"It seems that the passengers March 7 and Bai Tian did a good job." Looking at the washed sofa cushions, Pam nodded with satisfaction.

"But if it happens again, the conductor will never let it go."

"Huh," March 7 wiped his sweat after watching Pam leave.

"Fortunately Pam agreed, otherwise we would... Hey, what's that look in your eyes? You look like you're looking at a fool."

"Is Pam fat?" Bai Tian changed the subject.

"Actually, it's okay, but Pam's hair loss is really serious recently. We have seen it on the sofa many times, but I was afraid that Pam would be sad, so I never told Pam."

"Here, look." March 7 took out a few black hairs from the gap of the sofa, exactly the same as Pam's.

"I heard that Miss Esta, the stationmaster of the Black Tower Space Station, has a puppy named Pepe. You can ask her for advice. I guess the effect should be similar." Bai Tian thought about it and answered seriously.


"Attention, passengers, the train has arrived at the Black Tower Space Station. Please get off the train in an orderly manner."

"Ah~, we finally arrived at the station. I haven't been to the Black Tower Space Station for a long time. The last time I came to the Black Tower Space Station was... the last time." Sanyueqi opened his arms impatiently after getting off the train.

"The train is good, but the space is too small. We must have a good time this time."

"Danheng, where is the daytime? Why didn't I see him? He just got off the train with us." Sanyueqi couldn't see the shadow of the daytime after getting off the train.

"I don't know. He disappeared as soon as he got off the train."

Hmm~, Sister Ji Zi and Uncle Yang went to discuss the supply problem of the train. Let's go around and take a look. "

"Let me think, where is Station Master Esta? I'll go find her. Danheng, go and have a look by yourself. Bye."

"Goodbye, Sanyue. "Dan Heng nodded.


"Kafka, can you choose quickly? Okay, I'll choose for you, that one, that one." Silver Wolf looked at Kafka who stood there for a long time and couldn't make a decision, and was a little impatient.

"Don't worry, Silver Wolf, Elio said that I must be the one to make the choice." Kafka was still unhurried, and finally, she made a decision.

"How much will she remember?"

"At least she will remember you."

"Really." Kafka looked at the girl in front of her gently.

"It's time to get up." Kafka pressed the star core into the girl's chest, and the girl's already thin figure was made worse.


"Kafka, we should go."

"I know, wait for me a little longer, let me see her again, just one look." Kafka gently stroked Xing's face, and her gentle eyes never left her.

"Let's go, Silver Wolf. "Kafka stood up and followed Silver Wolf to leave.

"Mommy, don't go..." Xing slowly closed her eyes and her outstretched hand fell weakly.

"Kafka, what did you say to her? Why did she call you mom?"

"I don't know, Silver Wolf." Kafka was dealing with a child.

"Forget it, this mission is so tiring. I must play two games when I go back." Silver Wolf stretched out her arms and showed her thin figure.

"Don't say that, Silver Wolf. At least the variable that Elio mentioned has not appeared until now." Kafka's tone was still so gentle.

"Kafka, who is that? This guy didn't appear in Elio's script, Kafka." Silver Wolf pointed to the daytime in front of them and asked.

"I don't know, but things that Elio didn't mention are not important." Kafka took out a long knife and prepared to knock out the roadblocker.

"Hi, hello. "Bai Tian walked up to them.

"The people from the Star Train..." Kafka noticed the ticket on Bai Tian's body, and then put away the long sword.

"It seems that you are the variable that Elio mentioned, so why did you come to see me? What's the matter?" Kafka looked at Bai Tian gently.

"Would you like a cup of coffee?" Bai Tian did not answer, but took out Ji Zi's coffee pot from behind, poured a cup of coffee and handed it to Kafka.

Kafka looked at Bai Tian and did not take the cup of coffee.

"Did you come to us just to treat us to a cup of coffee? Let me do it." Silver Wolf took the coffee and took a sip.


Bai Tian stood there without dodging, and the coffee sprayed by Silver Wolf sprayed him in the face, and some sprayed directly into his mouth.

"Well, it seems to taste better."

"Hey, this is not coffee, it's simply poison." Silver Wolf screamed with a painful expression and stuck out his tongue.

"Sorry, I thought you would like it. "I wiped the coffee on my face with my hands during the day.coffee, expressing his apology.

"Forget it, forget it, I won't argue with you." Silver Wolf waved his hand generously.

"So what exactly did you come to us for?"

"Nothing, I just want to see the Star Core Hunter." Bai Tian looked at Kafka's face, which looked really gentle.

"Now that I'm done, I should go, after all, I still have to witness her/his birth."

Bai Tian left between Kafka and Silver Wolf, passing by them.

"What kind of bad taste does this person have? He actually likes this kind of coffee." The strange taste in Silver Wolf's mouth still did not dissipate.

"Who knows, maybe he is a little different." Kafka smiled and looked at Silver Wolf.

"Wait, where is my game console? Where did it go? That was the limited edition of the universe that I bought with great difficulty." Silver Wolf habitually reached into his pocket, but did not feel the familiar touch.

"That person must have just taken it."

"Oh, that's too much. How could he do that? I finally got it. I haven't even played it for a few days. That damn man, don't let me see him again!"

"Okay, Silver Wolf, isn't it just a game console? Stop crying and making a fuss."

"Humph, I'm not crying and making a fuss."

"Kafka, your coat..."

"What?" Kafka looked at the coffee handprints on her coat, and her gentle face suddenly darkened.

"Don't worry, Silver Wolf, since he is a variable, we will meet again in the future." Kafka took off her coat and said in a low voice.

"When the time comes..."

Kafka showed a dangerous smile.

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