"Ah~~~~". Bai Tian stretched lazily after waking up.

"You're awake." Ji Zi sat next to him with a cup of coffee in her hand.

"Good morning." Bai Tian lifted the quilt on his body.

"Good morning."

"What is this quilt...?"

"Xiao Sanyue covered you last night. She might be afraid that you would catch a cold. Although Xiao Sanyue is usually silly, she is unexpectedly caring."

Ji Zi handed Bai Tian a cup of coffee.

"Would you like a cup? I made it myself."

"Thank you." Bai Tian took the coffee.

"Well, it's still full of nothingness."

"It seems that the conductor is sleeping soundly." Ji Zi looked at Pam.

"Pam?" At this time, Bai Tian finally found the unidentified object that he was pillowing last night.

Pam was sleeping soundly at this time. If you listen carefully, you can even hear his snoring.

"Good morning, Pam, is she still awake? Wait, is Pam...snoring? Record it now! So cute!"

"No, don't record it!" Pam sat up suddenly from the sofa, his eyes were still half open and half closed, his hair was messy, and his face was a little sleepy, looking embarrassed and cute.

"Hey, is Pam awake? I just started recording." Sanyueqi put away his phone disappointedly.

"Passenger Sanyueqi, please don't tease the conductor." Pam rubbed his eyes and looked at Sanyueqi.

"Hey, you are drinking the coffee made by Sister Jizi again, is it really delicious? Has Sister Jizi's coffee making skills improved?" Sanyueqi asked doubtfully when he saw Bai Tian holding Jizi's coffee in his hand.

"Well, how should I put it, this coffee reminds me of the most unforgettable experience in my life, a very special taste." Bai Tian thought for a while and replied.

"Thinking of the most unforgettable experience, when did Sister Jizi's coffee have this effect."

"Why don't I have a cup too? Maybe Sister Jizi's cooking skills have improved." Sanyueqi did what he said and poured himself a cup with Jizi's coffee pot.

Looking at the coffee in front of him that looked like a paste, Sanyueqi swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

"It should be just the appearance that has not changed. Maybe it tastes much better." Sanyueqi comforted himself.

Gulp gulp gulp...

Sanyueqi drank a big mouthful very honestly.

"Wow, this feeling..., the taste has not changed at all!" Sanyueqi wanted to cry but had no tears, but Jizi was standing next to her, and she really didn't have the courage to spit it out in front of Jizi.

After swallowing all the coffee in her mouth with great effort, Sanyueqi smiled and nodded to Jizi.

"Sister Jizi, it tastes good."

"Danheng, what are you doing?"

Danheng didn't say anything, but just gave Sanyueqi a thumbs up.

"Okay, the train is running low on resources right now. We're going to go to the Black Tower Space Station for supplies. Get ready, we're about to start the jump." Ji Zi notified everyone.

"Attention, passengers. Attention, passengers. The train is expected to start jumping in ten minutes. Please sit tight and hold on to prevent falling."

Also, the Starry Sky Train issued a new rule today.

"Forbidden! Forbidden! Forbidden!!! Using the conductor as a pillow!!!"

"I'll say it again, Forbidden! Forbidden! Forbidden!!! Using the conductor as a pillow!!!"

"Okay, passengers, please pay attention, the train is about to start jumping, please sit tight and hold on to it."

"Hehehe, we won't fall this time." March 7 said standing in the middle.

"Well, wait, what are you looking at me for? I just want to test my limits."


(Won't fall, won't fall, won't fall.)


(Won't fall, won't fall, won't fall.)


(Won't fall, won't fall, won't fall.)


"I won't fall this time!"


As the train began to jump, the carriage shook slightly.

With a thump, there was no doubt that March Seven fell to the ground again.

But this time, Bai Tian had put the sofa cushion under her body before she fell.

"Well, it doesn't hurt this time." March Seven got up from the ground and said in surprise.

"No!!!" Before March Seven finished speaking, Pam had already rushed into the room.

Looking at the sofa cushion on the ground, Pam's face was a little gloomy.

"Pam is going to add a new rule that forbids throwing the cushions on the train sofas on the ground."

"Sorry, conductor, I'll be more careful next time." Sanyueqi apologized to the angry Pam.

"Hmph, then you two will be responsible for cleaning the sofa cushions on the train. Remember, it's all"Bupa! ! ! "

"I know." Sanyueqi nodded weakly.

As for Bai Tian, ​​he didn't care at all. After all, as the spokesperson of the void destiny, cleaning such a small thing is too easy.

"Bai Tian, ​​what are you laughing at? Forget it, I'll wash the mat. After all, it's my fault." Sanyueqi said with a pout.

"Leave it to me." Bai Tian nodded complacently.

"Hello, is this the Interstellar Peace Company? This is the Star Dome Train. I want to order a fully automatic housework robot. Yes, I want the best one, and the one that will charge itself when it runs out of power. Yes, send it to me as quickly as you can. I need it urgently. "

Bai Tian turned his head and looked at Sanyueqi: "Now the problem is solved."

"Um, do you have money?" Sanyueqi asked cautiously.

"Money? "Bai Tian stayed for a while.

He had been with the Void Star God for so long that he almost forgot the concept of money.

"It's over. You should return the things quickly. I'll wash them by hand."

"Okay, I got it." Bai Tian nodded.


"Ouch." San Yue Qi took a deep breath and scrubbed the sofa cushion vigorously.

But it seems that she rarely does housework. Her hands are wrinkled and she hasn't washed a cushion.

"Why don't I wash it?" Bai Tian felt that if San Yue Qi continued to wash like this, she would not be able to sleep tonight.

"Can you do housework? Aren't boys not supposed to do housework?" San Yue Qi looked surprised.

"Where did you hear that boys can't do housework?" Bai Tian was a little surprised.

"Nothing? "March Seven blushed. She couldn't say that she read it in the book "How to Be a Good Wife and Good Mother".

"But he really knows how to do housework." March Seven stared blankly at Bai Tian washing the mat. She decided to throw away the book when she got home.

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