"Forget it, I'd better deal with the trouble first."

At this time, the Grand Duke of Hellfire had attacked several space station staff members, and even a puppet of the Black Tower, causing great panic in the space station.

Now he is wandering in the confinement section, preparing to find the next target.

"Strange, why is there a person in this place? Is he sent by the Black Tower? Forget it, since you are here, let's stay." The Grand Duke of Hellfire has already regarded Bai Tian as the next target.

Bai Tian, ​​who was about to deal with the Star Crusher King Bug, suddenly felt that someone was following him.

Suddenly, a blue flame began to ignite on Bai Tian's body, and this blue flame seemed to want to take him somewhere.

"Grand Duke of Hellfire Afrit," this name appeared in Bai Tian's mind.

"This teleportation is being affected by someone. Didn't Lord Hellfire notice it?"

"Latio, this guy."

"Forget it, I'm still free, so I won't play with you, and I won't fight for Huangquan's head."

Bai Tian walked with Lord Lao's flames, and Lord Hellfire used all his strength but couldn't teleport Bai Tian away.

"No, could it be that the Black Tower gave him something to save his life?" Lord Lao didn't doubt Bai Tian's strength until now.

Until he saw Bai Tian extinguish his spiritual fire with a flick of his hand.

"I can't afford to offend him, so I'll just run away."

After Lord Hellfire left, Bai Tian finally came to the place where the trouble was.

"The space is really big, and the Black Tower guy is willing to let Ruan Mei build a messenger here."

"Where is the bug? Why hasn't it come out yet? Do I have to find it myself?"

At this time, the Star-Breaking King Bug was hiding in the corner and trembling. Although it was sure to die, it didn't want to be slapped to death.

"Little bug, where are you? Come out quickly, don't waste my time." Bai Tian's voice sounded like the devil's whisper in the ears of the Broken Star King Worm.

"You are here, I found you."

The Broken Star King Worm swept Bai Tian away, and then fled in the opposite direction.

"Don't run, don't worry, I'll act quickly."

The huge gravitational force kept pulling the Broken Star King Worm towards Bai Tian.

The Broken Star King Worm looked back and saw that Bai Tian had rubbed a black hole in his hand.

The black hole was constantly attracting it.

The Broken Star King Worm kept breeding true stinging insects, and these bred true stinging insects kept rushing towards Bai Tian, ​​trying to delay time.

56 seconds.

The Broken Star King Worm's body began to dissipate on time, and its eyes were full of relief. Fortunately, it was not beaten to death, and it was considered to have lived to the end of its life.

"It seems that the trouble is solved. Ruan Mei owes me a favor this time."


"What did you do!" Bai Tian had just seen San Yue Qi when a group of cat cakes crawled all over his body.

"What are you doing! Stay away from my little Bai Tian." A cat cake actually crawled to his little Bai Tian.

At this time, Bai Tian's room was almost surrounded by cat cakes.

"Bai Tian, ​​you're back." San Yue Qi was holding two cat cakes at this time, and the appearance of the two cat cakes made Bai Tian feel very familiar.

"Look, this cat cake looks like me, and this one is made according to your appearance."

Bai Tian took San Yue Qi's cat cake. The pink little guy looked very sticky to Bai Tian, ​​and his little head kept rubbing Bai Tian's hand.

"Okay, okay, it's almost done." San Yue Qi took the cat cake back from Bai Tian's hand jealously.

"You two, how are you going to deal with so many cat cakes?" Bai Tian looked at the cat cakes on the ground with a headache, and he also saw the appearance of several familiar faces.

"Hey, Xing, have we made so many cat cakes?" Sanyueqi seemed to have discovered something wrong.

Xing was still having fun operating the life synthesis machine.

"If it doesn't work, you two can discuss with Stationmaster Ester to package and sell these cat cakes. Maybe you can create an industrial chain." Bai Tian felt that this plan seemed very feasible. After all, cute creatures like cat cakes still have a large market in the universe. In addition to the name of Ruan Mei Creation and customized services, it should be able to make a lot of money.

"I think Bai Tian's idea is good, but I think these cat cakes that have been made should be sent to their owners." Xing decided to let everyone he knew have a cat cake.


"Damn, I didn't expect that guy to pretend to be a pig and eat the tiger." Duke Minghuo didn't forget to scold Bai Tian after escaping.

"Go find the next target, Ester, the stationmaster of the Black Tower Space Station, that's her." Duke Minghuo saw Ester who was training a dog at this time.

"Erha! I saidHow many times have you been told not to steal other people's food! Did I miss out on your food? If you steal other people's food again, I will teach you a lesson!"

The blue flame suddenly ignited on Estelle's body, and Erha's dog face was full of shock.

"This is the strange flame that attacked the space station staff." Estelle was a little panicked at this time.

"Ouch!" Erha rushed over and pushed Estelle away, and he was transferred away by the spiritual fire.

"Estelle, no, I'll go find Ms. Black Tower. She must have a way." Estelle got up from the ground and rushed to Black Tower's office in a hurry.

At the same time, Erha was staring at the Grand Duke of Hellfire.

"Strange, isn't the target the stationmaster girl? Why is there a dog coming over?" The Grand Duke of Hellfire wanted to kick Erha hard to vent his anger, but to his surprise, Erha actually dodged.

"What's going on. "

Erha smiled evilly at this time, and knocked Lao Gong to the ground with one claw.

You dare to touch my poop shoveling officer, you are asking for your life, only I can bully my poop shoveling officer.

"This is not right." Duke Minghuo fell into deep self-doubt at this moment.

"Why can't I beat a dog!"

"Well, what are you doing, don't come over!" Looking at the dog's face getting closer and closer to him, Lao Gong admitted that he was panicking.

"Soul juice, pour it on me!" Erha crooked his mouth and approached Duke Minghuo, and his wise eyes stared at Lao Gong's sheep head.

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