With the issuance of Lin Feng's order.

A large number of resources began to be transported from the supergod universe back to the empire mainland.

It contains large amounts of dark silver and various special alloys.

At the same time, the empire also began to select throughout the territory.

First of all, 10 times the physical fitness of ordinary people is the basic requirement, and the second is to assess the candidate's character, mentality, loyalty to the empire and knowledge mastery in all aspects.

All kinds of audits are down.

In the end, of the more than 100 million test takers, only more than 100,000 stood out.

It can be seen that the severity of this assessment, in order to form his own guards forbidden army, Lin Feng has put a lot of effort.

Then these selected 100,000 people began genetic testing, using "two-four-seven" to screen out those who may conflict with Galaxy genes.

And this screened out more than 10,000 people.

In the end, only more than 80,000 people remained at the assessment site.

And these more than 80,000 people will undergo the final test, that is, the implantation of genetic seeds.

Soon, under the leadership of the staff, these more than 80,000 people entered the transformation warehouse.

Each chamber contains both a genetic seed implant device and an emergency life-saving system.

In order to save the life of the implanter after the gene seed implantation fails.

After all, even if they are not successfully implanted, these people also represent a group of people at a higher level in the current empire, and each of them is a rare treasure, and naturally it is impossible to lose it here in vain.

Soon, the renovation warehouse began to start.

"For Your Majesty, for the Empire, for humanity."

Each of them silently recited their slogans in their hearts, and then slowly fell asleep in the hypnotic night infused by the dormant warehouse.

"I don't know how many people in this group can be successfully implanted in the end."

Behind the glass wall in the distance, Yang Daoqi watched this scene nervously and excitedly.

Soon, the renovation of the renovation warehouse began.

A large number of metal needles are inserted into the implanter's body, injecting a clear blue liquid into it.

These are highly liquefied life elements.

Since these implants are basically equipped with life seeds in their bodies, these life sources can play a role in stabilizing their physical state, repairing some genetic damage, and providing energy.

This is followed by the implantation of genetic seeds.

I saw a tiny tube slowly protruding towards the implanter's heart.

Then dive into it without hindrance and start injecting genetic seeds into it.

At the same time, the empire spent a lot of manpower and material resources and 30 years to build a small star-level celestial computer also began to start.

Just like the big clock in the plot, the Kesha database, this star-level celestial computer can provide powerful computing power support for all imperial gene warriors.

It is mainly powered by a whole healthy perseverance to ensure that it does not become dysfunctional when it operates.

At this moment, with the start of this celestial computer, a dark plane combat platform that had been built in advance also slowly started.

"The Xingwu Dark Plane Station System has been started."

"In the energy test... Normal. "

"Anti-Void Engine... Normal. "

"Sub-biological engines... Normal. "

"The space engine ... Normal. "

"Reality logic detection... Normal. "


"Visitor: None."

The Xingwu Dark Plane combat platform quickly completed its self-inspection, and all the data were normal. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Now it is only after the implanter successfully implants the gene seed and begins to connect with it, and since then, the genetic warrior of the empire has been initially built.

Inside the transformation cabin at this time.

Many people have had problems one after another, either genetic collapse or genetic coding errors, but fortunately, due to the high concentration of life sources and the existence of emergency life rescue systems, they quickly received treatment.

At this moment, there are less than 10,000 renovation warehouses that are still normal.

Time passed by minute by minute 0.......

Yang Daoqi was also anxiously waiting.

Finally -

When there were 5,342 renovation warehouses left, the renovation was finally completed.


Yang Daoqi couldn't help but breathe a deep sigh of relief, and his heart was filled with a pleasure as if he had survived the disaster.

Of the more than 80,000 implanters, only 5,342 succeeded.

This is far from the probability he had in mind.

But fortunately, the minimum target of 1258 people was achieved.

Of these 5,342 people, the best 1,258 will be selected again.

As for the remaining 4084, it will exist as a reserve for the forbidden army.

Since Lin Feng's purpose in establishing this forbidden army was to fight externally, the main method of selection this time was also based on combat.

Soon, these 1258 people were successfully selected.

They stood tall and had serious faces.

For them, it will be the most glorious moment of their lives.

Yang Daoqi stood in front of them with his hands in his hands.

His face was filled with heartfelt exclamations.

"You are lucky, because you will exist as Your Majesty's first guards forbidden army, wearing the strongest armor of the Empire and holding the most powerful weapons of the Empire, fighting for Your Majesty at the forefront of the Empire."

"4.8 Your glory will be overshadowed, and all the enemies of the empire will tremble because of you."

"Now, please officially begin your armor dressing ceremony."

The voice just fell.

I saw the door of the cabin next to it suddenly open, and then a large number of humanoid robots walked out of it, all carrying huge iron containers on their shoulders.

From the movement caused by each step falling, it can be seen that the weight of these iron containers is probably not small.

Soon, all the iron containers were placed in front of the 1,258 people.

The container opens.

It revealed a huge humanoid mech more than three meters tall loaded in it.

"Go, put on your glory."


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