The price of the wine is too high.

"There is no profit, not even a cent, and I can't control that guy." Yames confessed directly: "Give me a farewell drink."

"Hey, hey, hey, farewell wine, isn't it a bit exaggerated?" Nolaren said, but he didn't forget to get a glass of wine for Yames: "3,000 Baileys, don't try to use this excuse to refuse my wine money."

"Alas~" Yames sighed: "You won't understand if you haven't really dealt with them. If I can still see the sun tomorrow, I will make up the wine money for you."

Taking up the full wine glass, Yames was about to drink it all, but suddenly remembered something.

"By the way, do you know where Ensa is?"

"What do you want to do with him?" Nolaren asked.

Ames: "I want to discuss a big business with him..."

At the same time, outside the tavern.

Three men and one woman are standing in front of the tavern, looking at the tavern sign and repeatedly confirming the destination.

"Is it here? Is it here?" The person who spoke was Tiffany, a trainee crew member of the Angel Pirates.

This time, she received the captain's mission to come here and bring a man named Ames to see him.

"It should be here." Jeremy said, "Hasn't the captain told us? We can just ask the tavern owner later."

"That's right." Tiffany nodded: "Let's go in."


The door of the tavern was pushed open, and the bell hanging on the door rang crisply.

Tiffany and her group walked into the tavern.

In the pub, many drinkers looked at the group of children, and some of the drunk drinkers couldn't help but tease them.

"Hey, hey, the children's toy store is not here! Did you go to the wrong place?"

Tiffany and others didn't dare to say anything, and they lowered their heads and walked quickly to the front desk.

"Shopkeeper, can I ask you something?" Tiffany came to the front desk and looked at Nolaren and spoke timidly.

"This is not a place for children, little girl." Nolaren had a faint smile on her face: "Well~ But I'm in a good mood today, so I'll make an exception. What do you want to ask? Only this time!"

Tiffany nodded like pounding garlic: "I just want to ask about a person, a person named Yames."

On the side, I heard Tiffany suddenly say her name.

Yames was so scared that his hand holding the wine glass shook.

Before Nolaren could answer, he interrupted and asked, "Why are you looking for him?"

Tiffany looked at Ames and smiled harmlessly, "Actually, it wasn't me who was looking for him, it was my captain who was looking for him. The captain asked me to take him to see him."

"Eyun? You mean the captain of the Angel Pirates, Eyun?"

"Do you know our captain?" Tiffany's eyes lit up.

Ames was sweating profusely.

It was hard not to know that evil star now.

"Did your captain... say anything?" Ames asked tentatively with some fear.

Tiffany listened and felt a little confused.

"Nothing, the captain asked me to take him to see him."

Hearing this, Ames felt relieved. If he didn't come in person, then... there would be a chance for a turnaround!


Kominasay, I'll update a small chapter today as a day off, and I'll update early tomorrow.

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