"Bo Yue Ancient Sea, a wonderful place. The scenery of this Scale Abyss Realm is the same as the last time I saw it. It has not changed. But you are a little different now." Jing Yuan tilted his head and looked at Dan Heng.

"General, I am not him. Whether that Dan Feng is a hero or a sinner, it has nothing to do with me. I have taken his punishment and accepted permanent exile - I have no complaints about this, but when you look at me, please be sure to abandon the shadow of the past."

"It doesn't matter if it is him or not, Dan Heng, you inherited his appearance and his power. Whether you admit it or not, you are inseparable from him."

"I have said..."

"Yes, you said it, so what? If you can change others' attitude towards yourself with just one sentence, there will be fewer disputes in the world."

Jing Yuan looked into the depths of the Scale Abyss Realm.

"Promise me one thing, will you? Do me one last favor as Dan Feng. Once this is done, I will let him die and revoke your exile order. I can guarantee that in the future, at least on Luofu, you will no longer be anyone's shadow."

"You must promise. Blame your previous life. If he hadn't done that stupid thing, if the power of dragon transformation could be passed on completely, I wouldn't have to force you." Jing Yuan finished speaking, his expression softened.

"Okay, talk about something happy. Go meet your companions. They should be surprised by your current appearance. Cold-faced Big Blue Dragon? This title is quite good."


"What are we doing here? It looks very dangerous here." Huo Huo followed behind Bai Tian, ​​looking around with a small flag in his hand.

"I'll take you to save the entire Xianzhou Luofu. After today, you will be the hero of Xianzhou."

"Can I go back? I'd rather not be a hero." Huo Huo's legs went weak after hearing this. Being a hero must be a very dangerous thing.

"Little coward." Tail uncle said disdainfully.

"You are so powerful, but you are still sealed on my tail." Huo Huo whispered.

"It's too late, we have arrived. Don't worry, I am here, it's safe. And now the fairy boat is very dangerous. Judge Huo Huo, you don't want the fairy boat Luofu to be destroyed." Bai Tian said that it was easy to beat Huan Long.

"Ah! There are cloud cavalry over there, it seems that they are not allowed to enter, let's go back." Huo Huo arrived at the place and backed out again.

"The front is forbidden, no idle people!" The cloud cavalry stopped Bai Tian and Huo Huo.

Bai Tian took out Jing Yuan's token, he found that this thing is really useful in the fairy boat, and can even mobilize a group of cloud cavalry.

"General Jingyuan's token, please come in, General Jingyuan is inside."

"Let's go, little crybaby."

"Oh, wait for me."

Along the way, Bai Tian and Huo Huo carefully avoided the place where the Cloud Cavalry Army fought with the Medicine King Secret and the Antimatter Corps, but he still gave the Cloud Cavalry Army an assistant. If it were in the game, he would have to be a five-star assistant at best. Ahem, I'm getting off topic.

With Bai Tian's help, the Cloud Cavalry Army was unstoppable and easily defeated the opponent.

"What are we here for?" Huo Huo felt the depressing atmosphere around her and the information revealed by Bai Tian, ​​and she realized that something was wrong.

Why was she so obsessed with following this person!

"Nothing, just to fight a BOSS."

"BOSS? Who?" Huo Huo looked puzzled.

"Look, it's in front." Bai Tian stopped, and he had seen the people fighting hard with Huan Long.

"Ouch." Bai Tian suddenly stopped, and Huo Huo bumped into him without noticing.

"Who is that?"

"The Great Lord of Extinction, Huan Long."

"Hey, you mean you want me to fight her!" Huo Huo was shocked. Σ(っ °Д °;)っ.

"That's not right, it's not right no matter how I think about it, you want me to fight her!" Huo Huo grabbed Bai Tian's clothes, tears in his eyes, and looked like he was about to run away.

"Wow, I don't want to be a hero anymore, I don't want to save the fairy boat, I want to go home!" Huo Huo turned around and ran away, but Bai Tian still grabbed the back of his neck.

Seeing Huo Huo so cowardly, Tail Uncle rarely sneered.

The Great Lord of Extinction, Huan Long. Tail Uncle had heard of him. Even when he was in his prime, he was probably going to give his head away, not to mention now, with a little crybaby.

"Don't worry, I'll help you." Bai Tian lent the power of nothingness to Huo Huo, and also strengthened her.

"Go ahead." Bai Tian grabbed Huo Huo and threw her towards Huan Long.

"Ahhhhhhh!" Listen, it was the screams of Huo Huo and Tail Uncle.

Although Huo Huo felt that there was something inside her body after being strengthened by Bai Tian.Endless power, but suddenly being thrown in front of such a scary person, it's scary, isn't it.

Huanlong, who was suppressing Jingyuan and the people of the Starry Sky Train, suddenly heard a scream from afar.

"What is that?"

As Huanlong was distracted, Jingyuan and the others also breathed a sigh of relief.

