Jingliu propped up her chin and stared at the man in front of her.

She couldn't understand what he was thinking when he was in a daze.

Nothing could be seen in Huang An's eyes.

Eyes without light are like the abyss, which will devour life.

This is also Huang An's job.

Just like when she sat at the table and watched those close friends in a daze, there was light in their eyes.

When Jing Yuan was in a daze, his eyes flickered with thoughts. He thought about his future path, his friends around him, and his parents who firmly opposed his joining the Yunqi Army.

When Bai Heng was in a daze, his eyes flickered with smiles. She thought about her happy life now and her own journey. When

Dan Feng was in a daze, he thought about the current situation of the Chiming Clan and the happiness now.

Ying Xing was in a daze...

Ying Xing rarely dazed. When he was in a daze, it was usually because there was a problem with some casting process that he didn't understand.

But nothing could be seen in Huang An's eyes.

The past, the future, joy, anger, sorrow and happiness.

That is an abyss.

Huang An suddenly realized that the gaze was focused on his face, and he looked at Jingliu:"What's the matter?"

"It's okay, I just saw you in a daze."

Jing Liu's face was expressionless. She sat there, looking at Huang An.

"What are you looking at me for?"


Jing Liu shook his head:"I have a lot on my mind."

"If you want to talk about something, forget it."

"I didn’t want to say it."

Jing Liu shook his head:"You seem to be very resistant to talking to others?"

"Because there is only one me in the world, other people's advice is unrealistic in my opinion, but they are well-intentioned, so forget it, don't embarrass each other, and most importantly, don't embarrass me, because I can't resolve it."

After saying this, Huang An raised his teacup and drank it all:"It's like I said I don't like tea, and you said you don't like it either...then why did we order it?"

"Maybe they just want to have more topics to talk about with you."

"What topic? I hope my eyes light up and I say let's order something else, and then we can discuss it seriously, face each other's preferences, and no longer be hypocritical. Well, a beautiful story."

Huang An poured another half cup of tea into the teacup:"I don't mean to attack such a view, I just tell the truth."

"Huang An, has anyone ever told you that you don't have any romantic cells?"

Jing Liu shook the teacup in his hand.

"You have?"

"……I do not have either"

"Then I'll be more relieved."


"Then there won't be anyone with romantic feelings around me."

Jing Liu smiled very quickly, and in an instant his expression returned to normal.

"What, does it cost money to raise your mouth corners?"

"I've been here for more than half a month, and I haven't seen you smile more than ten times."

Jing Liu glanced at him.

"I will be sentenced if I laugh once."

Huang An still had no expression on his face.

Jing Liu laughed again:"It's just a joke."

"How long do you think it takes for you to consider someone as a good friend?"

Jing Liu was stunned for a moment:"Why do you ask that?"

"I think if we become friends, I might be reluctant to part with a friend like you."

Huang said indifferently:"If it takes a long time for you to become friends, I will be relieved. Maybe I won't live to see that day. I want to die without any worries."

"Why do you always talk about life and death?"

"Because I am dealing with life and death."

Huang An looked into her red eyes and said,"And I think you should pay more attention to the fact that I can't bear to part with a friend like you, rather than whether I live or die."

"That's very contradictory. Do you really want to be friends with me?"

"Objectively speaking, I don't want"

"I don't want to listen objectively"

"I want to."

Huang An nodded:"For you, a month should not be considered a long time, right?"

"The immortal species are the immortal species, and it is true that they can live for hundreds or thousands of years, but we do not have the ability to travel through time."

Jing Liu shook his finger:"We also come here day by day, from day to night, but because time has passed so long, we can't remember the past days clearly, so we feel that time has passed so quickly."

"Is it fun to live for hundreds of years?"

"Objectively speaking, it's OK."

Jing Liu imitated the way Huang An spoke and nodded.

"I suggest you don't imitate my way of speaking."

Huang said indifferently


"Because I can't beat you, I'll suffocate myself to death"

"So subjectively speaking, it's actually meaningless, because there are too many things to worry about. Even if you meet a like-minded friend, unless the other person is also an immortal, you will eventually suffer the pain of losing the other person."

"So that's it……"

Huang An shrugged and said,"Then let's not be friends anymore, lest I die one day and you feel pain, or you suddenly go back at some point and I feel unhappy."

"Do you value friends?"

"I don't have many friends, at most two, it doesn't matter whether you value them or not."

Huang said indifferently, turning to look at the waiter who was walking over:"The dishes are served."


The waiter put the dishes on the table and turned away.

"It seems that I am better, I have four friends."

Jingliu nodded and looked at the dishes in front of him:"There is no such dish on the fairy boat."


"In fact, when I first came here, I thought you were very similar to my best friend, but after spending some time with you, I found that you two are not the same at all."

Jing Liu shook his head.

"How are they similar?"

"Looks so cold"

"So what is the difference?"

