"Xing, this is my secret base. How about it? It's beautiful, isn't it?" Liuying held Xing's hand, and the two of them leaned on the railing to welcome the morning light.

"This is the place closest to the sky in the dream, away from the hustle and bustle of the city, and without the quarrels of dream builders. You can feel the present... the current scenery, people, and dreams..." Liuying looked at Xing, and there seemed to be tears in her eyes.

"Are you okay..." Xing seemed to smell the breath of a knife at this time.

"I'm sorry, Xing, actually, I deceived you, I am indeed a stowaway."

"I know..." The feeling in Xing's heart became stronger and stronger. This was her intuition after playing countless games that claimed to be [Healthy, Sunny and Positive]!

"But I think I should tell you in person."

"My hometown was destroyed a long time ago, maybe by the Legion, or maybe by the Zerg... I am an interstellar refugee, just like many locals in Pinoconi..."

"Pinoconi's dreams treat everyone equally, including those wanderers who come from afar. The family accepts them, but they... don't belong here after all."

"Me too..."

"Liuying..." Xing tightly grasped Liuying's hand, as if she was afraid that the girl would suddenly disappear from her sight.

"In reality, I have a desire that I can't get - it's too strong, so I resort to dreams..."

"[Lose Entropy], have you heard of this word?

"It's a strange phenomenon. People with this disease will fall into irreversible chronic dissociation of their physical structure. This means that you are slowly disappearing, and this disappearance is even difficult to detect in the eyes of others."

"You can still run, jump, and communicate with others. Everything seems normal, except that you are always a little slower than others..., then slower and slower, until the outlines of yourself and the whole world become blurred. You can't distinguish between reality and dreams, because they become equally broken. "

"Liu Ying, I will find a way to cure you, I will." Xing hugged Liu Ying tightly from behind, as if to comfort this unfortunate girl.

Did the planner finally reach out to me? My Liu Ying!

"Xing, thank you for listening to me. Can you imagine? In this dream, I can... I don't have to stay in the cold medical cabin. I can put the doctor's words behind my head and use my own body to listen, see, touch, think and understand as I please. Although this world is not real, this feeling is extremely precious..."

"Here, I can feel that I am no different from a normal person, as if those pains never existed..."

"Sorry, Xing, I talked to you about such a heavy topic. "Liu Ying smiled and looked at Xing, as if the pain had never happened.

"How can we liven up the atmosphere? Do you have any ideas?

"Let's hug each other intimately and take a photo to commemorate it."

"Oh, is that so? But can it really liven up the atmosphere?" Liu Ying looked shy.

"Come on." Xing walked to the front of Liu Ying and hugged her directly under Liu Ying's shy gaze. Liu Ying's body was tightly against Xing, and the two of them hugged each other like this, as if time had completely stopped...

"Xing..." Liu Ying had never felt this way before. She pressed her body against Xing more tightly, as if it could go on like this, and the tomorrow she didn't want to face would never arrive...

It went on like this, and on and on...

"Let's take a photo." Xing looked at Liu Ying in her arms and took out her mobile phone to record this moment.




The smiles of the two girls appeared in the mobile phone, as if time had been frozen at this moment.

"Time flies so fast, it's time to say goodbye." Liuying sat on the bench, seemingly unwilling to say goodbye to Xing.

"Would you like to go back to the train with me?" Xing wanted to take Liuying back to the train, because she could keep her by her side forever.

"Sorry, I can't go back with you yet. I have something I have to do. I can't leave yet. Sorry." Liuying was obviously moved and wanted to go back to the Xingkong train with Xing.


"Dear, we meet again. Alas, it seems that you didn't take my advice to heart. What a pity. You are so fascinated by this girl?""Yes, I just like her, so what?" Xing did not hide it.

"Xing!" Liuying was very shy about Xing's straightforward expression.

"Hey, dear, hugging each other and taking photos as souvenirs, what do you like about her? I think I should be no worse than her. You can take a good look at me, I won't refuse."

"You are not Sambo!"

"Dear, you finally found out how much water Sambo mixed in the story. Forget it, it's my problem to believe what he said." "Sambo"'s eyes flashed red, and a group of red goldfish surrounded her.


"Ding Dong, congratulations, little gray hair, you got it right, there is a reward." Fireworks showed her original appearance and looked at Xing jokingly.

"Do you like me more or her more? Tell me what you really think, but don't let me down." Fireworks stretched out her hand to tease Xing, as if waiting for her answer.

"In my heart, you are not even as good as a hair of Liuying."

"Is that so? Forget it, Xiao Huimao, do you want to know what the reward is?" Huahuo wanted to reach out and pinch Xing's face, but Xing dodged.

"As a reward, I will ask you to take a nap in the real dream." The red goldfish brushed past Xing, and Xing and Liuying's eyes turned black and they fell directly to the ground.

"Have a good sleep, Xiao Huimao, you will find the things hidden by the [family] in this nightmare, and find the answers to everything..." Huahuo jumped to the front of Xing, squatted in front of her, and helped her close her eyes.

"Xiao Huimao, bye..."

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