Xuan.

Just now, when Fu Xuan used the Poor Viewing Array to probe his sea of knowledge, he used the power of the order to conceal all the truth, and uploaded the revised information.

He looked at Fu Xuan’s slightly surprised look, knowing that the other party must be confused now.


Fu Xuan didn’t speak, just looked at him silently.

Or rather, she didn’t know what to say.

Whether it’s Elysia, who has been confirmed and does exist, or the marshal who is suspected to be a member of the Pure American Knights.

All of this information puzzled her to a certain extent.

And the host Qingque on the side, after seeing this, came over very cleverly and asked:

“Lord Taibu, now it’s time to ask questions. ”

“Oh. Fu Xuan nodded, she looked at Lin Yuan and asked

“Mr. Sambo, I would like to ask you my first question. ”

“It’s also a question that everyone is more relate to. ”

“Is Elysia a pure star god or not? ”

After Fu Xuan’s question was raised, in the live broadcast room, countless people pricked up their ears to listen to “Sambo”‘s answer.

“Yes. Lin Yuan said.

“Hmm. Fu Xuan nodded slightly, she was not surprised by the answer to this first question.

But in the live broadcast room, it was suddenly boiling.

[A certain Ellie fan]: Surprised! Surprised! Ellie is really a pure American star god!

[Passerby]: Ah, it can’t be fake, right? Now it’s up to Fu Taibu to say it.

[Expert]: It’s incredible! If the existence of the Pure Beauty Star God can be confirmed, this will be an event that can go down in history in the entire history of the universe!

[Cyber Savior]: Doesn’t that mean that Kevin also exists?

[Love Door Lasts Forever]: Love Gate!


After getting this answer, the people who followed the live broadcast,

Some people are surprised, others are disappointed.

At this time,

Everyone’s eyes converged on Fu Xuan’s body.

Now, only she can prove the truth of what “Sambo” said.

“Yes. Fu Xuan looked at the camera, “I saw in Mr. Sambo’s memory that there was indeed the existence of the girl Elysia, and she had indeed become a “pure beauty star god”. ”

Not to mention the audience, even the green finches who had been touching the fish were surprised.

I didn’t expect this kind of Internet farce to be true?

[A fanatical Ellie fan]: It’s really a New Year!

[Audience]: I’ll just say that Elysia exists!

[A well-known expert]: Ahem, in fact, I have published similar articles before, I have always been consistent with Mr. Sambo’s point of view, it is impossible to think about it, after all, it is a star god, how can it be so easy to fall.

[Pure Beauty Knights: Silver Branch]: Is my lord really incarnated as a girl named “Elysia”?

[Pure Beauty Knight]: This information is really surprising.

[A certain mirror holder wandering in the sea of stars]: Impossible, Elysia can never be a pure star god!

[Black Tower]: This… It’s really a bit of a surprise, isn’t it, we all guessed wrong?

[Navy Handsome Guy]: Good guy, this can be regarded as a good show of the year, right?


“Well, second question, why hasn’t anyone heard of ‘Elicia’ before?”.

Fu Xuan continued to ask.

“Because of the ‘fictional historians’ group of bedbugs!” Lin Yuan’s voice was sonorous and powerful, and people couldn’t help but be convinced.

And at the Black Tower Space Station, Black Tower’s eyes widened when he heard this answer.

“It’s not… There’s something wrong with this man, right?”.

At this moment, Heita also doubted his own judgment, if “Sambo” was really a “fictional historian”, would he need to scold himself like this?

However, there is no doubt that the effect of this trick is so remarkable that anyone who hears the words “fictional historian” is interested.

In fact,

Before this, it was not that no one suspected that “Sambo” was a fictional historian, but now, the other party said it so openly, which made them dispel this idea.

Perhaps, these are really the ghosts of “fictional historians”?

“What do you mean by that?”.

Fu Xuan asked a sentence that everyone wanted to ask.

Before he was ready to speak, Lin Yuan was ready to be retaliated against by those “peers”.

“As we all know, the ‘fictional historian’ is the bedbug of the universe! the moth that compiles, mixes, destroys, and erases the history of the universe! and the maggots in the unforgivable gutter!”

Lin Yuan scolded bitterly, and there was no trace of not being able to act.

“They only deserve to rot and crawl in the dark sewers, and if they touch the sun, they will be melted in an instant!”.

“Once, the record of the “pure star god: Elysia” did exist in this starry sky, but the evil “fictional historians” are committed to hiding all the truth in falsehood for the “mysterious” concept they are chasing, making the universe unpredictable and undetectable. ”

“They have compiled a false history of the fall of the Pure Beauty Star God, and have spread a lot of rumors that have shrouded the galaxy. ”


“Everybody believed it. ”

“I believe in the fall of the “God of Simei”. ”

“In that Amber Age, the starry sky was darkened. The universe is filled with a false fog spread by the believers of the Mystic Star God: Myth. ”

“The truth is buried in rumors, people spread it, and everyone becomes a destroyer of history under the use of “fictional historians” and “riddlers”. ”

“Pathetic, hateful. ”

“Our Lord is thus hidden in the sands of history. ”

“The world knows only Idrila, but no one knows Elysia. ”

“Today, I, Sambo Koski, at the great risk of offending the “mythical believers”, also declare here to the creatures of the universe: “.

He took the form of a maiden named Elysia, lost her memory, and wandered among the stars. ”

“And I, not long ago, received an oracle: “My Lord” will appear in Xianzhou soon!”.

“He will save the immortal boat in crisis and expel the minions of the “Longevity Plague Ancestor” and “Ember Extermination Ancestor”!”.


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