The snow was so beautiful, and the sky was full of snow.

"Wow! This is the interior of the planet Yaliluo VI. The ice and snow are so beautiful~♪" Ai Li was taking pictures with a camera, recording the snow scene of Yaliluo VI, and then sending it to a bunch of people who didn't know who they were.

Sanyue was no longer surprised, but Xing was very curious about who Ai Li sent it to.

She wanted to ask, but Danheng stopped her curiosity and said, "Okay, don't waste time, let's go and find a place with people first."

Aili put away the camera obediently, Sanyue also put away the camera, and Xing was embarrassed to ask that question. Thinking carefully, she and Ai Li had only known each other for a short time, so it was not a good idea to do so.

"Let's go~♪" Ai Li walked forward, followed by Sanyue and Xing. Dan Heng looked at Ai Li and others who were gradually walking away, wondering what he was thinking.

In short, the four of them set out on their journey.

At the same time, a coquettish man hiding in the snow felt something and murmured, "Is that lady here? Alas, I really don't want her to be involved in Yalilo's incident. There's nothing I can do about it now. I hope that crazy woman won't mess with me..."

"Be careful, there seems to be something wrong ahead." Dan Heng stopped the others who wanted to continue the action.

Xing looked at the empty space ahead, not knowing what was wrong, but for his trust in Dan Heng, Xing still took out a baseball bat.

And Sanyue and Ai Li behind him had already taken out bows and arrows.

Should I say that he is worthy of being Teacher Dan Heng? Just as everyone took out their weapons, a blue bird-like creature appeared.

Dan Heng felt the aura of destruction on him, and just as he was about to ask Sanyue to shoot, a pink arrow hit the bird-like world-breaking monster, which was killed instantly and turned into a fire shadow and disappeared.

"Well, it seems that this place has indeed been eroded by the star core~♪"

Aili took back her weapon, and the crystal arrow on the ground disappeared.

Dan Heng nodded and said, "It seems that we must contact the locals quickly to get information."

Xing and Sanyue nodded, so everyone continued to move forward.

After an unknown amount of time, everyone came to a place similar to a mountain.

"Huh? Did you hear any sound similar to teeth chattering?" Suddenly, Sanyue stopped and asked in confusion.

"Listen carefully, it seems that there is indeed~♪" Ai Li tapped her chin with her hand and said playfully, interesting, since Sambo is here, it seems that he is looking for something fun again, there is something interesting~

Dan Heng also listened quietly, and the trembling sound disappeared, but Dan Heng heard the sound of inhalation when the trembling sound disappeared.

"It seems to be coming from this snow pile." Dan Heng stared at the suspicious snow pile and said with certainty.

Xing took out the baseball bat and threatened the snow pile: "Come out quickly, or it will fall down."

The snow pile moved obviously, but soon stopped moving.

Dan Heng's eyes sank, and he whispered: "It seems that he doesn't think he has been discovered yet. Well, people who pretend to be asleep can never be awakened. Let me do it, Xing."

Xing nodded and took a big step back. Dan Heng summoned his spear and stabbed at the snow pile next to Sanyue and Ai Li.

"Ah, who is it?! My ass." A sultry man jumped out, covering his ass and screaming.

Realizing that he was stabbed, he stared at Dan Heng and his group fiercely, and then Dan Heng was alert and took out a gun to point at Sangbo.

Seeing that the guy who pointed a gun at him felt extraordinary martial arts, Sangbo's momentum quickly pickled like frost on eggplant.

"Hey, brothers and sisters, I'm kidding. There's no need to use knives and guns. We are all civilized people, how can we use force? Oh, I wonder if your leader Jeppard is doing well recently?"

"Jepard? Who is that?" March asked in confusion.

"Hey, aren't you the Silver Mane Guard?" Sangbo also asked.

March said: "Silver Mane Guard? What is that?"

"Oh, I'm scared to death, brothers, I thought you were... Wait, you don't even know the Silver Mane Guard, may I ask where you are from?"

March said: "We are from the sky! We are from the Star Train."

Sangbo looked puzzled, "Star Train? Is it an organization?"

Danheng's eyes condensed, and he said: "March."

March wanted to answer his question, but when she heard Danheng calling her, she looked at Danheng in confusion, and Danheng shook his head.

Sanyue also realized that she was being tricked, and said angrily: "Okay! You tricked me!"

Sambo scratched his head, looking helpless.

Looking like a fool, Xing took out a baseball bat and wanted to teach Sangbo a lesson.

At this time, Ai Li, who had been staring at Sangbo, spoke: "Oh! You are really something. By the way, Mr. Sangbo, are you a local?♪"

Sangbo, whose scalp was numb from being stared at by Ai Li, could only say: "Of course I am a local. No outsiders have come here in the past 700 years, but now, there are some."

Aili nodded with a smile, "Then please take us to a place with people~♪"

Sangbo showed a money-grubber expression and said: "Yes, but I should have some...rewards for my job, right?"

Xing hit Sangbo's head with a baseball bat unexpectedly. Sangbo dodged and said hurriedly: "Brothers and sisters, don't do it!" Then he sighed and said: "Okay, brothers and sisters, I, Sangbo, will lead you for free once."

"Suspicious, this person doesn't seem to be a good person, Sister Ai Li, should we be vigilant?" Sanyue said while lying on Ai Li's ear.

"Of course we have to be careful, Sanyue. After all... he doesn't look like a good guy...♪ (Maybe he's dangerous~)"

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