At the same time, on the shoulders of the giant iron golem,

Seele, Bronya and the three members of the train team stood side by side with the cube.

I have to say that standing on this top and looking at the scenery, it feels like the whole Beloberg has shrunk a bit, and it also makes people feel like a high-rise building rising from the flat ground.

There is a sense of pride in looking down on all the mountains, which is very exciting.


March Seven and Xing even climbed onto the top of the giant iron golem, shouting and jumping.

Running around on it is much more exciting than bungee jumping.

Although Dan Heng still has no interest in this kind of thing.

But he can feel the potential and energy hidden in this giant iron golem.

It is so powerful that it is shocking!

As for Bronya and Seele, they also played with March Seven and Xing.

The excitement and joy generated made Bronya temporarily forget some troubles.

As for Walter on the Star Dome Train, seeing March Seven and the others having so much fun, he was almost envious.

Do you think March Seven and Xing are angry? It

’s okay for the two of them to play on the giant iron golem, but they have to broadcast it live to Lao Yang when they play.

Just let you see it, but you can’t touch it. Isn’t this pure asking for a beating?!!

After having fun, everyone turned their attention to the giant iron golem itself.

"Oh, right, square kernel."

"Why do you have to build this first and then deal with the star core?!"

Xing stopped and asked curiously

"Hey! Look there."

Fangkuai Ren did not answer directly, but pointed to Xing in a direction.

"There is……"

Xing followed the direction of Fangkuai Ren's gaze and couldn't help but feel a little puzzled.

He saw a huge robot in the direction Fangkuai Ren pointed.

Its height and size were probably about the same as Fangkuai Ren's giant iron golem.

"That's the Everwinter Ridge."

At this time, Bronya stood up and said.

She had lived in Beloberg for so many years and was very familiar with the surrounding terrain.

When they heard the name of the Everwinter Ridge, Sanyueqi and Danheng instantly became alert.

Then, they all looked in the direction pointed by Fangkuairen.

They didn't forget that the location of the star core that they had found in the Swarovski database was in the Everwinter Ridge.

"Yongdong Ridge is Yongdong Ridge, don’t you see such a big robot standing over there?!"

Seeing this, Fang Kuai Ren said with some amusement

"You mean, you want to use this giant iron golem to deal with the robot?!"

Hearing this, Xing couldn't help but ask.

Others also cast their eyes over, and everyone instantly understood what Fang Kuai Ren meant.

"Correct answer, but no reward"

"I guess you found a lot of those big robot wreckages on the way here just now, right?"

Fang Kuai Ren did not deny it, but said instead.

Hearing this, Xing and San Yue Qi and others nodded.

They had indeed seen the wreckages of those big robots in many places just now. It can be imagined that this kind of big robot must have had an unknown glory in the ancient Beloberg.

"But the big robot at Yongdong Ridge is different.

It is not a wreckage and is relatively well preserved."

"Who knows if the star core will suddenly wake up the robot?"

"And then, how should we respond?"

Fang Kuai Ren looked at everyone and asked with a chuckle.

"So that's how it is. I understand."

Hearing this, Xing scratched his head awkwardly to show his understanding.

"This time, we are indeed not well prepared."

Hearing this, Dan Heng could not help but say with some embarrassment.

He was also negligent, forgetting that the star core would record and reproduce the surrounding life and machinery, etc.

If the big guy in Yongdong Ridge moves, even if they all use their hidden power, they may not be able to solve it.

The appearance of the super giant iron puppet perfectly solves this problem.

Thinking of this, Dan Heng could not help but cast a grateful look at Fangkuai Ren.

This time, Fangkuai Ren helped them.

Then he would not care about being targeted by Fangkuai Ren in the lower area before.

Although Dan Heng himself felt that he was targeted by everyone.

He was so angry!

"The big robot you are talking about should be the Creation Engine that Beloberg built 700 years ago to resist the army that descended from the sky.

Seeing this, Bronya also introduced it to everyone in a timely manner.

But she didn't know more about the Creation Engine.

After all, she was not the Great Guardian of Beloberg. Her authority was limited, and the content she could understand was also very one-sided.

""Kuai Ren, you are so amazing, you can even think of this?!"

March Seven could not help but exclaimed, and gradually understood the good intentions of Kuai Ren.

They were a little confused at the beginning, why Kuai Ren had to build this super giant iron golem.

