"Hello, Bai Tian, ​​the spokesperson of the void, it's a pleasure to meet you." A very ordinary-looking man stopped Bai Tian, ​​who looked exactly like a passerby at the Black Tower Space Station.

"I thought about it for a long time, and finally decided to meet you. Please forgive me for coming uninvited."

Bai Tian met a person who made him feel very familiar. Please don't get me wrong, he was familiar with the power in his body.

"Void..., who are you, the IXth Agency, the Chaos Doctor, or the Self-Destroyer?" Having stayed with the Void Star God for so long, Bai Tian has a good understanding of the Void Organizations in these universes.

"I'm just an ordinary Void Destiny Walker, please don't be so surprised, I'm not as mysterious as you think, after all, we are not under the command of the [Mysterious] Star God Mystique."

"[Void] Commander, ordinary? I don't think these words have any connection at all. Although you do look very ordinary."

"Then what do you think the Void Commander should be like? Mysterious? Arrogant? Even arrogant? But you are not like that yourself." The man looked at Bai Tian.

"Everyone has his own understanding of nothingness. Everyone has his own nothingness. Self-destructors believe in negative nothingness. They think everything is meaningless. Chaos doctors tend to believe in positive nothingness. They respect [existence] itself."

"But one thing will not change. Everything will return to nothingness..."

What kind of nothingness do you believe in? Bai Tian never thought about it, or he never dared to think about it...

He kept saying that everything was meaningless all day long, just like a self-destructor, but he knew that this was just a reason to numb himself. (Well, actually, it was a reason to be lazy.)

If everything will return to nothingness, what about her? If March 7th returns to nothingness at the end, what will he do? Watch her walk towards nothingness, then deceive himself by saying that everything will return to nothingness, and then return to nothingness with her?

"You seem to have figured something out." The man smiled and looked at Bai Tian.

"I've heard your story. You think you are a void master, and everyone tells you so. You use the power of nothingness and practice the destiny of nothingness, just like a real nothingness, but what you do is not like a nothingness."

"[Nothingness] will not glance at anyone. He has no appearance or shape, and no will... [Nothingness] covers everyone equally. All void masters just go further under his shadow and get more [nothingness]... That's all. This is the consensus of every void master. And you don't seem to know..."

"[Nothingness] never glances at anyone... Then what exactly is this so-called void master who has accepted the power of [Nothingness]?" Bai Tian began to doubt the power in his body.

"IX and Aha both mentioned that nothingness is also [existence], and the power of nothingness that I possess is not pure. Bai Tian thought it was Aha before, but now it seems to be related to myself."

"Keep going, all the answers are in the future, you will find it, you will definitely find it."

"Existence is [nothingness], and in contrast, nothingness is also a kind of [existence]..." The man disappeared after he finished speaking.


"Bai Tian, ​​what's wrong with you?" San Yueqi saw Bai Tian was about to rush over to give him a big hug, but she found that something was wrong with Bai Tian at this time. He was too silent, and his expression was also wrong.

"March, I'm fine." Bai Tian forced a smile.

"Don't pretend, your smile is uglier than crying. Has anyone ever said that your acting skills are very poor? Even I can see it at a glance." San Yueqi put his hands on his waist, expressing dissatisfaction with Bai Tian's concealment.

"Come here," San Yueqi sat on the sofa, pulled Bai Tian over, put his head on his thighs, and used his newly learned massage techniques to relieve his fatigue.

Sanyueqi's thighs are very smooth. Bai Tian's face touches Sanyueqi's white thighs, feeling a moment of pleasure.

Feeling Sanyueqi's white skin on his face and sniffing the fragrance coming from her body, Bai Tian's restless heart finally calmed down.

The gentle sunlight sprinkled on her slender and straight legs, like silk, delicate and soft. (There is no sunlight in the space station, it should be fluorescent lights that imitate sunlight.)

"Bai Tian, ​​although I don't know what you are worried about, but if you feel tired, I will always be here waiting for you, take a good rest, I will always be waiting for you's. "

Looking at Bai Tian lying tired on his legs, San Yue Qi gently stroked his face.

San Yue Qi gently massaged his head to drive away his fatigue.

Time passed quietly in the ticking of the clock. Here, no one disturbed him, as if all time had stopped.

The warm light sprinkled on Bai Tian's face, and he now felt an unprecedented sense of relaxation.

"Bai Tian, ​​you wake up." San Yue Qi gently stroked Bai Yun's head.

"March...". Bai Tian rested his head on San Yue Qi's thighs, raised his head and looked at San Yue Qi's face. San Yue Qi, who was usually dull, was like a virtuous wife at this time.

"Are you feeling better?"

"Don't worry, San Yue, I'm fine. "Bai Tian sat up, although he was reluctant to part with San Yue Qi's smooth thigh.

He had a good sleep on San Yue Qi's thigh, and his mind was much clearer now.

The one who is in the situation is confused. Since he accepted the gift of [Nothingness], he almost never thought about it, so he was deeply trapped in the situation. Sometimes too much power is not a good thing.

"Existence is [Nothingness], and nothingness is also [Existence]..."

Many people mentioned this sentence to him, IX, Aha, and the man just now...

"Nothingness is [Existence]..." Bai Tian seemed to have suddenly discovered something. He had never thought about it in this way before.

Excluding those impossible ones, the remaining one is correct no matter how outrageous it is.

"I am [Existence]? "Bai Tian tried to accept this answer.

Nothingness is indescribable, everything is nothingness, only [existence], the concept that is opposite to nothingness, can fight against [nothingness] and avoid going to nothingness.

"So, I am now under the title of the Commander of Nothingness, using the power of nothingness, but thinking about how to fight against nothingness?"


In the darkness that no matter what material can escape, the man who just chatted with Bai Tian is now standing in front of [Nothingness] Star God IX.

He opened his eyes, and the man immediately dissipated and turned into nothingness. The darkness returned to silence, all nothingness.

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