"You two are a perfect match."

The clerk smiled with some envy:"It's true what they said, the clothes look good, but it depends on who wears them."


"This is a gift necklace, I wish you two... a happy marriage."

The clerk wanted to say"live together till old age", but when she saw Jingliu's overly pure white hair, she suddenly felt that it was a bit inappropriate. After thinking about it, she still said"live together till old age".

But she didn't know that this sentence was even more inappropriate for the two people in front of her.

Huang An, who had already planned to die in about ten years:...

Jingliu, who was already hundreds of years old:……

"Thank you."

Huang An took the box and said,"Is there anything special about it? Do men and women wear them differently?"

"Ah, no, you two can match them as you like."

The clerk smiled and said,"This is a swan necklace. Swans are creatures that are loyal to love, and I wish your love will be like this."

In fact, there are many other styles, but the clerk chose this one.

Because she had an inexplicable feeling that this girl was very similar to a white swan.

Proud and pure, there was an extremely strong sense of incongruity with the dirty world.

By the way, where can you dye such clean hair?

Good men and good women have been kidnapped by each other...

The clerk sighed in his heart:"Please follow me to the front desk to check out"


Huang An stood up and walked towards the counter.

Jing Liu sat behind him, looking at his back, holding a shoe box and bag containing his boots and other clothes.


Hearing the call, Jingliu raised her head.

Huang An was waving at her:"Come this way."

Jingliu stood up, picked up her and Huang An's shoe boxes, and picked up the two packages beside her.

"Give these to me, please get me a few bags to put them in, thank you."

The second half of the sentence was said to the clerk. Huang An put the things on the counter and asked the clerk to pack them. He turned to Jing Liu and said,"Don't move, take off the labels."

Jing Liu didn't move. Huang An bent down slightly, picked up the label hanging on the corner of his short-sleeved shirt, and cut it off with a pair of scissors beside him.

He bent down again and cut off the label on his trouser legs.

The clerk packed the things and handed them to Huang An:"Welcome to visit us next time."


Huang An turned and walked outside.

To be more precise, she walked towards the lingerie store in her sight.

Jing Liu took a deep breath.

To be honest, she didn't like shopping and it wasn't suitable for her.

She felt tired after such a while... Even if she didn't do anything

"I'll take the stuff, you go in, have the clerk measure your body, and then go buy some underwear."

Huang An said indifferently:"Come out and greet me after you buy it, I'll go pay."

Jing Liu had an illusion that going out with Huang An was like going out with Bai Heng. He was like a child, and everything was arranged by these two people.

The difference was that Huang An never smiled, and there was no emotional fluctuation when he spoke, while Bai Heng was smiling all the time.

Jing Liu hesitated for a moment, then walked into the underwear store.

Huang An looked around outside and found a chair that could be seen at the door of the underwear store.

His white hair was quite eye-catching, especially when he was wearing new clothes, Jing Liu could see it.

He didn't know why it took so long, Huang An didn't understand, after all, his underwear was just underwear.


Huang An looked around.

He always felt that someone was staring at him.

But this is a shopping mall... Especially with his current outfit, it was really eye-catching.

Huang An leaned back and gently closed his eyes.

"" Handsome guy?"

A greeting came from the side. Huang An opened his eyes and looked beside him.

It happened just as he said it.

It was a girl in a short skirt with long, slightly curly hair, standing next to him:"Can you give me your contact information?"

"I'm a garbage collector."

Huang An retracted his gaze and said lightly.

He didn't say anything about his girlfriend not allowing him to do so.

Because under normal circumstances, according to his rough understanding, as long as he didn't walk with Jing Liu and didn't trigger the passive pick-up blocking effect, Jing Liu probably wouldn't care about such things. If he said that his girlfriend didn't allow him to do so, and then she turned around and found that the girlfriend he mentioned was watching the show next to her.

That would... be really embarrassing.

And... it's okay to make a joke at this time, right? Huang Ming said that you can joke like this.

The girl's face changed:"Handsome guy is really good at joking, this outfit doesn't look like it."

Good, she could tell that she was joking.

What a girl who can read people's expressions.

Huang An shook his head:"I have a girlfriend. She's in the lingerie store in front."

He decided to move Jing Liu out

"Ah... sorry, sorry……"

The girl bowed and left awkwardly.

Oh, it turns out that those idiots who still pester others even though they know they have a lover are really rare.

Huang An stood up.