But now it seems that Kuai Ren is really preparing for a rainy day!

If they don't make any preparations and just rush to Yongdong Ridge stupidly, they may directly deliver food to the big robot and the star core!

Although each of the three people on the train has hidden powers, they are not afraid of the big robot being awakened.

But it will be enough to cause them great trouble at that time, that's for sure.

In addition, how should Seele and Bronya deal with it?!

Kuai Ren created this super giant iron golem.

Although there is no guarantee that they will be able to defeat the big robot, at least they can contain part of the power of the star core.

However, a new problem has arisen.

Kuai Ren seems to have determined the exact location of the star core before,

��He has already started preparing to make that super giant iron golem, right?!

Then how did he know that when they went to look for the star core, they would have to face the creation engine?!

The only reasonable explanation is that

Fangkuai Ren already knew that the star core was in Yongdong Ridge, and he also knew that there was a creation engine there.

Thinking of this, Xing and Dan Heng looked at each other at the same time.

Sure enough, they were not wrong at the beginning.

Fangkuai Ren really knew the exact location of the star core!

It’s just that I can’t understand why Fangkuai Ren was unwilling to tell them.

Maybe he felt that it would be useless even if he told them.

After all, there is still the creation engine to face, and before there is a specific solution, it is better to stay there honestly.

"Take this guy and the guy called Sangbo for example. They are both hiding deep, right?!"

Then, Dan Heng and Xing made eye contact.

What made him a little unhappy was that he and Xing had spent so much effort to ask for clues about the star core in the lower area, but he didn't expect that the answer and the truth were right next to him?!

Especially Dan Heng, in order to earn a living, he was deceived by the profiteer Sangbo to fight in the fighting club.

Thinking carefully, what kind of hard life did he live every day?!

Xing and Sanyueqi lived comfortably, but they also ran a lot in order to find clues about the star core.

However, Xing and Dan Heng were confused, angry and unhappy.

But they still didn't ask again.

After all, Fangkuairen was mysterious in their eyes.

Everyone has their own secrets, and it is normal to hide something.

Besides, the final result is good anyway.

As long as Fangkuairen is willing to help them deal with the creation engine.

As for the others, is it important?!!

"Now, we have built the giant iron golem."

"Then, can we deal with the star core?!"

At this moment, Sanyueqi asked with concern.

Although it was really cool to stand on this super giant iron golem, just look at Uncle Yang's envious expression.

Sanyueqi and his friends did have a lot of fun, but how to say it?

Since they came to this planet from the Star Dome Train (to read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!), this pioneering journey has been going on for some time.

But so far, they haven't even seen the shadow of the star core.

Sanyueqi was still a little embarrassed. Ji

Zi and Uncle Yang were still waiting for them to return triumphantly in the train.

If they delay like this, wouldn't it be a bit too much fun?![]

"Well, it is almost ready."

After hearing this, Fangkuai nodded.

Now, he has accumulated enough strength, it is time to deal with the star core!

"In that case, let's go!"

Thinking of this, Fang Kuai Ren shouted directly

"OK! Let’s go!"

""Star core, here we come!"

Hearing this, Sanyueqi and Xing excitedly stood on the super giant iron golem and shouted.

They have been busy for so long, aren't they waiting for this moment?!

Immediately, Fangkuairen controlled the super giant iron golem and began to move forward.

Click! Click! Boom! Boom! Boom...

I saw that the big feet of the super giant iron golem were raised and dropped.

Every time it landed on the ground, it could make a huge sound. The solid ground under its feet was also stepped out of a big pit.

The surrounding environment also trembled, giving people an illusion as if there was an earthquake.

It is enough to see how terrible the mass of the super giant iron golem itself is.

Fangkuairen and the others stood on the shoulders of the super giant iron golem.

When the golem moved, their figures also went up and down in the air.

Because of the slight bumps caused by walking, it made everyone feel more exciting.

"Wuhu! Go! Trample the Star Core!!"

While the giant iron golem was moving,

San Yue Qi found a wooden stick from somewhere, pointed it forward, and shouted.

At this moment, she really felt the pleasure of driving a mecha.

If Uncle Yang saw this, he would probably cry with envy again.

If he had known earlier, he would have come to Yalilo No. 6 with them.

Now, he has missed the experience of driving a mecha.

