The two of them were very busy.

" sit here for a while." Ames said, and turned to look at Nolaren: "Give them a glass of juice, it's my fault."

Ames was a little entangled at this time. He could hardly do anything now. The only thing he could do was to look forward to the arrival of news.

He came to the tavern early to wait, and also to show his attitude.

But now, the other party did not come in person, which made Ames see a glimmer of hope. Maybe there will be news about the navigator in a while?

Wait a little longer, just wait a little longer, if there is still no news by then, it will not be too late to ask for forgiveness.

"Do you know him?" Tiffany cast a puzzled look at Ames.

However, Ames did not tell Tiffany that he was the person she was looking for, but said to her: "Please give him some time."

Tiffany thought about it and nodded; "Okay! Please help me tell him to hurry up."

With that, Tiffany and the other four sat down on a chair and waited.

Their mission was to bring Ames back, but they didn't know where Ames was at the moment, and his friend asked them to give him some time.

Then there was nothing else they could do except wait.

"Little girl, your juice." Nolaren got a few glasses of juice and handed them to Tiffany and others.

"Thank you." Tiffany thanked politely, but she had no intention of taking the juice.

After all, this was the first time the captain had given her a mission, and she didn't want to delay or mess things up because of any small accident.

"Are you really a member of the Angel Pirates?" Ames asked, "What do you think of your captain? What kind of person are the other members of the crew?"

Tiffany looked at Ames with suspicion, and did not answer Ames' questions or speak. She just sat there and waited quietly.

Seeing this, Ames did not continue to ask.

Time passed by minute by minute.

The subordinates who were still trying to find out the news had not yet received any news about the navigator, and Ames' nerves became more and more tense.

Tiffany also became a little impatient.

"How long do we have to wait? If we keep waiting like this, I can't explain to the captain." Tiffany looked at Ames.

Ames stiffened when he heard this.

"But... it's OK." Slowly standing up, Ames squeezed out a somewhat stiff smile: "I'm the person you're looking for, let's go and meet your captain."

Tiffany was startled, and then complained: "Ah~ Really, you are obviously here, why do you make me wait so long?"

"Bulu Bulu~ Bulu Bulu~"

Just at this time, the sound of Den Den Mushi suddenly came from Ames' body.

After only a moment of daze, Ames' face showed a look of surprise.

"Here it comes!" Ames, who took out the Den Den Mushi, couldn't hide his excitement: "I am Ames, tell me!"

"BOSS! There is a woman who claims to be Karina, saying that she is a navigator and wants to add..."

"Okay! Bring her to the tavern in Nolaren immediately!" Ames excitedly greeted before his subordinates finished speaking.

Then he turned his head and looked at Tiffany beside him: "Wait a little longer. I found the navigator your captain asked me to find. I need to wait for her to come."

At this moment, Ames's heart was finally relieved.

The trance of entering the gates of hell and returning to the world in an instant made him feel extremely excited.

Not long after.

A man in a black suit came to the tavern outside Nolaren with a woman.

The woman was wearing an orange long coat, an orange T-shirt and white trousers. Her purple hair was tied up. It was Kalina mentioned by Ames' subordinates in the Den Den Mushi!

Tiffany, Ames and others had been waiting for a long time.

After seeing Kalina coming, Tiffany also called out: "Let's go. If we go slower, it will be dark."

Walking on the way to the Pale Song of Delight docking.

Karina looked around, looking at Tiffany and the others walking in front of her, and she felt a sense of disharmony in her heart.

It was smooth.

It was too smooth.

It was a little bit abnormal.

Ever since she was unlucky enough to be discovered by the guards that day, she has been investigating who did it.

, and soon she found out that the culprit was the Angel Pirates.

She was planning to plan how to sneak into the Angel Pirates and take back what should belong to her.

Then there was news that the Angel Pirates were recruiting a navigator, and she happened to be good at this.

Originally, I thought that I needed to defeat many competitors to stand out, but the fact is that I am the only one.

Then the other party didn't even ask anything, didn't verify anything, and directly said that I passed.

Now he took me to the Angel Pirates' base.

'Will there be a bomb? ' Kalina muttered in her heart.

Walking a little faster, Kalina came to Tiffany's side with a gentle smile on her face: "Little sister, are you also a member of the Angel Pirates?"

Tiffany turned her head and looked at her when she heard the voice.

She was still very kind to Kalina.

Because in her opinion, this was someone who was about to become her companion.

Everyone knows that the captain has been looking for a navigator since Lady Filona didn't come back that time.

"Yeah, I'm still just a trainee crew member now! I believe I'll be able to become a full member soon."

"Is that so?" Kalina asked with a smile on her face, "How many people are there on the ship?"

Kalina added, fearing that Tiffany would be suspicious, "Look, I'm about to become your companion, right? It's reasonable for me to get to know my future companion first, isn't it?"

"Of course~" Tiffany nodded in agreement, and then began to count on her fingers: "There are not many people on our ship, but the ship is super, super big."

"In addition to the four of us, there are the captain, Lord Cifer, Lord Sukuna, Lord Madara, Lord Hashirama, Lord Gagran, Lord Tornado, Lord Poseidon, eight people on the ship."

"Counting you and us, there are 13 people in total."

Kalina nodded thoughtfully.

There are only four people on the wanted list of the Angel Pirates, and each of them has a bounty of over 100 million. The others who are not on the bounty list should be just ordinary members and not a big threat.

Karina thought so in her heart.

