Huang An was brought up by the previous Huang Ming.

Huang An didn't know where he was brought up from.

Was the previous Huang Ming a lunatic?

Perhaps it could be said that way.

His method of training Phoenix-level killers was almost identical to the"ten dogs and one mastiff" that was circulated in some minority areas.

He threw the children he picked up into the cellar, only giving them a little food and drink, and then slowly reducing the amount.

It is conceivable that in such an environment, these children can only do one thing - fighting.

Children's nature is the easiest to cultivate into evil.

At first, they would try their best to get their own food, and then endure hunger, rest in the dark cellar, sleep with their eyes closed, or chat with each other to spend these horrible days.

Until one day, no more food and drink was thrown in.

Huang An was lucky and smart, he sat under the gap where Huang Ming threw things in.

When everyone was dazed with hunger and tortured to the point of almost losing strength, Huang An was hit by the dagger and regained consciousness.

"Only one person can come out alive, so kill the people around you."

A cold voice came into their ears from outside the cellar.

Huang An hid the dagger.

The children at that time did not understand the meaning of fighting, nor did they understand life and death.

But Huang An understood.

He didn't know why, perhaps because he had seen many deaths along the way to this remote and dark place.

At that time in that cellar, there was a child who always shared food with everyone else. These children shared food and water, chatted, and spent the difficult time.

Angels can be born in darkness, maybe that's the case.

But that day, Huang An tightly grasped the dagger, and he remembered the words of the previous Huang Ming.

Only one person can leave this dark and damp place alive, and the price is that everyone else must suffer death. Let him In a state of mental madness and hunger, Huang An, with bloodshot eyes, thrust the dagger into the neck of the angel who came to share food with him.

Because he wanted to live.

The final result was obvious, the child's skin and flesh were so delicate that it couldn't even withstand the blow of the dagger.

Huang An finally walked out of that dark place, and with him were some children, who were the targets"screened" from various cellars by the previous Huang Ming. There were thirteen people in total.

But this is not over yet.

The test will not end yet.

But the previous Huang Ming said nothing, but waved his hand and sent them into a small house, so that these children could live normally, communicate, and forge friendships.

Huang An met a lot of people.

Including the current Huang Ming, Huang Yu, and Huang Yue, many people.

Sufficient food and water would be delivered every day.

Huang Ming showed great leadership talent since he was young.

He accommodated everyone.

At that time, everyone was smiling.

Huang Yue was a cheerful girl, and she did not look like the auxiliary garbage that the previous Huang Ming had found from some dark corner somewhere.

Auxiliary garbage, that's how Huang An described himself and the group of children around him at the time.

They might have been picked up from a trash can or an abandoned box.

But Huang An vaguely remembered that he did not seem to be like he is now.

Even though he had done so many bad things, Huang An became very cheerful under the warm care of so many friends.

That was when he was very young.

He They were inseparable. Huang Yu didn't like to talk much at that time. It was Huang Yue, Huang An and Huang Ming who chatted with him and ate with him.

What happened later...

Huang An couldn't remember clearly.

He only remembered that from that day on, there were only five people left in the small house that once housed thirteen children - and a girl code-named Huang Mei.

He rushed out of the killing, betrayal, sadness, separation, he experienced it all.

No one knows what Huang An has experienced, maybe Huang An himself can't remember it clearly.

Maybe when he raised the sword and gun in his hand to the first target, to that family, he might have hesitated, or perhaps he had sadness.

But all those were diluted by time.

That child walked all the way in the blood and became the Huang An today.


Coming back to his senses, Huang An tilted his head and met the girl's red eyes.

"Jingliu, let's not be friends anymore"


Jing Liu was stunned, a little confused:"Why?"

"Because I am not suitable to be a friend."

Huang An said, changed his shoes and walked into the house, and walked back to his room quickly.

When he changed into sports clothes and walked out, Jing Liu was still standing at the door, looking in the direction of the door, frowning.

"Come in early, don't stand outside, and don't forget to take off the dog's shoes."

Huang An glanced at her, looked away, raised his hand and pressed the elevator.

The elevator that hadn't gone down yet opened immediately, Huang An walked into the elevator, and pressed the button for the first floor.

"Huang An."

Jing Liu suddenly spoke


Huang An's dark eyes swept over.

"I still want to be friends with you."

"Forget it."

The elevator door slowly closed, covering Huang An's face.

