The two of them were very busy, and the two of them were busy.

Starry Sky Train.

After learning that Xing had joined, everyone on the Starry Sky Train also held a welcome party to welcome Xing to join the big family of the Starry Sky Train.

Xing and Ji Zi and Walter talked about some things, and finally learned how Xing arrived at the Black Tower Space Station.

Naturally, Ai Li did not disturb them when they were discussing, and happily talked about some strange gossip with San Yue, while Dan Heng sat on the sofa with his eyes closed.

In short, everyone has their own things to do, but I don’t know where Ai Li got so much gossip, anyway, San Yue listened with relish.

"I'm telling you, March, robins are actually super clingy."

"Hey, what do you say?"

"Yeah, what do you say?"

Xing suddenly appeared beside the two of them and interrupted them, startling them.

"Hey! I'm scared to death, are you a cat? There's no sound when you walk." March held her chest, as if she was frightened by Xing's sudden voice.

Xing also scratched her head at this time, feeling a little embarrassed.

Ai Li quickly recovered and smiled as she planned the next topic.

"Attention, passengers, the train is about to cross, please sit down." Pam's cute voice came from the train.

Ai Li closed her mouth and stood up directly.

March was not to be outdone, and also stood up.

Xing had a question mark on his face, huh? Didn't you ask us to sit down? Uh... forget it, I'll stand up too.

As Xing slowly stood up, Jizi and Walter smiled, while Ai Li and San Yue looked at Xing with the eyes of a fellow traveler. Xing felt a little embarrassed by the eyes of these people.

As Pam counted down, the train completed the transfer.

Walter and Jizi looked at San Yue and Xing who fell down and couldn't help laughing.

Ai Li stood steadily on the ground, pointing her finger in the direction of San Yue and Xing and laughing.

"Ah! Damn, why can Sister Ai Li succeed every time! I don't accept it. Did Sister Ai Li use something?" Seeing San Yue staring at her, Ai Li smiled and said, "If I used any other ability, then San Yue is a puppy~♪"

"Humph, then reluctantly believe it... Wait, who do you say is a dog!" San Yue first had an expression of "I believe it", then realized that it was wrong, and stared at Ai Li fiercely.

Xing also said appropriately: "Don't envy others if you are not good enough. If you are not good enough, practice more."

So San Yue stared at Xing, which made Xing feel scared.

It was Jizi who spoke: "Okay, stop fooling around, come and see, this is Yalilo VI."

When Xing boarded the train, Ai Li had already told her where the next stop was.

Although she had never seen other planets, Yalilo VI was white and covered with ice and snow.

Sanyue also looked at Yalilo VI, and her mood suddenly became happy. Danheng, who was not in the passenger compartment, was also here, looking at the white planet and thinking.

After a period of silence, Danheng spoke: "Something is wrong. Yalilo VI was not like this more than 700 years ago."

Jizi said: "Maybe something happened?"

Suddenly Pam came out and said anxiously: "Oh no, now the train has changed from the original three-day parking time to the current unlimited parking time."

"Ah? Why?" Sanyue asked puzzledly.

"Stupid, Sanyue, it must be because of the star core again~♪"

Walter nodded, ended his detection, and confirmed Ai Li's words.

"Then we, the nameless guests, need to solve this problem." Jizi said.

"Who will get off there this time?" Walter asked. Seeing his eyes almost sparkling, Walter was looking forward to letting him go.

Unfortunately, it was not as he wished. Jizi said, "The four of you will go this time, and Walter will go next time."

There was some regret in Walter's eyes, but as an elder, he naturally had to be tolerant and generous.

Ai Li pulled Sanyue and Xing and called Dan Heng to follow.


Ai Li stopped and looked at Ji Zi curiously.

"Be careful along the way."

"I know, Ji Zi~ I will be fine~♪"

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