On the side, Ames, who was following Tiffany, saw that Tiffany was easily tricked, and his eyes widened, a little unbelievable.

This girl... is so easy to fool? ? ?

His eyes narrowed slightly as he looked at Karina, and Ames keenly realized that there was something wrong with the woman in front of him.

But it doesn't matter.

As long as she is a navigator, it's fine, and she has brought people with her anyway.

What tricks she will play later, the targets are all people from the Angel Pirates.

Hey! She can only wish for the best!

"So, what are the personalities of the captain and everyone else, and what do they usually do?" Karina asked again.

Tiffany thought about it and thought for a long time.

"Captain, he's easy to talk to. Everyone has a good personality. As for Sirius, he rarely speaks and is always cold. Madara-sama and Hashirama often fight, Tornado-sama and Hashirama always quarrel, Sukuna-sama and Poseidon-sama had a big fight a few days ago, and now they hardly talk."

After listening to Tiffany's introduction, not only Kalina but also Ames was confused.

What kind of people are these on this ship? ? ?

"Oh, right!" Tiffany remembered something and reminded Kalina: "We have nine rules on the ship."

After this, Ames and Kalina's faces became serious.

'Are you finally talking about the important point? As long as I analyze the clues of these rules, I can infer some situations, which will definitely be of great help to my operation this time! ' Kalina said excitedly.

‘The Angel Pirates, a pirate group ruled by a leader with a bounty of 800 million, must have very strict rules. From these rules, I can analyze what kind of existence this pirate group is.’ Ames secretly clenched his fist.

“The Angel Pirates Crew Manual, the rules that the crew must abide by! There are four prohibitions and five can’ts.” Tiffany closed her eyes and raised a finger: “The first of the four prohibitions is that fighting is prohibited before breakfast, including breakfast time, lunch time and dinner time!”

Ames & Kalina: “?”

“The second is that it is prohibited to instigate the crew to gamble.”

“The third: No quarrels or fights in the restaurant.”

“The fourth: No damage to the fishing rod.”

“What kind of rules are these?!” Kalina and Ames couldn’t help but complain at the same time.

Who? Set down

What's the difference between such boring rules and no rules at all?

Are the people who set these rules crazy?

Tiffany scratched her head a little embarrassedly, and laughed: "Well~ This is because everyone on the ship occasionally makes some things that give the captain a headache, so the captain made such rules."

"Uh... Are all the people on the ship children like you?" Kalina was a little speechless. No matter how you look at it, these are things that only children would do, right?

"No, no, no, it's not." Tiffany quickly explained: "This... I can't explain this clearly, you will know it later."

"Oh, okay." Kalina sighed helplessly: "What about the five "no"s? They won't be these outrageous rules, right?"

Tiffany smiled a little embarrassedly.

"Five can'ts, fighting can't last more than an hour! Can't destroy items on the ship! Can't call the crew members bugs! Can't litter! Can't catch live, intact fish larger than the deck on board!"

As soon as the five can'ts came out, a row of question marks popped up in the heads of Ames and Kalina!

Can't litter? !

Can't call the crew members bugs? !

No, that's not right! Is this a child? ! This is definitely a child? !

When everyone came to the place where the ship was docked.

It was already slightly dark.

"Here we are!" When she came to the shore, Tiffany put her hands on her hips, and her tone was a little old-fashioned.

"This is our ship, Angel Pale Song..."

Before she finished speaking, Tiffany suddenly fainted.


Not only Tiffany, but her three friends, including Ames, a total of five people, were all fooled.

"You..." Ames pointed at Kalina in disbelief, his eyes widened.

Kalina raised a finger to the empty test tube playfully and said with a smile: "Sorry~ I still have something important to do, you guys... just have a good sleep!"

"Plop~" Unable to withstand the effect of the drug, the defenseless Ames also fell to the ground at this time.

"Now, it's my turn!" Kalina pulled her clothes.


The whole set of black tight night clothes was revealed.

"It turns out that they are just a group of children, so easy!" Kalina put her hands on her hips and looked up at the Angel Pale Song docked on the shore in front of her: "But this ship is really big! It seems that it will take a lot of effort to find it, but... it's also easier to hide!"

As she said, Kalina jumped and jumped onto the ship.

The ship was very quiet, without any sound. Kalina sneaked carefully and entered the cabin.

"Could it be that everyone is asleep? There is no sound at all..."

Carefully sticking to the wall of the cabin path, Kalina came to a wooden door and listened.

No sound.

'Safe! ' Muttering to herself, Kalina gently turned the doorknob and pushed the door open.

It was also dark inside.

Carefully, Kalina closed the door.

Turning back.

She suddenly saw several pairs of eyes emitting dim light, which were extremely obvious in the darkness.

In the middle, there was a pair of dark golden pupils, on the side, there was a pair of emerald green eyes, and on the other side, there was a pair of purple pupils with black wheel patterns, like an abyss.


Suddenly, the lights turned on.

The scene in the room was all revealed at this moment.

Here is a hall.

On the sofa in the middle of the hall, Yiyun folded his arms across his chest. Uchiha Madara sat on the left, and Tornado sat on the right. Behind the sofa where Yiyun sat, Ulquiorra Cifer stood silently.

On the sofa on the left, Poseidon, Hashirama and Sukuna sat in order.

Gagaran was turning on the light.

All the members of the Angel Pirates just looked at Karina who closed the door quietly.

"Hehe..." Karina suddenly smiled awkwardly: "Sorry, I went to the wrong room, I'll leave now!"


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