Jing Liu looked at the elevator that had already gone down, changed out of the newly bought couple shoes, and walked into the house in slippers.

She was not angry, nor was she sad.

"I still want to be friends with you."

This sentence was not said out of impulse, she would not be driven by such emotions.

It was just because she suddenly felt that she understood Huang An.

Huang An's appearance was almost exactly the same as she was back then.

Losing her parents, carrying everything, not daring to open her heart to others, not daring to let others enter her heart, and not daring to make friends, because they were afraid of suffering loss again.

She was very lucky to have met those close friends.

The day when she was walking on the street and Ying Xing and Bai Heng came over and patted her, she knew she was lucky.

Huang An also has friends, but his friends can't solve his psychological problems.

Because they have the same experience, they can only cover up the wounds of the past with each other, and can't help him get out of the past.

He needs a friend who can help him get out of the past, not someone who sinks into the abyss with him.

In fact, Jing Liu didn't think comprehensively.

Jing Liu is The first person around Huang An who has nothing to do with the world they are in.

Even if we take a step back, Huang An’s most thorough idea is that he can’t kill Jing Liu.

Jing Liu is not afraid of him, and he doesn’t contact the world they are in. If one day, something like before happens again, the only result is that Jing Liu kills him.

There is no worry. If someone dies, it will be him who dies, not Jing Liu. Jing Liu will not die at his hands, like Huang Yue.

So he thinks that becoming friends with Jing Liu may be reassuring.

But looking at the girl’s eyes, he feels that she shouldn’t be mixed into an abyss with someone like him.

Jing Liu took off Xiaobai’s clothes, put her shoes in the cabinet outside, and closed the door.

She picked up Xiaobai and sat on the sofa.

She looked at the sea in the distance again.

When you calm down, you will think of many things in the past.


"Master Jingliu, do you want to go for a drink?"

Jingliu raised his eyes and looked towards the door.

Ying Xing was leaning against the door and yawning:"Let's go, let's go, your training plan for today is over, right?"

"Aren't you still preparing for the Baiye Conference?"

Jing Liu turned his head again and said,"I used my connections to find a batch of good materials. You can try to make them yourself recently, so that you can be prepared on the day of the Baiye Conference."

"Thank you, Master Jingliu."

Ying Xing showed a gentle smile:"I will accept it. Do you want to go drink now?"


Jingliu sighed:"You are a foreigner, a short-lived person. If you want to gain a real foothold in Xianzhou, the position of [Bai Ye] is very important."

The implication is, how can you still have the mind to drink?

"Of course I know it's important. Don't worry, I've made all the preparations. I've even dragged Dan Feng here. Let's go, Master Jingliu."

Ying Xing blinked his eyes:"Can you bear to let the four of us drink alone?"

Jingliu took a deep breath:"Take away the materials I found first."

"Okay! I'll take them all with me."

Ying Xing smiled happily.

Jing Liu stood up and walked into the house. After a while, he took out a big bag and shook it gently. There were slight noises inside.

There were quite a few things.

Ying Xing took it and looked at Jing Liu again:"Can I take a look?"

"Prepared for you, of course."

Jingliu folded his arms and leaned to the side.

"Ah... this is……"

Ying Xing's eyes widened.

They were all top-quality materials.

Jing Liu must have spent a lot of effort to get these things.

"Thank you, Master Jingliu...but this is too expensive."

"It's not expensive. What's most important is that you take the position of [Bai Ye]."

Jing Liu walked past him and said,"If you really want to thank me, pay for the wine."

"Definitely, definitely."

Ying Xing smiled.

Jingliu rubbed his eyes.

Recently, because of the Baiye Conference, Jingliu and others haven't had a good rest for a long time.

Especially Jingliu.

Danfeng and Baiheng know more than her - in this regard.

She is a pure warrior herself. She doesn't understand these twists and turns, let alone the materials used by the Industrial Manufacturing Company. She asked other Arks and asked acquaintances before she got such a bag of materials.

Fortunately, she still has Jianshou's face in Luofu.

Jingliu sighed.

After a moment, she seemed to suddenly think of something:"Wait... four people?"

"Yes, me, Danfeng, Baiheng, and Jingyuan"

"Jingyuan? He finished his training?"



Ying Xing scratched his nose and said firmly:"Well, the training is over, can I leave him to drink without training?"

"That would be great."