"Huohuo, why is she here?" Jingyuan naturally knew the little girl with Suiyang sealed on her tail in the Ten Kings Division.

"But why is she here, and the power she exudes is far stronger than the pressure brought by the Great Lord Huanlong of Extinction, a bit like the power of nothingness, during the day?"

"Are there reinforcements? General Luofu Jingyuan, but no matter how many people come, you can't break the power of transformation and regeneration of the Jianmu Immortal Traces. You can't, and that little girl can't do it either."

"Everything in the universe will end with [destruction], and [abundance] and [hunting] are no exception."

Huanlong looked at Huohuo, and the wooden vine derived from Jianmu entangled towards Huohuo.

Looking at the wooden vines blocking him, Huo Huo screamed and took out his small flag and waved it wildly.

"Help!" Huo Huo & Tail Uncle.

Huo Huo's small flag was originally made of special materials, and with the void energy specially supplied during the day, those wooden vines were sucked dry and assimilated just by approaching Huo Huo, and then withered and dissipated.

"What!" Just when Huan Long was shocked, Huo Huo had already hit her huge mountain peak, and the small flag in his hand was also inserted into it.

It must be said that Huan Long's body created by Jianmu was extremely elastic. Huo Huo was immediately bounced back to the ground after hitting her mountain peak, but the small flag was inserted steadily.

Um~. "Huo Huo knelt on the ground, covering her head. Although she did not feel any pain and was not injured, this was the most exciting thing she had ever experienced in her life, even more exciting than the first time she went to work at the Ten Kings Division.

"Woo woo woo, you old man, I'm scared!"

"Fuck, why are you so scared? I'm scared too!"

"Damn it. "Huanlong raised her hand, ready to crush the offending bug to death.

However, at this time, the small flag inserted on her mountain began to exert force, or more precisely, the void energy on it began to exert force. These energies were the most original void energy of IX. If they were directly inserted into the body, not to mention a clone of Huanlong, even if the destructive star god Nanook came in person, he would be half dead.

At this time, in Huanlong's body, the void energy began to rage continuously, and the Jianmu energy in her body was assimilated and eroded by the void energy. Huanlong's body shrank instantly, and the huge mountain seemed like a deflated doll. Even these void energies had affected her body.

Jingyuan and Danheng would naturally not miss this opportunity. The two looked at each other, as if they had found the tacit understanding of fighting side by side in the past.

Huohuo didn't know where he got the courage from, and he rushed up waving his spare white flag and howling.

"How dare you! "Huanlong wanted to mobilize her strength to repel Danheng and Jingyuan, but her current state was very bad.

The God's slash and Danheng's spear slammed towards Huanlong fiercely.

"Damn it," Huanlong was still thinking about fighting back at this time.

But Huo Huo waved a small flag and gave her a fatal blow.

"Nothingness!" Huanlong roared unwillingly, and then looked at Bai Tian who was watching the battle in the distance. Bai Tian smiled and waved to her.

Jingyuan and Danheng supported each other and stood up, and everyone looked at the green flames in front of them.

Although you repelled me, General Luofu, how long can you hold on? After the people from the Starry Sky Train leave, you can't stop it. The day of the destruction of the Immortal Boat is coming."

"Go back and tell the legion that the revenge of [Patrol] will surely come." Jingyuan waved his hand to disperse Huanlong's spiritual fire.

"The matter is over. Jing Yuan would like to thank you all for your help."

"Also, Mr. Bai Tian, ​​your special forces have made a decisive move." Jing Yuan looked at Huo Huo.

"Bai Tian? Ah! When did you get behind me? Did you walk without making any sound?" San Yue Qi was startled by Bai Tian who suddenly appeared behind him.

"Huo Huo, how is it? Now you are the hero who defeated Huan Long. General Jing Yuan, this Judge Huo Huo is the first to make a contribution to this incident."

"Woo woo woo woo, what was I thinking just now? Why did I rush up when my brain was hot? Now I think about it and I am almost scared to death." Huo Huo's face turned pale and he sat on the ground.

"Oh my god, I defeated the extinction lord Huan Long. I can brag about this for the rest of my life." The tail uncle also showed his head.

"Ah ah ah ah, ghost!" San Yue Qi quickly hid behind Bai Tian. Apart from Uncle Yang, Bai Tian was the one who made her feel the most secure.

"What are you yelling about? Forget it,I won't bother with you."

"Hahahaha, everyone, the matter of the extinction of the great lord Huanlong has come to an end. I have set up a celebration banquet to celebrate for you."

After Jing Yuan left.

"By the way, Xing, although most of the power of this star core is used to give birth to Jianmu, there is still a main body. Xianzhou probably wants to suppress it together with Jianmu, which is a bit wasteful. It's better to give you another one."

"Come on, don't pity me." Xing felt great at this time. Three core drive, it's cool to think about it.

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