Jing Liu was standing there looking at him.

She didn't mean to care, nor did she plan to ask anything, she just stood there holding a pink paper bag.

The clerk next to him looked at him with some suspicion.

It was as if he was having an affair.

"Finished buying?"

Huang An looked at Jing Liu.


Jingliu nodded.

"Let's go and have dinner."

Huang An paid the bill and turned to walk upstairs.

Looking at the price on the phone, Huang An raised his eyebrows and said,"You chose a little too little."

"Ah? How did you know?"

Jing Liu was stunned for a moment. The next second, he hugged the bag of underwear tightly in his arms and held the bag tightly:"You……"

"I didn't see it. I just paid the bill. I have the amount displayed here."

Huang An shook his phone and said,"Also, next time you encounter that kind of situation, don't stand by and watch the show. Please come up and help me. Thank you."


Jingliu raised his eyebrows.

"What why?"

Huang An frowned and said,"I'm not looking for a girlfriend."


Jing Liu stroked his chin, looking puzzled.

Logically speaking, short-lived species are generally more emotional than long-lived species. They are also much bolder in love than long-lived species.

Ah, of course, except Ying Xing.

"Why do you have this expression? Why do I have a girlfriend? To expose myself?"

Huang An said softly,"It affects my ability to make money and everything else."

If he has a child, he may have concerns when he encounters a young target.

There are many inhumane people in this world.

The baby is lying there, maybe behind him, maybe under the quilt, or even inside the baby's body, there may be a remote-controlled bomb.

If you have compassion for the target, it is the beginning of the road to death.

The previous Phoenix Life lost a finger like this.

"Delaying her also delays me, both of us."

Huang An said expressionlessly:"I even suspect that she wants to wait for me to die in a few years because of the mission, so that she can swallow my inheritance."

Jing Liu narrowed his eyes and looked at him, then looked at the packaging bag in his arms:"Don't make such a joke"

"I'm not kidding."

Jingliu was stunned for a moment.

Huang An didn't mean to explain.

From the moment he entered the Huangtian organization, his fate was doomed.

No one would let him retire.

He could only die in the mission.

Although it wouldn't be recently.

Maybe one day, when his skills become old and slow, and he no longer has the reaction speed he had before, it will be time for him to die in the mission.

The simplest truth is that when they are agile, they are sharp blades. When they are old, they are just blunt swords that are in danger of scratching their masters but have no self-defense ability. Their only function is to be thrown into the furnace by their masters in exchange for some money.

Just like Huang Yu said.

As a knife, at least they can still live well now.

But only now.

Retracting his thoughts, Huang An turned his head and looked at Jingliu with a complicated expression:"Just go in if you want to eat anything, I will follow you."

Jingliu did not answer, but nodded silently.

Jingliu suddenly thought of something.

In Xianzhou, war is normal. Although there will be panic, this incident will not cause much reaction.

But the problem with Huang An is that this world is peaceful.

Jingliu looked around.

There were only happy smiles.

There was light all around him, but he was in the abyss. It was too difficult for such a person to have mental health. Even if he looked online, he would see prosperity and peace.

But when he looked down at himself, he was the darkness of most of this world.

"Don't keep your head down, you'll be at the end soon."

Huang An's voice brought Jing Liu back to his senses:"What do you want to eat? Go inside, don't hesitate, I'm not short of money." Jing

Liu blinked:"I haven't eaten it yet... I don't know what's delicious"

""The one in front is the one."

Huang An pointed to a restaurant in front.

It was a Chinese restaurant with a hint of Western design.


The waiter at the door bowed respectfully and said,"Are there only two of you?"


"This is your seat number plate."

The waiter handed a red number plate to Huang An:"Go straight inside and take the spiral staircase to the second floor. Someone will take you there. Have a good meal."

Huang An nodded.

He didn't come here often, but he had been to high-end places during his missions, so he wasn't embarrassed.

Jing Liu had seen a lot of big scenes, so his face remained normal.

Even though the two of them were still wearing masks, they still attracted a lot of attention when they went in.

Especially under Huang An's slightly darker white hair, Jing Liu's white hair looked even purer.

The two ignored the surrounding eyes and followed the waiter's instructions to go upstairs along the spiral staircase. After handing the number plate to the waiter waiting at the stairs, they followed the waiter to find their seats.

The environment of this restaurant is very good, and the entire wall is huge. The fish tank, with beautiful-looking fish swimming in the water, adds a sense of atmosphere to the restaurant.