Jing Liu turned his head and glanced at Ying Xing:"For the sake of the materials in your bag, you won't lie to me, right?"

"of course not"


Jingliu nodded.

Yingxing knew why Jingliu was so anxious to cultivate Jingyuan.

Because Jingliu was already hundreds of years old.

With those heavy pasts, Jingliu was the most likely to fall into the devil's body among them, and almost the fastest.

He was good at craftsmanship, not so strong, and he might not live to see Jingliu fall into the devil's body. Bai Heng would definitely not be able to beat Jingliu. Danfeng was slightly stronger than him, but he was not good enough to fight Jingliu.

Only Jingyuan was left, he had brains and tenacity. If he became stronger...

Jingliu regarded him as the best candidate to kill him.

Especially since Jingyuan was young, it was not so easy for him to fall into the devil's body.

"Master Mirror"


Jing Liu turned his head and looked at him, but only saw Ying Xing's serious expression.

"I will definitely try my best to find a way to suppress the evil spirit."

Jing Liu was stunned for half a second, then chuckled.

"Take care of your own affairs at the Baiye Conference first."

When she fell into the evil spirit, Ying Xing might have turned into dust.

"I am a warrior, I only have the title of Sword Master and swordsmanship, except for these materials, I can't do more for you."

Jing Liu paused, then turned back to look at Ying Xing:"Do you need me to help you snatch [Bai Ye]?"

Ying Xing twitched his mouth:"Of course not, I want to go up by myself"

"Very good."

Jing Liu smiled, turned around and continued walking forward.

"Master Mirror"

"Ying Xing, I only taught you a few moves, it doesn't even count as teaching. You might as well call me Master Dan Feng instead of Master."

"Ah... OK, but what I want to say is that you have been there.……

"Well, I was talking so much that I forgot to look at the road.

Jing Liu turned and walked towards the entrance.

"I said, mirror flow"


"You weren't serious about what you said just now, were you?"


"Grab the position of Baiye"

"Seriously, if you feel that you might be excluded or treated unfairly, my name should be enough for a few years."

Jing Liu nodded:"So, you changed your mind?"


Ying Xing grinned and said,"I just want to hear you say it again."

"Sometimes, with you by my side, I have endless confidence."

Ying Xing walked forward:"Also, you worked so hard to get the position of Sword Master, you can't use it like this!"

"If you really care about me, don't waste those materials."

Jing Liu said calmly:"Especially, don't help Jing Yuan to deceive me in the future. My brain is not on the sword."

"Got it, got it."

Ying Xing smiled and said,"Let's have a good drink. It's not easy for my sister Bai Heng to come back for such a long time. I can't let her go like this."

"How come she spent less time in Xianzhou than I did?……"

Jingliu's tone was quite helpless.

"Who knows? It's freedom."

Ying Xing laughed out loud

"Then you try your best to keep her."


Ying Xing is silent.


Coming back to his senses, Jingliu blinked and looked up at the clock on the wall.

Not back yet?

Is it because he's suddenly in a bad mood that he doesn't plan to come back?

Jingliu touched Xiaobai who was already asleep in his arms.

This little furball is always so comfortable.

Jingliu gently picked up Xiaobai, then put him aside and stood up.

The Disintegration Sword appeared in her hand.

Practice the sword.

Although her swordsmanship is not so bad, a swordsman cannot stop training.

Just control yourself and don't damage the furniture.

This is also a kind of training.

Jingliu swung the sword at the air.

This is the basic skill.

Her standard for Jingyuan is to swing the sword ten thousand times.

The standard for herself is twice that of Jingyuan.

In fact, she doesn't need to practice this basic skill, but it's her habit.

"Twenty thousand."

Jingliu exhaled and heard the door closing behind her.

In fact, she had heard it a long time ago, but she didn't care.

She usually ignored others when she was practicing sword.

"I thought this was my class tomorrow, but I didn't expect to see it today."

Huang An carried a bag of things and put them on the dining table next to him:"Go take a shower and then eat something."

"What's this?"

"Desserts, do you like sweet things?"

""It's OK."

Jing Liu didn't nod or shake his head.

It's not like, nor dislike.

"It seems that your training has been effective?"

Jingliu asked

"Well, I was planning to visit an old friend, but the journey was too far, so I didn't go."

Huang An nodded:"As for my health... practicing sword is no problem."

"Old friend?"


Huang An nodded.

An old friend who was killed by his own hands.

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