"He is pretending to be cold, and you are the real iceberg."

Ah, Dan Feng is not cold most of the time - he is just stupid.


Huang An nodded:"What's his name?"

"Danfeng, Chiming Clan"

"The Vajra clan?"

"……You can understand it as the Dragon Clan"

"Does he have a tail?"

"Well... no, but he has horns."

Jingliu thought about it.

Danfeng does not have a tail.

"Oh, amazing."

Huang An sighed expressionlessly.

He was indeed sighing.

There seemed to be no other expression on this man's face.

But Jing Liu was already used to it.

"Are there any normal humans like me around you...ah, I mean, short-lived people"


Jingliu blinked and said,"His name is Yingxing, so he should be younger than you.""

"What's your personality like?"

"Pretty gentle, most of the time."

Ying Xing is different from usual when he is bickering with Jing Yuan.

"That's good...

Huang An raised her index finger with the cup and pointed it at Jing Liu:"Look, isn't this also possible to smile normally?"

Jing Liu was stunned, and suddenly realized that the corners of her mouth were raised.

When she talked about these close friends, she would also smile unconsciously.

"Smile more often, you won't get wrinkles if you keep frowning even when you are young."

"I'm more than ten times your age."

"Do not believe"


"Do not believe"

"I am an immortal"

"Do not believe"

"……I came from Xianzhou"

"Do not believe"

"……My name is Jingliu"

"I don't believe it."


She looked at Huang An who was drinking tea with an expressionless face opposite her, and forced herself not to take out the Zhili Sword to hit him.

Calm down, calm down, he can't withstand your sword.

Starting tomorrow, you will be his teacher and you will teach him swordsmanship.

When the time comes...

Jingliu's eyes flashed slightly.

You can deal with him however you want.

Huang An looked at her sudden change in expression and was a little puzzled:"What?"


Jing Liu blinked and said,"I will be a very strict master, I told you in advance."

"Will you kill me if I do something wrong?"

"No...How could I kill you?"

"That's not too harsh. I think I can adapt to it."

Huang An nodded.

Have their logics ever really been the same?

Jing Liu blinked, feeling quite helpless, and lowered his head to eat the food.

The last dish was served.

"The dishes have been served. I wish you two a pleasant meal."

If there is no question to ask, Huang An usually speaks very little. The same is true for Jing Liu.

The two of them wore couple clothes, even the same shoes, wearing matching necklaces, sitting together to eat without saying a word. It was weird no matter how you think about it.

The waiter on the second floor looked at this side and thought to himself.

Is this a quarrel?

Do lovers like this always quarrel?

The waiter looked at Jing Liu.

If his future girlfriend looked like this, let alone wearing colored contact lenses and dyeing her hair, he would even try to reach the stars.

"I'm full, eat slowly."

Huang An put the chopsticks aside and looked up at the fish tank embedded in the wall behind Jing Liu.

Jing Liu also had a small stomach and couldn't eat much.

She soon raised her head and said,"I'm full too."

Fortunately, the portion size is small.

Jing Liu took a look.

Huang An really doesn't eat meat at all.

She eats the two vegetarian dishes she ordered.���clean

"Let's go then."

Huang An stood up and walked to the counter to pay.

Jing Liu also stood up, picked up all the things, and went downstairs first.

Walking in the mall, there is such a scene.

The beautiful woman is walking in front, holding large and small things in her hands.

The man behind her is following slowly, holding almost nothing in his hands.

Damn... I don't know how to cherish what I have.

If eyes can kill, Huang An will definitely be pierced by thousands of arrows at this moment.

"What are you going to do now?"

Jing Liu turned his head slightly and glanced at him.

"Go pick up the dog"

"It has a name, but you never seem to call it"

"I can only remember one name in this family, do you want it to be you or it?"


"You better stop talking."

"I'm very happy."

Huang An nodded.

This man's jokes are either freezing or poisoning.

Jing Liu finally discovered it.

The two walked out of the mall and returned to the pet store downstairs to pick up the dog.

Huang An took everything from Jing Liu's hand and watched her go find Xiao Bai.

Xiao Bai was obviously a little grumpy.

"It's not very cooperative when taking a bath. This little guy has a deep relationship with you."

The clerk said to the mirror, while pulling open the curtain to reveal the little white cat in the cage behind the curtain.


The moment Jing Liu showed up, Xiao Bai immediately jumped up, put his little paws on the cage, and complained to his mother.

The barking was miserable, including but not limited to the two hairs that were rubbed off by the cage because of his own movement; he refused to let others give him a���It wanted to take a bath by itself and wanted to bite the staff, but it almost fell off the bed; and these people also touched its belly with strange things, and it desperately complained to its mother.

Jingliu bent down, opened the cage, and picked up the little white ball that flew out.

The little tail kept shaking, like a little ball of fur.

