The two of them were very happy.

Everyone smiled and did not persuade Xing to make this choice. Now they did not have a new companion to celebrate or anything. The important thing now was to protect the Black Tower Space Station.

However, our Ai Li still said the words of the senior to Xing: "Welcome Xing to join our Star Sky Train and become a new nameless guest~♪"

Xing also smiled. For some reason, he felt very safe staying with Ai Li.

Mitsuki also said happily: "Wow! There have been no new passengers on the Star Sky Train for a long time. Please take care of it in the future~"

Ji Zi smiled. Although she also wanted Xing to join the Star Sky Train, she did not expect that she was willing to join it herself, and she made the decision so quickly.

Suddenly, a girl with the same pink hair color as Ai Li came here.

"Hi~ Esta, did you miss me?♪" Ai Li was the first to find Esta and said.

"Hello, Ai Li, and everyone in the Star Train, thank you very much for your help." Esta said with a tired face, "If it weren't for you, maybe we would have been wiped out by the Legion, after all, Ms. Black Tower is not in the space station now."

Ji Zi said: "We have always maintained a good relationship with the Star Train and the Black Tower Space Station. Even if there is no relationship, as an unknown guest, we will naturally lend a helping hand. I believe many people will do so."

Here I would like to criticize Portio by name. If that guy knew that the Black Tower Space Station was a company, he would definitely not go to rescue it, and he might even rob it (happy).

Esta cast a grateful look, and then Esta felt that she had entered a cloud.

When she came to her senses, she found herself in Ai Li's arms. Ai Li gently stroked her head. She heard Ai Li say, "Okay, we're here. Look at you. You're almost getting dark circles under your eyes. Take a good rest~♪"

Esther's brain stagnated. Sanyue puffed up her mouth. The envy on her face was almost solidified. Xing looked at her with a slight smile on her lips. She didn't know why there was a sour taste in the air. Anyway, it was fun to watch.

Esther also realized that many people were watching them. She blushed and whispered, "Aili, let me go. I will take a good rest after the space station crisis is over!"

When Ai Li heard what Ai Li said, she let go of her hand and put her face close to Ai Li's ear and whispered, "Keep your promise~♪"

Esther felt the hot air blowing from her ears, and her ears turned red instantly.

Sanyue couldn't help it, and hurriedly pulled Ai Li away, saying: "Hey! What are you doing! Look at what you have done to Estelle!"

After breaking free from Sanyue's hand, Ai Li just tilted her head, leaned forward slightly, half-closed her eyes, and stuck out her tongue. Then Sanyue heard Ai Li's voice: "Hey~♪"

Estelle calmed down after a while, and the redness on her face and ears had quietly faded. She thought to herself: Well, damn Ai Li... Can't we hug each other when we are alone? There are so many people watching here... So shy...

Danheng and Ji Zi watched quietly, both of them had smiles on their mouths, but unfortunately their attention was all on Ai Li, and no one knew that Danheng was smiling.

Of course, he himself might not realize it.

And Xing ran to Ai Li and also made an "Hey" to Sanyue.

"Look! Ai Li, Xing has been taught bad by you!" Sanyue pouted and said indignantly.

Ai Li looked at Xing and said, "Xing is so cute! She is indeed my copycat~ She is as cute as Ai Li~♪"

Xing put her hands on her hips and looked at Sanyue, looking so cute that I was really surprised.

Unfortunately, the warm scene did not last long. Asta was hesitating whether to join in when suddenly an alarm sounded.

Asta hurried back to her post and looked at the news from the space station with a serious expression.

After seeing this, everyone put away their playful thoughts and followed Ai Li.

Ai Li asked, "What's wrong? Why did the cute Ai Li frown?♪"

But obviously, this was not the time to joke, so Ai Li just paused, as if she was hesitating whether to say it. In fact, she was just controlled by Ai Li's cute words for 3 seconds.

But as the stationmaster, when Heita was not around, she could still distinguish the importance of things, so she recovered quickly.

"The space station just showed that a doomsday beast has also attacked the space station, so everyone on the Star Train, please leave quickly. We just need to hold on for a while, and Ms. Black Tower may be back." Estelle said solemnly.

Just as Ai Li was about to say something, Ji Zi interrupted her and said, "Okay, Stationmaster Esta, but I'm sorry to say that the people in the space station are basically civilians. If you really delay, it may be difficult. Why not leave us to contain it together?"

Esta thought about it, but thinking of the strength of Doommon, she refused because she didn't want anyone on the Star Train to get hurt, and now the civilian staff have basically evacuated safely.

Ji Zi didn't say much, and Ai Li hurriedly said, "Esta, let's face it together, okay?♪"

Esta hesitated, and Ai Li hurriedly increased her offensive, stepped forward and hugged Esta's shoulders, and said, "Okay~ I don't want Esta to get hurt~ Don't worry, we are all very powerful and won't get hurt~♪"

Ji Zi smiled, Esta would definitely agree, and if she left now, the space station might be destroyed, which was something that Wuming couldn't accept.

Ester finally agreed and asked everyone to go to the support section first. There was an open space there, which would be better for fighting. Ester would send a guard team to attract Doommon there later.

Everyone nodded and went to the support section. Ellie smiled and waved goodbye to Ester. Ester said seriously: "Please be careful and ensure your own safety. The space station will always remember your kindness."

Looking at the people walking away, Ester felt a little warm in her heart.

Everyone also rushed to the support section quickly. Seeing Doommon was nearby, March saw Doommon attacking the defense wall of the space station and couldn't help shouting to the sky: "Come down!"

And Doommon flew down obediently... I'm here, what's wrong...


"Uh... Why did it really come down? I've never seen Doommon so obedient!"

"Be careful to fight! It's coming!"

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