At the same time, at Yongdong Ridge, unlike Fangkuai Ren and his companions who were singing and dancing on the giant puppet and excitedly marching towards Yongdong Ridge,

Xinghe really felt a threat approaching him this time.

At this moment, Xinghe didn't know if it was because of panic and fear.

The air around the restraint device seemed to tremble, accompanied by irregular sound waves.

"Humph! They are just a few outsiders, why are you so panicked?!"

"Did you lie to me before?!!"

Cocolia held the frozen flame gun and stood in front of the Star Core restraint device.

She stared at the Star Core with a serious and angry look and asked.

Just a few outsiders rushed to the Star Core, and the Star Core was scared like this.

As the great guardian, Cocolia saw weakness in the Star Core.

When facing a powerful enemy, he would also be afraid and terrified.

On the other hand, the Star Core did not seem to be as powerful as Cocolia imagined.

And the Star Core had agreed with Cocolia to create a new world before.

But now it seems that the Star Core can really create a new world?! Cocolia couldn't help but have some doubts.

However, now she has no choice but to go all the way.

Moreover, the most important thing at the moment is to deal with the enemy who is getting closer and closer.

As for the others, we can talk about it later.

Boom!! Boom!! Boom

At the same time, accompanied by a slight vibration of the ground, the super giant iron golem also walked towards Yongdong Ridge.

This time, in addition to Fangkuai Ren and others on the super giant iron golem, there were also two sights on the Star Dome Train in deep space who were paying attention to the struggle that was about to break out.

"I said I didn't want to watch it, but you forced me to watch it!"

"When can I have such a mecha driving experience?"

Old Yang always envies seeing March 7 live broadcasting to him.

He also regretted more than once that he did not follow Dan Heng and others to participate in this pioneering journey.

At the same time, on Yalilo VI, the super giant iron golem quickly carried Fang Kuai Ren and others to the huge open space of Yongdong Ridge.

Cocolia stood in front of the star core restraint device, and she glared at Fang Kuai Ren and his group.

Facing the powerful foreign enemy, she was not afraid!

But when she saw her daughter standing with the enemy,

Cocolia couldn't hold it anymore.

"Bronya! Are you going to stop me from creating a new world?"

Cocolia screamed hysterically.

She made a deal with the star core and even sold out the entire Beloberg.

In a way, it was also to protect Bronya.

But now,

Bronya, whom she spent so much resources and energy to cultivate, stood on the opposite side of Cocolia.

This was even more painful than killing Cocolia.


"Don't be stubborn anymore. Trading with the star core will not give Beloberg a future."

Looking at her mother who had raised her for so many years, Bronya finally softened her heart.

The big tears gradually fell from her eyes.

"Shut up!"

However, Cocolia interrupted Bronya directly.

"The power of the star core is with me, and I will create a new world with my own hands!"

Cocolia looked at Bronya coldly, and the last trace of affection and tenderness in her eyes disappeared.

After she defeated this group of outsiders, she would meet her daughter in the new world!

"As the Great Guardian, I order you to stand up! Creation Engine!!"

Then, Cocolia raised the frozen flame gun in her hand and shouted loudly.

Crack! Crack! Boom!


The next moment, the huge engine behind Cocolia stood up.

The Creation Engine and the Super Giant Iron Golem of Cube Ren stood opposite each other, and its height was no less than that of the Super Giant Iron Golem of Cube Ren.

In terms of size, the Creation Engine is much thinner than the Super Giant Iron Golem.

There is no way, after all, the Creation Engine is still man-made.

Man-made things must pay attention to materials and science.

Therefore, whether in terms of materials or quality, the Creation Engine is slightly inferior to the Super Giant Iron Golem.

But it is also a giant robot after all, and the Creation Engine still gives people a strong sense of oppression.

Immediately, Cube Renren and others noticed that Cocolia's figure was pulled up and floated.

Then, she landed lightly on the shoulder of the Creation Engine.


"I will crush you with my own hands!"

She snorted coldly, raised her weapon, and looked at Fang Kuai Ren and Cocolia with an increasingly cold gaze.

It was these people who abducted her daughter away from her!


Bronya also looked at Cocolia.

She was saddened by the coldness and strangeness that Cocolia had shown just now.

