IX and Bai Tian are staring at each other, of course, in the physical sense.

O_o: "......"

Bai Tian: "......"

"Hey, why don't you two talk? This makes Aha very difficult!" Aha feels very uncomfortable between the two gods. [Nothingness] is fine, but how come [Existence] has become like this now? Wasn't he very happy before?

"Do you know why [Patrol] hasn't hunted down [Feng Rao] yet?"

"Because Yao Yao is always ahead."

"Ahahahaha, how about it, interesting." Aha laughed to himself, but IX and Bai Tian ignored him.

"You guys are laughing, why don't you laugh! Aha is embarrassed by you doing this." Aha said that he is the [Joy] star god, and he told you jokes in person, but none of you laughed, and you ignored Aha. Aha lost face, Aha was very angry, and the consequences were serious!

"You two have offended me, like you have offended cotton. Damn it, one is a jerk, the other is a jerk, I can't beat either of them!" Ah Ha was furious!

"IX, I'm leaving."

O_o: "......".

"I know, I'll take Him away now." Bai Tian nodded and dragged Ah Ha away.

"Hey, [Existence], don't pull Ah Ha, Ah Ha hasn't had enough fun yet! Hey, don't do this, I can walk by myself, it's embarrassing for Ah Ha to be seen! Hey......!" Ah Ha was dragged away by Bai Tian, ​​crying and making a fuss!

After the two left, [Destruction] rushed to the "battlefield" first.

"Hey, [Existence], I'm here, the battle between us is not over yet, today I will definitely let you go to destruction! Come and fight me!" At this time, [Destruction] was like a madman, shouting and yelling in IX's territory.

"【Nothingness】? Why are you here? Where is 【Existence】? Let Him out!"

IX is very annoyed now, because the commotion that 【Existence】 just made, his position has been exposed to many star gods, just like this madman 【Destruction】, annoying the gods.

"Has 【Existence】 left? I still want to thank Him in person, forget it, I should leave too." After the 【Feng Rao】 pharmacist came, he did not find Bai Tian's figure, and then left immediately without a trace of nostalgia.

"【Feng Rao】, don't run, take my arrow!" 【Patrol】 rushed to the battlefield immediately. He had been squatting on 【Feng Rao】 for a long time, but he didn't expect that 【Feng Rao】 still ran away.

"【Feng Rao】, you can't escape." After 【Patrol】 sensed the position of 【Feng Rao】 pharmacist, he chased after him.

At this time, 【Memory】 star god Fu Li was secretly recording everything with a "camera".

"This time it was not in vain." Fu Li held a light cone that he had just made in his hand - 【The Joy of Becoming Fun】.

As for [Preservation], He is still building the wall!


"Miss Jizi, look, I brought the child back as promised, ah! Miss Huangquan is here too!" When Black Swan saw Huangquan, she remembered that night again. At that time, she... Oh, let's not talk about it.

"Hello, Miss Black Swan."

"Xing! Are you okay? I can't find you anywhere in reality and dreams, but I'm worried to death."

"Don't worry, Sanyue, I'm fine." Xing was expressionless at this time, and looked very "normal", but this was the most abnormal part of Xing. How could she be normal!

"So, Xing, what happened? How did you get into that place?"

Xing told the truth about what happened before.

"Hua Huo? Why is she here? Did Huan Yue also enter?"

"Don't worry, that girl won't make plans for you for the time being. She must think she succeeded, and I don't know where she is feeling proud." Black Swan knows Hua Huo very well.

"I know her very well, because memory doesn't lie."

"Moreover, the place Xing just saw is the true appearance of the dream. The so-called [Dream Land] is actually the result of the family's careful maintenance by unknown means, a well-designed dream."

"And now, Pinocchio's dream is sinking, returning to its original appearance, falling into the deep sea...".

"March, I'm back." Bai Tian interrupted the Black Swan.

"Bai Tian! You're finally back." March Seven hasn't seen Bai Tian for a long time. Well, one day without seeing is like three autumns. So, it's really been a long time since we last saw each other.

March Seven hugged Bai Tian and buried her head deeply in his arms.

"After you left, Xing disappeared. She and Liu Ying never came back after they left, and we couldn't contact her. I was scared to death.... "

"Old friend, it seems that you succeeded. No, I would be surprised if you didn't succeed, because you are [existence]. "

"Otto, I have already delivered the message for you. He is very excited. Well, he was so excited that he dropped two leaves. "

"Bai Tian, ​​Uncle Otto, what are you two talking about? Why can't I understand a word?" March Seven knew every word they said, but when they were put together, she had no idea what they meant.

"Hello, Mr. Bai Tian." Black Swan tried to explore Bai Tian's memory as soon as she saw him. This should be the same problem of rememberers. Obviously, Black Swan didn't know Bai Tian.

"Hmm!" Black Swan's eyes widened. What did she just see? March Seven, this person's mind is full of that little girl? You have to show your affection in your memory!

"Miss Black Swan, it is very impolite to casually explore other people's memories. "Bai Tian looked at Black Swan. She was lucky that she had not explored the memories of other people on the Starry Sky Train, otherwise she would have taken action long ago.

"Sorry, I don't mean to offend." Black Swan already knew that this person was not to be messed with, just like Huang Quan.

"Miss Black Swan, could you please step aside for a moment? We still need to discuss before answering you."

"Of course, please feel free."


"Bai Tian, ​​you are back." Ji Zi looked at Bai Tian gently.

"Long time no see, Sister Ji Zi, I am back. I haven't drunk the coffee you made for a long time. I miss it a little bit." Although it was only a few days, in Bai Tian's eyes, it was indeed a long time.

"Really? Then I'll make you a cup later." Ji Zi was obviously very happy about Bai Tian's words. It felt really good to be recognized.

"What do you think of Miss Black Swan?"

"What she said is not worth believing completely."

"Yes, her words cannot be trusted completely. There are many deliberate inducements. "

"Star Core Hunters have also joined the game. This is what the Silver Wolf sent. Take a look." Walter sent the video to Bai Tian and Xing.

"Hello, can you hear me?" A little Silver Wolf holding a loud speaker appeared in the video.

This little Silver Wolf is quite cute.

After listening to the message from the Silver Wolf, Xing fell into deep thought.

"This group of Star Core Hunters actually have a layout in Pinoconi. They are really entangled!"

"If Xing is here, the Star Core Hunters can be trusted." Bai Tian looked at Xing. The Star Core Hunters would not harm her.

"The hidden map that the Silver Wolf mentioned must be the Dream Hotel in the blockade. For follow-up considerations, we really need to visit the scene."

"Then reply to Miss Black Swan. I hope she is not waiting anxiously."

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