These are the exclusive armor created by the Empire specifically for these genetic warriors.

Codename – Imperial Blade.

It is 3.6 meters tall and weighs 17.45 tons, covered with a silvery-white polymer coating.

The whole body is made of dark silver and special alloys in a certain proportion.

It is so strong that it can be unscathed even in the face of a fusion bomb explosion.

And it can also perfectly resist a variety of extreme environmental influences, high temperature, high pressure, extreme cold and other special environmental factors can not affect them, even if they are damaged under strong external forces, they can also recover automatically.

It can be said to be the pinnacle armor created by bringing together the current highest technology of the empire.

As for their weapons systems.

A high-frequency vibrating cutting blade covered with a decomposition position can be ejected on each side of the armour, and 32 small fusion missile launch bays are mounted on the back.

As for the palm, you can freely transform between the normal palm state, the high-rate laser gun state, and the energy storage laser cannon state as needed.

to deal with the rapidly changing situation on the battlefield.

And this is only 07 is the upper body, and their lower body has not been let go by imperial scientists.

They equipped the legs of these armors with ion flight accelerators and strong suction stabilized shields.

Its role is to provide stable flight ability for these warframes, although gene warriors have their own space engines that can open space wormholes at will.

But after all, this consumes a lot of energy, and it is not very convenient when facing some enemies with flying ability, so it is better to directly install a stable flight device.

This not only compensates for the lack of stable air combat capabilities of the warframe, but also the tail flame ejected by these ion accelerators when flying at low altitude can also be extremely effective in killing some ground units.

It's the best of both worlds.

As for the strong suction stable shield, it helps the gene warrior stabilize the body in some special environments.

Relying on it, the Empire's genetic warriors are like acquiring the ability of Spider-Man in the movie, and can fly around in any environment.

This greatly broadened their combat capabilities.

Soon, all 1258 gene warriors were dressed.

The heavy armor stepped on the metal floor, emitting a sonorous golden sound, and the tall and mighty figure could completely make any enemy of the empire involuntarily feel fear in his heart.

The warriors moved a little in the clearing, and since they had already trained accordingly, they quickly became familiar with the handling of the armor.

After mastering it, they gathered together in an open space, and there, Lin Feng, dressed in an imperial robe, stood quietly.

His long-standing high position made him involuntarily exude a majesty that made people want to kneel and submit.

And in fact, it is true, when these 1258 gene warriors came here, they immediately knelt on one knee and half knelt on the ground and bowed their heads in submission.

Lin Feng first glanced at everyone below with a calm gaze.

None of the people present made a sound, and a wordless silence shrouded here, and finally, Lin Feng slowly spoke.

"From now on."

"You will exist as my Guards Forbidden Army."

"Carry the will to defend the empire with the heart of steel, serve as the eternal barrier of the empire with the body of steel, and crush all the enemies of the empire with the weapon of steel."

"From now on."

"You must learn to ignore sacrifice, learn to admire blood, learn the art of war."

"From now on."

"You will have only one name - Imperial Blade!"

A large group of people immediately poured out beside them, all of them four or five people cooperating to carry a silver-white giant blade that emitted a shimmering light.

This giant blade is carved with some intricate and simple patterns, and the hilt of the sword is inscribed with the symbol of the empire.

It was a special pattern of swords scattered across the starry sky.

It means that the Star Martial Empire will definitely rule the universe.

All the Emperor Blade warriors held the silver-white giant blade in one hand.

Put it in front of you and shout in your mouth. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

"My name Imperial Blade! Will turn into a barrier! Take charge of the knife! "

"For Your Majesty! For the empire! For humanity! "

Their tone was fanatical.

When they put on this armor and hold this giant blade, it means that they will fight for the empire for the rest of their lives.

It means that they will completely cut off all their interactions in real life.

Whether it's parents, loved ones, children, or everything they love each other.

But they did not have the slightest regret in their hearts, and protecting the empire was protecting all this.

They have no regrets.

On the high platform, Lin Feng looked at this scene with satisfaction.

140 Taking ordinary imperial warriors wearing the three types of warriors as an example, everyone here is a super god of war who can fight a thousand, or even ten thousand.

In space warfare, there are imperial warships that are invincible.

In the battle for resource stars, the Imperial Blade can also sweep through all armies.

With the existence of this group of people, it can be said that the empire can be regarded as truly invulnerable.

"As the saying goes, only war is the best sharpening for recruits."

"In other words, the supergod universe has been quiet for too long, and it's time for it to make waves."

Lin Feng's gaze was gloomy.

Now that the Empire Blade project is complete, all you have to do is to plunder resources and develop yourself.

And perhaps out of instinctive hunch.

He always felt that the calm appearance of the supergod universe at this time seemed to be surging undercurrent.

One day, a terrifying war will begin, returning the situation of the supergod universe to the original plot.

This is a revision that belongs to the source.

But it doesn't matter, the empire will intend to provoke this process personally.


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