At this moment, the mother who stood in front of her in the past seemed to have completely changed.

However, Bronya quickly adjusted her mood.

"Mother! Are you sure you must cooperate with Star Core?"

"It's not too late to turn back now!!!"

Bronya urged loudly, and then fell on the puppet's shoulder.

At this moment, her eyes were already filled with tears.

After just shouting the last sentence, she had already used up all her strength.

If it wasn't for having to, Bronya really didn't want to stand on the opposite side of her mother.

She also didn't want to watch her mother being defeated by Cube Ren and the others. You know, Bronya saw with her own eyes that Cube Ren built such a huge monster as the super giant iron puppet in just a few hours. In comparison,

���It takes a lot of resources and the efforts of several generations to build each creature engine.

Even if this time, Cube Ren built a super giant iron golem with this creature engine to resist it, what if he built two next time?!

Cocolia can't find a second or third creature engine to resist Cube Ren's attack.

Not to mention, there are three people from the train team next to him.

The power of each of them cannot be ignored.

Bronya knew that her mother would never be able to defeat Cube Ren and his team.

Even if Cocolia can borrow the power of the star core in addition to the creature engine.

But Bronya has been in contact with the three people in the train team and knows that they have dealt with star cores before.

Relying on the power of the star core alone, it is even more impossible to compete with Cube Ren and his team.

You are a mortal, why do you want to compete with some people who cheat and use the big account at any time?!!

However, in the face of Bronya's good advice.

Cocolia didn't listen at all, but became even angrier.

"Bronya! My daughter, it seems that you have been completely deceived by these outsiders."

"The star core is the future of the new world!"

"They are just coveting the star core!"

"And my daughter, you! You could have been the mother of the new world!"

Cocolia shouted, still stubborn.

Then, she looked at Fangkuai Ren and the others in front of her, without saying anything more.

Then, Cocolia swung the flame gun in her hand forward.

Crack! Crack! Crack!!

Then, the huge creation engine slowly woke up like a giant beast from ancient times.

The next moment, the creation engine lifted his huge arms and swung at the super giant iron golem.

With this punch, even if Godzilla came, he would have to eat two bags before he could leave.

At the same time, Cocolia's skin on the creation engine began to turn purple, and it was still spreading to the whole body.

At this moment, how could she look like the normal person she used to be?! (To read the violent novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Seeing Cocolia's appearance that was neither human nor ghost, Fangkuai Ren knew that it would not be long before she would be transformed into the Mother of Illusion.

"Let's do it, let the giant iron golem attack with all its might, don't hold back."

At the same time, Bronya wiped her tears, made up her mind, and said to Fang Kuairen.

Although she loved her mother, she couldn't just watch Cocolia hurt her friends.

Besides, Cocolia was no longer the mother she loved before.

""Okay! Watch me!"

In response, Fang Kuai Ren also nodded and said.

In fact, even if Bronya didn't say it, he wouldn't just sit there and wait for death.


Then, Fang Kuai Ren controlled the giant iron golem to move quickly.

Although it was several dozen meters tall, its flexibility was not low at all.

The giant iron golem quickly raised its arm to block and firmly blocked the punch from the Creation Engine.


A deafening metal vibration echoed in the air, and a visible air wave spread out.

Fang Kuai Ren and others standing on the shoulders of the giant iron golem were almost blown off by the strong airflow.

It was obvious that these two How powerful is it to fight a giant monster.

However, after the first confrontation, the results between the Creation Engine and the Super Giant Iron Golem were completely different.

The Super Giant Iron Golem's block arm was hit, and its body only trembled, and it didn't even take a step back.

The Creation Engine was disgusted, and its fist part was directly dented.

Who is stronger and who is weaker, anyone with a discerning eye can see it at once.

Are you kidding, the Super Giant Iron Golem is solid all over, and the quality is excellent.

How can the Creation Engine compare with the Super Giant Iron Golem?!

"Tear them apart!"

I don't know if it was because of anger, but Cocolia's mind seemed to be affected a little.

She commanded the creation engine and attacked Fangkuairen and the others regardless of anything.


Immediately, two giant monsters as tall as buildings collided with each other and wrestled with each other.

In terms of strength, the super giant iron golem is naturally better. The super giant iron golem didn't even use much strength. It seemed that it just pushed forward, and the creation engine that was originally close to it was pushed away directly.