It looks very beautiful - Huang An could only describe it this way, because he didn't know it.

The menu was placed on the table.

Many small shops like to use mobile phone orders, even though there are not many people.

On the contrary, crowded restaurants like this still insist on waiter service.

Maybe it's because they can afford to hire so many people?

The waiter has been standing silently by the side since just now, with no special expression on his face, and a faint smile on his face all the time.

He is waiting for them to order.

Huang An pushed the menu to Jing Liu:"Order"


Jingliu raised his head:"Is there anything you don't want to eat?"

"I am not picky about food"


Jing Liu nodded, thought for a moment, and added,"Good habit."

Huang An:...

The waiter chuckled, as if he found the conversation between this beautiful couple very interesting.

"What is this?"

Jing Liu frowned.

The menu of this restaurant lists the raw materials under the name of each dish.

What is pineapple?

A fruit?

Can it be used to cook dishes?

"This dish will be mainly sweet. If you like sweet taste, I recommend it, and it will not destroy the taste and texture of the meat."

The waiter explained with a smile.

Huang An sat there in a daze. Jing Liu frowned and relaxed his brows for a long time before nodding:"Then this one"


The waiter smiled and nodded without any impatience, writing down the order on the small tablet in his hand.

"Then this……"



An was in a daze and did not respond.

""Huang An?"

Jingliu raised his hand helplessly and knocked on the table in front of Huang An.

Huang An came back to his senses and glanced over with dark eyes.

It was still the abyss where no reflection could be seen.

Jingliu frowned and handed him the menu:"I've ordered."

"How many dishes?"


The waiter replied

"Then order this and this, and let her choose the drinks. I'll just order tea."

Huang An casually ordered two vegetarian dishes, handed the menu to Jing Liu, and said to the waiter,"Thank you."

Jing Liu blinked and waved his hand gently,"I'll just order tea, too.""

"" Okay, you're welcome."

The waiter smiled and nodded, took the menu, held the small tablet, bowed to the two of them, and went downstairs.

The tea came up quickly.

The waiter poured the tea for the two of them, and then put the teapot on the heating plate on the side:"If you want hot tea, just press this button here."

""Well, thank you."

Jingliu nodded, picked up the teacup and took a sip.

Her beautiful eyebrows were slightly wrinkled.

"What? Not tasty?"

Huang An glanced at her.

It was indeed much worse than on the fairy boat.

Jing Liu shook his head:"It's okay."


Huang An nodded, holding the teacup, and looked around.

The closest to them were the guests on the left, a man and a woman, who were sitting across a table from them.

The man wore gold-rimmed glasses, a black short-sleeved shirt, and a silver necklace around his neck.

When he stretched out his hand, the lines on his arm rolled.

He had worked out, but not much.

His neck was a little stiff, and he probably didn't sleep in a standard position.

If he suddenly attacked, it wouldn't be a problem to cut his throat with one knife.

Although he didn't bring a knife with him.

Huang An looked at the neatly placed chopsticks in front of him.

Black gilded carvings.

Killing someone with chopsticks is not as simple as it is on TV. Stabbing them in will cause the other person to suffer great pain, and they may leave traces during the struggle, so it won't be very clean.

This thing is the happy stick of the trace inspection department.

Huang An lowered his eyes.

He hasn't tried it yet. At least he will have a weapon on him during the mission.

When Huang An doesn't speak, he thinks about a lot of things.

The only thing he doesn't think about is the people around him.

His thoughts drifted far away, and he remembered the past. Many things.

His first target still left a deep impression on him.

Maybe it was because he was the first target?

That was a family.

A thirteen-year-old girl, a seven-year-old boy, a forty-two-year-old man, and a forty-year-old woman.

Such a family.

Huang An still doesn't know why the previous old Huang ordered him to carry out that mission, because at the end of that mission, it was not clear what the family had done.

But the employer paid.

Huang An's eyes became darker.

Not long after that mission, Huang Yue betrayed the organization.

Then he and Huang Yu went to deal with it.

Huang Yue died.

Ah... I remembered it wrong at the time.

Huang Yue has been dead for more than ten years.

She may not want to see herself.

She stabbed him, and he stabbed her back.

But he shot her, isn't that fair?

Best friend...

He can even kill his best friend.

So he can't find a girlfriend.

With concerns, he won't be straightforward when he takes action.

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