The old man was very angry, but he was very angry.

Yes, the centaur-like monster in the Star Train is the Void Soldier Trampler, a very strong elite monster that can summon other Void Soldier.

I guess it was the last thing you wanted to encounter in the Black Tower Space Station when you were a newbie, right? (The bugs in the ground were also one of them)

Under the alert of everyone, Alicia still kept smiling. She also greeted the centaur-like monster with great interest: "Hi~ I'm Ailishia, please take care of me~♪"

Before she finished speaking, Aili had already shot an arrow with her bow, muttering: "I'll give you a flower, I hope you like it~♪"

Xu Zu turned sideways, trying to dodge the arrow, and because of its faster speed, it did get what it wanted.

However, Aili's crystal arrows can explode~

The crystal arrows split into several small branches, some of which have already pierced Xu Zu.

However, as expected, Xu Zu just cried out in pain, and then angrily summoned a bunch of small Xu Zu.

"Well, it's really troublesome, but... beautiful girls can do everything~♪" Aili tilted her head and chuckled. The flying flowers of the past life in her hand quickly condensed into three crystal arrows, and as Aili's fingers loosened, they shot towards Xu Zu.

Unfortunately, the virtual soldiers seemed to be afraid of Ai Li, and quickly summoned several small virtual soldiers to catch Ai Li's arrows. Ai Li smiled and did not let the three arrows split.

When the virtual soldiers were about to act, a very close voice came: "Rules are meant to be broken." The virtual soldiers felt a very painful blow.

It turned out that Alysia was using herself to attract the virtual soldiers' attention. Sanyue had already frozen the other virtual soldiers summoned. Xing took the opportunity to come to the virtual soldiers and hit them hard.

The virtual soldiers hurriedly attacked Xing with their hooves, but when they were about to kick Xing, a yellow shield emerged from Xing's body to block the attack, and Xing was also knocked back more than a meter by the reaction force.

Seeing that he could not do anything to everyone, the virtual soldiers frantically summoned small monsters to gain an advantage in numbers.

Dan Heng had seen too many strange things, and hurriedly shouted to everyone: "Back off to Sanyue!" He stabbed the monster that had just approached him with a gun, and his body kept backing away.

Every time Xing swung the bat, a monster became a dead soul under the bat, but unfortunately they were something like energy bodies, and they might be resurrected after a while...

Sanyue had been protecting the wounded Alan from behind, and occasionally assisted them, just like Xing was in danger.

Ai Lixia narrowed her eyes slightly, thinking: Hmm, should I use that...

Suddenly a drone came over, and Ji Zi's voice came: "Hmm, back off quickly, leave the rest to me."

Hearing this voice, Ai Li shook her head, stuck out her tongue at Xu Zu and said: "Bye~♪"

Xu Zu was killed by the drone that suddenly appeared before he could react. Xu Zu didn't understand until his death how the drone suddenly turned into such a long chainsaw.

"You're a big help, Ji Zi." Sanyue exhaled and said to the drone with a smile.

"Okay, come back soon." Jizi operated the drone to move forward and backward twice, indicating to follow the drone.

Ai Li smiled, pulled Sanyue and Xing forward, and said: "This mission report is also very simple to write~♪"

"Sister Ai Li, when did we write a mission report?" Sanyue asked in confusion.

Xing is indeed a mute bride, just staring at her hand like a curious baby. Hey, is it Ai Lishia? The hand is so beautiful ̄ ∨ ̄)σ

Dan Heng looked at this scene and didn't realize that his mouth was raised a few pixels.

Alan was supported by Dan Heng and finally came to Jizi.

Seeing the four people talking and laughing about this mission, Dan Heng felt warm in his heart.

Alan smiled, went over to say hello, and then went to see Estelle.

Dan Heng was still standing there, as if thinking about something.

Suddenly, Dan Heng felt a warm hand holding him, and when he looked up and saw Ailishia's smiling face, he was stunned for a moment.

"Why are you still standing here~ Let's go, we should go see Estelle~♪"


Looking at Aili running towards Xing, Dan Heng's eyes were filled with tenderness. Perhaps without her, it might be difficult for him to join the Starry Sky Train so easily...

Dan Heng followed her, and after a while, Xing suddenly asked nervously: "Um... Can I join the Starry Sky Train?"

Before Dan Heng arrived, Ji Zi had finished talking to Xing and knew that there was a star core in Xing, which shocked San Yue.

Ai Li also pretended to be surprised, but in fact she knew it long ago.

With San Yue's exaggerated explanation, Dan Heng also knew the general idea at this time.

Ji Zi paused, then said: "Although I just invited you to join the Starry Sky Train, have you figured it out so quickly?"

Looking at the intimacy between Ai Li and San Yue, Xing envied for a moment, and a voice in her heart told her that if she didn't join the Starry Sky Train, she would regret it, so she said without hesitation: "I am willing to join the Starry Sky Train!"

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