Step! Step! Step! Step

The creation engine kept retreating for many steps before it stopped.

But then, it rushed over again.


Boom!! Boom!! Boom

The next moment, I saw two behemoths intertwined.

You punch and I kick, and you can't stop.

The battle between such behemoths is so simple and unpretentious.

Either you kill me with your fists, or I kick you to death.

""We've made an achievement"

Just when the two behemoths were having a great time fighting, a high-energy BGM suddenly sounded all around.

This moment was perfect.

"Where did Wildfire come from?》?!"

Hearing this familiar BGM, Fang Kuai Ren's blood boiled.

He turned around and saw that it was Sambo who had come to their side.

He was carrying a huge speaker on his shoulder.

Wasn't the BGM played by Sambo?!

"How could old Sangbo miss such an interesting scene?!"

Sangbo laughed and moved closer to Fangkuai Ren while carrying the speakers.

His words translated to mean, how could such a scene be without a fun person like him?!

However, when Sangbo appeared,

Dan Heng, one of the three members of the train crew, stared at Sangbo closely.

This profiteer cheated him at that time, and he has not yet settled the score with Sangbo!

However, now is not the time to talk about this, let's talk about it after dealing with the matter of the star core.

Dong! Dong! Dong! Dong

At the same time, the battle between the super giant iron golem and the engine of creation continued.

It was also accompanied by the super burning song of"Wildfire".

And this sudden BGM gradually reached the ears of all the Silver Mane Iron Guards, as well as the residents of the upper and lower districts.

Almost all the Silver Mane Iron Guards and the residents of the upper district looked in the direction of Everwinter Ridge.

Those who couldn't see this scene raised their heads and tried their best to listen to the BGM and the noise caused by the battle between the two behemoths.

Although most people didn't know what was going on, they had a hunch in their hearts that this was a battle related to the life and death of Beloberg.

They all put down their work and waited for the end of this battle.

At the same time, on the side of Everwinter Ridge.

After Cocolia commanded the Creation Engine to fight against the super giant iron golem for a while.

She found that the strength of the Creation Engine was far inferior to that of the super giant iron golem.

Cocolia underestimated the power of the super giant iron golem. She did not expect that the big guy opposite would be so powerful.

After the two behemoths fought for so long, the Creation Engine, which originally looked mighty and domineering, had been dented in many places. It looked bumpy and ugly. Looking at the super giant iron golem, it was still intact, and it even looked like the paint had not fallen off.

Although the super giant iron golem was not painted.

Cocolia had a hunch that if it continued like this, it would only be a matter of time before the Creation Engine was scrapped by the super giant iron golem.

"Creation Engine! Use the energy cannon and smash them to pieces!"

Immediately, Cocolia commanded the Creation Engine to pull away.

Then he aimed the huge muzzle in front of him at the super giant iron golem.

This is a melee to long-range battle!


The next moment, after a simple accumulation of power, the Creation Engine shot out a dazzling and thick beam of light.

The terrifying energy output can be felt from a distance. The breath of destruction revealed from it.

Bang! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

After the light column from the junior high school hit the super giant iron golem, a series of powerful explosions occurred instantly.

It was also thanks to Fangkuai Ren that he used one of the puppet's arms to block a large number of explosions.

In addition, they were not ordinary people, otherwise, just being swept by this strong explosion shock wave would cause ordinary people to be seriously injured.

However, this is not the end.

After a shot of energy cannon, Cocolia commanded the Creation Engine, followed by lasers, shells and the like.

Bang! Boom! Bang! Boom! Boom!

Almost all kinds of long-range attacks were thrown at the super giant iron golem as if they were free.

Cocolia also found that she would be the only one who would suffer in close combat with the super giant iron golem.

So, she directly adopted this long-range attack method.

Cocolia tried to blow up the super giant iron golem and Fangkuairen in this way.

On the other hand, the super giant iron golem did not have any long-range output means.

Otherwise, he would have counterattacked long ago.

If the Creation Engine is compared to an explosive mage, then the super giant is a meat shield warrior.

The super meaty kind, the health bar is far beyond the imagination of ordinary people. After all, the iron golem does not need to consider heat dissipation and the like, it is just a pure solid moving iron lump..

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