"Damn, damn nothingness!" Although Huanlong only lost one clone, the nothingness has already eroded her soul along with that body. Now, she actually began to have the idea of ​​giving up and not wanting to do anything.

"No, I am the envoy of the Order of Destruction. How can I have such an idea! But, I really don't want to move now! I am so tired, everything is meaningless, everything is nothingness, just let me lie alone quietly for a while, I'm sorry, my god, I have failed your trust." Huanlong gradually stopped moving, and it can only be said that the influence of nothingness is so terrifying.


"My benefactors have returned victoriously. I have prepared a celebration banquet to welcome you all." When the Xingqiong train and the others followed Jingyuan back to the general's mansion, Tingyun was waiting in front of the door early.

"Miss Tingyun!" Sanyueqi had some psychological trauma about Huanlong's head tilt.

"What is going on? What is the relationship between you and the Miss Tingyun pretending to be Huanlong?" Sanyueqi's brain, which was not smart to begin with, was completely unable to turn around.

"Miss March Seven, don't be surprised. Please enjoy the victory celebration banquet first. During this time, I will explain to you." Tingyun put away the folding fan and prepared to lead everyone into the general's mansion.

After everyone entered the general's mansion, Xing took the initiative to find Tingyun.

"Are you the real Tingyun?" Xing looked at Tingyun and asked in confusion.

"My benefactor, you are joking. Of course, I am the real Tingyun."

"I don't believe it. How can you prove it? Unless..." Xing reached out and touched Tingyun's tail and ears.

"My benefactor, don't!" Tingyun blushed when Xing touched her.

"Hehehehe, furry, you are indeed the real Tingyun."

"My benefactor, don't do this anymore. I really can't bear your kindness."

The celebration banquet began. Jingyuan sat in the main seat and toasted everyone on the Xingqiong Train. Of course, March Seven and Xing drank fruit juice.

"Everyone from the Starry Sky Train has helped the Immortal Boat Luofu a lot this time. Jing Yuan would like to offer a toast to you all."

"Jing Yuan, as the general of Luofu, thanks you all for your help. Now that the matter has come to an end, it is time to give back to you openly and honestly."

"Wow! It's coming. Are the benefits that the general promised us finally coming?" San Yueqi raised the juice excitedly.

"The Starry Sky Train has fought for Luofu and its sincerity is evident. After the six emperors discussed it together, from now on, you are Luofu's sworn allies. In the territory of Luofu, you will be treated with the highest standards as envoys of the alliance." Jing Yuan smiled slightly and said the promise made by the Luofu officials.

"On behalf of the Starry Sky Train, I would like to thank the general." Old Yang stood up and thanked Jing Yuan on behalf of the Starry Sky Train.

"Well, although there is nothing practical, it sounds pretty cool."

"And Judge Huo Huo, because of your meritorious service in killing Huan Long, after internal consultation within the Ten Kings Division, you will be promoted three levels and granted the Ten Kings Order to inform the Luofu Immortal Boat."

"Ah! I...I...I can't do it." Huo Huo's face turned pale. If she informed the entire Immortal Boat, then she would... in the future.

"Judge Huo Huo, don't be modest. This is the reward you deserve." Jing Yuan smiled. This was also a training for her.

"This is the official thank you from Xianzhou, not a reward. I also prepared a gift for the Starry Sky Train. I hope you like it."

The gifts prepared by Jing Yuan are quite good. Lao Yang's is a drawing of the mecha manufacturing technology of Xianzhou, Sanyueqi's is a unique photo stone of Xianzhou, Bai Tian's is a special account card approved by the general. With this card, all consumption in Luofu Xianzhou will be borne by Luofu officials. Xing's is very simple and rough. She is now lying on those big boxes of Starry Sky with a silly smile.

Jing Yuan got up from his seat and took out a long spear and handed it to Dan Heng.

"This is the weapon that Dan Feng used. Now it's time to return it to its original owner."

Dan Heng looked at Jing Yuan without speaking or taking the long spear.

"I know you are Dan Heng, not Dan Feng. This gun is not only the shadow of Dan Feng in the past, but also carries the original starting point. I thought about it for a long time and finally decided to return it to you. Its future is up to you. If you want to completely cut off the past, then abandon it and I will never ask. "

Dan Heng looked up at Jing Yuan, and finally reached out to take the spear.

Until the celebration banquet ended, Dan Heng was still staring at the spear in his hand in a daze.

"Dan Heng." A hand patted his shoulder, interrupting his thoughts.

"Uncle Yang?"

"I don't know what history this gun carries, and I don't know what happened in your past, but Dan Heng, you have to know that you are now a member of the Starry Sky Train, which has nothing to do with your so-called past life, and you don'tYou must feel confused. "

"Dan Heng, don't think too much. I see you hardly ate anything at the banquet. I tell you, there were so many delicious things at the banquet, but it's a pity that you didn't eat any of them." Sanyueqi looked regretful.

"Look at Xing, she looks so heartless." Sanyueqi pointed at Xing who was grinning.

"Thank you, Sanyue."

"Ah, thank me for what?" Sanyueqi looked silly.

"Hey, Dan Heng, you're silent again!"


"Cough cough cough cough!" After everyone on the Starry Sky Train left, Jing Yuan covered his mouth and began to cough.

"General, you..." Fu Xuan looked at the weak Jing Yuan in front of him worriedly.

"Don't worry, Fu Qing, I'm not going to die yet." Jing Yuan waved his hand.

"But Fu Qing's dream is going to be realized ahead of time. These days, Fu Qing will temporarily take over the position of general, just as a training exercise in advance."

"How long can your body last? "

"Fu Qing is concerned about me. Don't worry, I can still hold on for decades."

"Who is worried about you? I just want to know when you die, so that I can inherit the position of general." Fu Xuan said stubbornly.

"Forget it, since I am temporarily taking over the position of general, the Imperial Household Department will be handed over to Qingque for the time being. Although this child likes to slack off, her ability is indeed rare. I have to think of a way to make her take the initiative." Fu Xuan muttered to himself.

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