Just as the giant iron golem carrying Fang Kuai Ren and the others was approaching the Eternal Winter Ridge step by step.

Klipperburg, Cocolia also sensed the warning from the Star Core.

Those aliens rushed towards the Star Core, and the Star Core sensed the danger.

He needed Cocolia's protection!

"What's going on?!"

Cocolia's face darkened.

It was the first time she received such an urgent distress signal from the star core.

Just when she was confused and puzzled, the next moment, when Cocolia looked out the window from Klipperburg, she understood everything.

She saw a giant creature that was sixty or seventy meters high, heading towards the direction of Yongdong Ridge.

Boom! Boom! Boom...

The huge noise made by the super giant puppet every time it stepped down, even Cocolia, who was far away in Klipperburg, could hear it.

"'Where did this monster come from?!"

"Why did such a monster appear?!!"

Seeing this, Kokolia felt a chill in her heart.

Even as the Great Guardian of Kroberg, she felt very difficult when she saw such a shocking giant.

However, Kokolia was able to become the Great Guardian of Kroberg, so her strength was naturally not bad.

Although she was shocked, she was still ready to go and stop the giant creature.

The star core must not be lost!


But at this moment, Cocolia narrowed her eyes.

Was she seeing right? There were actually several people standing on that giant creation?!

Among them were the aliens she had seen before!

Come to think of it, such a big guy couldn't have appeared out of thin air, right?!

It must have been created by those people to steal the star core.

When Cocolia saw that Bronya was also among the group, her eyes were instantly filled with anger, and even her face became distorted.

""Rebellious daughter!"

Cocolia was so angry that she was shaking. The calmness of the Great Guardian in the past was no longer there.

She had agreed to arrest those people?!

But she turned around and mixed with them.

Looking at the current situation, it seemed that

Bronya was going to deal with her together with those aliens?!!

At this moment, Cocolia felt that she was betrayed.

She was betrayed by her daughter who she had spent so much effort and resources to cultivate!


Cocolia snorted coldly and reached out to the side.

Then, the Flame Spear, which symbolized the Great Guardian's status, was caught in her hand.

Unfortunately, the Flame Spear was now frozen.


Do you really think that you can deal with the creation engine that the city builders are most proud of by just taking out any machine ?!"

Immediately, Cocolia sneered with great contempt.

The next moment, Cocolia left Klipper Castle with the Flame Gun and headed towards Yongdong Ridge.

You know, there is a complete creation engine that seals the star core!

Cocolia didn't think that the super giant iron golem built by Cube Ren would be a match for the creation engine.

At the same time, in the Iron Guard restricted area.

In the restricted area, Jeppard and others also discovered the big guy (Qian Zhaozhao) from a distance.

"Officer Jeppard, what should we do?"

"Yes! Facing such a huge monster, we have no chance of winning."

"It's over, it's over. I've completely forgotten about it this time.……"

Seeing this, the surrounding Silver Mane Guards collapsed and panicked for a time.

After all, they were usually exhausted by the other side's roaming world-riven creatures.

Now, suddenly a behemoth like this appeared.

The Silver Mane Guards present really didn't know how to deal with it.

After all, facing a monster that was thousands of times their size, they would probably be trampled into meat paste with one kick, right?!

How can they fight this?!

Even if all the Silver Mane Guards were assembled, they might not be able to deliver food to the monster.

It would be strange if these ordinary Silver Mane Guards didn't panic.

Of course, even Jeppard, the garrison officer, and Pella, the intelligence officer, were not much better.

The two of them were also afraid, but at this moment they could only hold on and calm themselves down.

"Don’t panic, this is the creation engine forged by the great guardian in the past!"

"He is not our enemy, and will help us deal with the Rift Creatures.……"

Jeppard and Pera discussed it and announced it directly.

If Jeppard didn't like reading books, he might not know about it.

Although the real creation engine is not as square as the super giant iron golem.

But they can only arrange it like this for now.

There is no other way. The Silver Mane Iron Guards are on the verge of collapse.���

If they can't be stabilized, the huge Silver Mane Guard will lose morale and disintegrate directly.

Without the Silver Mane Guard, who will guard Beloberg behind them?!!

Now, Jeppard and Pera just hope that the big monster will not come towards them.

Otherwise, the morale they just built up will collapse in an instant.

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