Bai Tian arrived at Heita's office.

"Wow, there are quite a lot of people here. Heita, Screw Cob, Ruan Mei, Xing, Ladio, and Otto, why are you here too?"

"I had a good chat with Mr. Ladio, so I followed him, and I am also very interested in Ms. Heita's simulated universe. This is a rare opportunity."

"Otto, he is a wise man." Ladio gave a high evaluation.

"Hi, Bai Tian, ​​I've been waiting for you for a long time, and you are finally here."

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Bai Tian."

"Logic: The reunion came earlier than expected." Screw Cob seemed very happy to see Bai Tian.

"Okay, remember this historic moment, the gathering of several top scholars in the universe, an unforgettable moment."

"Wait, are Xing and I also considered top scholars? This is great, please call me Genius Bai Tian from now on."

"Then I am Genius Xing."

"You two shut up, I asked you two to come to test the simulated universe, you two have nothing to do in the meeting." Heita drove Hexing to the simulated universe. It just so happened that this gathering of geniuses should be able to dig out many secrets of the star gods. "

"Okay, let's continue our communication, I believe there will be a lot of gains. "


Just as the geniuses were talking, undercurrents began to surge inside the space station.

Underworld Fire Duke, a familiar name, he was looking for a special strange object [Phase Spirit Fire].

"The gods between the stars are out of the world and have no intention of caring about the insignificant creatures. Only the benefactor who bears the wound can make all realms bathe in the fire of [destruction]. But there are always cowardly villains who try to refuse grace and escape from the wound. "

"Run away, run away--no matter where you run, annihilation will eventually visit!" Grand Duke Hellfire has decided to bring destruction to the Black Tower Space Station and let them bathe in the glory of destruction.

Now, he has begun to use Hellfire to carry out premeditated attacks on the staff of the space station. Only when the space station is completely in chaos can he achieve his goal.

But unfortunately, he doesn't seem to have chosen a good time.

"Xing, you go to test the simulated universe, and I will help Ruan Mei clean up her creations."

"Why don't you test the simulated universe?"

"Because it's boring."

"Damn it, I also want to go find Maomao Gao to play." Xing condemned Bai Tian in his heart, and then obediently went to test the simulated universe.

"Maomao Gao? You probably don't like the bug cake in the confinement compartment." Bai Tian was about to deal with the bug, and it was a bit too dangerous for Xing to deal with it.

"Bug cake? You seem to know something? "Xing suspected that he had teamed up with others to hide something from her, after all, these things have precedents.

"The Riddler will not die well!"

"I know everything, what are you asking? Your chat history? You are really playing tricks..."

"How do you know!" Xing decided to change her phone when she got back.

"Goodbye, I'm going to test the simulated universe." Xing decided not to chat with this person anymore. If the browser history was dug out, how could she flirt with girls?

After Xing left.

"But that place seems to be very scary. Do you want to take Sanyue with you? It's much better than taking your girlfriend to see a horror movie."

The confinement section, a place that is almost never mentioned in the Black Tower Space Station, is said to have very scary things.

Like now...

"During the day, didn't you say there was a group of cute cat cakes here? Where are they? Why do I feel so gloomy and scary? "March Seven pressed himself against Bai Tian, ​​as if only this could bring her a sense of security.

Bai Tian and March Seven came to the confinement section. As soon as they got off the elevator, a strange-looking little robot turned its back to them.

Ding Ding Ding...

The little robot turned its head, staring at Bai Tian and March Seven with blood-red eyes, and then began to twitch, and the red alarm sounded continuously.

The elevator that had just sent the two down behind him also rose up by itself.

"Ah! ! ! ! ! !"

"Help!" March Seven fell directly into Bai Tian's arms, closing his eyes and not daring to see what happened.

Bai Tian felt very satisfied with the touch on his chest. Isn't it for this moment to take his girlfriend to watch horror movies and visit haunted houses?

"Okay, March, don't be afraid, there's nothing."

"Really?" March Seven opened his eyes and looked carefully, there was nothing, as if nothing had happened just now.

"Let's go, I'll take you to see Maomao Cake. ”



March 7:......"So cute! Is this the maomao cake you mentioned?" Little stars appeared in Sanyueqi's eyes.

"So is it a cat or a cake?"

"It's a maomao cake!" Bai Tian was very sure.

"You said you smelled like bean paste? How can there be a taste?"

"It's a cake, just think of it as a breed of cat."

Woo woo woo woo......,

"I'm not... a work approved by Ruan Mei... Woo woo......"

"Too much negative energy, I don't like negative energy, woo woo......"

"Why does it use my voice, hum hum hum, my voice is cute, right, Bai Tian." Sanyueqi looked very proud, and she seemed to be quite satisfied with her voice.

Bai Tian felt that her ears were going to have problems at this time.

"Fuck, it used my voice!" Bai Tian felt that his voice was so harsh for the first time.

"Let's go, there are bigger troubles inside."

"Wait for me!"

Sanyueqi picked up the maomao cake and followed Bai Tian to go deeper.

The restless Maomao Gao calmed down in Sanyueqi's arms.

"Meow... Meow... Meow... Meow..."

"Meow... Meow... Meow..."

A strange singing voice came from afar, and even the Maomao Gao in Sanyueqi's arms sang along.

"Bai Tian, ​​it feels so strange." Sanyueqi handed the Maomao Gao to Bai Tian, ​​looking scared.

"Meow... Meow... Meow..." The Maomao Gao in Bai Tian's hand was still singing along.


Bai Tian picked up a paper ball and stuffed it into its mouth.

"You sing so badly, let's stop singing."

"Let's go, Sanyue, we'll be there soon."

Continuing to move forward, Bai Tian and Sanyueqi encountered many real stinging insects blocking the way, although they were all slapped by Bai Tian.

"So many disgusting insects! How can there be so many insects in the Black Tower Space Station." Sanyueqi looked at the real stinging insects with disgust. Such a big insect would indeed cause physical discomfort.

Following the singing, a group of cat cakes were singing in a circle. When they saw others drinking Sanyueqi, they stopped singing.

"So many cat cakes!" Sanyueqi covered her mouth.

"Have we come to heaven?" Sanyueqi picked up a group of cat cakes and enjoyed the pleasure of petting cats.

"Woo~~~, so many cat cakes, so happy! Let's take a photo to commemorate it." Sanyueqi sat in the group of cat cakes, and many cat cakes surrounded her for her to pick.

Sanyueqi: Xing, look, such cute cat cakes, envy them.

Ye: I am testing the simulated universe, please do not disturb me.

Ye: Wait, is this the big trouble that Ruan Mei said! You are so good.

Ye: Chao, I will not test it anymore, wait for me, I also want to enjoy the pleasure of being surrounded by cat cakes.

"Sanyue, there is a life synthesis machine that can be used to make cat cakes. You can use some materials to synthesize your own unique cat cakes. You play with them first, and I will go to deal with the big trouble that Ruan Mei mentioned."

"I know, I know, you go quickly, bye." Sanyueqi was holding a cat cake, and his attention was not on Bai Tian at all. He casually perfunctorily said a few words to Bai Tian.

"Heh, woman..."

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