Is a big ball of fur connected to a small ball of fur?

Xiaobai is not very interested in Huang An, who rarely meets and doesn't like it even if they meet.

Generally speaking, the big and small white furs love each other in this family.

A faint fragrance came, and Jingliu held the little fur ball in his arms with one hand:"It's just a bath, otherwise he might throw you out because you are so dirty."


The little fur ball turned over, revealing half of its slightly pink belly, sticking out its pink tongue, and its watery black gems reflected Jingliu's face.

The shrill and pitiful voice seemed to be squeezed out from the belly.

Meaning: Will Mommy let him throw me out?


Your mommy is still staying temporarily in someone else's house, and she still has to teach and pay off her debts.

Even you don't belong to me.

The little thing is still trying to sow discord.

Jingliu didn't continue teasing it, and nodded to the clerk while holding Xiaobai:"Thank you for your help."

"It's not a problem. You can let me hold it. This dress is quite expensive, isn't it? It will be troublesome if it sheds hair."

The clerk said,"Alaskans also shed hair when they are young."

Jing Liu looked down.

Yes... I was so used to holding it that I forgot that I was wearing new clothes today.

In just a moment, a few pure white hairs were already hanging on its body.

""Excuse me, I'll put shoes and clothes on it, and then lead it."

Jingliu thought about it and handed Xiaobai over.

Xiaobai was unhappy and struggled and rolled on Jingliu's arms.

Fortunately, Jingliu was wearing a short-sleeved shirt.

Normally, there would be no hair on the clothes he wore, but today...

Jingliu sighed, raised his hand to pick off the hair on his body, put clothes and shoes on Xiaobai, took out the leash and put it on it, thanked the clerk, turned around and walked out.

Huang An was still standing there waiting for her with the things in his hand.

Jingliu stepped forward:"I'll carry it."

"No, just lead it."

Huang An looked down at Xiao Bai who was stepping on his shoes and said,"It sticks to you."

Jing Liu thought about it and it was true. Besides, Huang An didn't seem to like small animals, so he didn't insist on it anymore.

"By the way, do your friends know that you don’t like animals?"


"Why should I send it to you?"

Jing Liu frowned.

"He said I didn't look like a human, so he sent me a small gift to make me look a bit more human.

Huang An repeated what Huang Ming said at that time.


Jing Liu touched his nose.

He was indeed a nobody.

Of course, this statement was not meant to insult him.

"What does it mean to be human?"

Huang An murmured in a low voice.

"Smile more"

"Do you have any obsession with my smile?"

"Don't you always tell me to make me laugh?"

"It's different. I know you will laugh."

Huang An shook his head.

"Same, I know you can learn it."

Jingliu also shook his head, but the two shook their heads to express completely different meanings.

"Like this?"

Huang An turned his head and looked at Jing Liu, his mouth corners stiffly raised, revealing an extremely stiff smile.


These two words flashed through Jingliu's mind quickly

"Why are you trying so hard?……"

Jing Liu's mouth twitched

"Because most people smile at others with masks on, if you want to bring out the expression of the mask, you need to control your muscles."

"Try not to control your muscles?"

Huang An tried it.

It was a little difficult.

Jing Liu probably hadn't seen anyone in the world who couldn't smile normally. She touched her nose and said,"Be more natural."

"Want something happy?"

"Happy things?"

Huang An blinked his eyes and shook his head:"No"

"Still not? What about those who have a little bit of emotional fluctuation?"


Jing Liu suddenly felt uncomfortable.

This discomfort had nothing to do with feelings.

They had been together for a month, and had experienced a month of life together, including hanging out, communicating with the dog, cooking and eating every day.

And now he said that there was nothing that could make him emotional.

This made people feel like a piece of ice that could not be melted, which made people feel cold.

She knew why his friends said that he was human.

A cold person.

He might value some people in his heart, but this had nothing to do with emotional fluctuations.

If Bai Heng was here, he might just slap him and say jokingly,���She just ignored the matter and said something like:"You are still not happy after playing with me for such a long time? You don't know what is good for you. Well, I know you are happy, hurry up and say it out loud so that I can be happy too."

With Huang An's brain, even if there is nothing happy, she will lie to make her happy.

But Jing Liu will not.

However, she just doesn't know how to say such witty words, not that she will hide her thoughts.

Sooner or later, she will suffocate herself.

Lord Jian Shou always speaks his mind.


"what why?"

"More than a month is not short for a short-lived person."

The elevator door opened, and the two walked out side by side. Jing Liu said again:"We have lived together for more than a month, why don't we feel happy? We have experienced many new things, why don't we have any emotional fluctuations?"

"Huang An, tell me.

Huang An glanced at her and said nothing.

"I want to know your answer."

Huang An looked at her again.

The air fell silent.

The girl was still staring at him with her red eyes.

"Because I don't have emotional fluctuations."

Huang An heard his own voice.

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