"I've thought of a good way to avoid being approached."

Huang An's sudden words in the early morning made Jing Liu a little unresponsive.

She bit the noodles, and her blank eyes made Huang An want to laugh:"What?"

"This bracelet."

Huang An picked up the bracelet that Jing Liu had woven for him with a ribbon and said,"I will wear it on my wrist when I go out in the future... but I still feel a little reluctant to do so."

"Why are you reluctant to give it up?"

Jingliu's ears felt hot and he raised his eyebrows.

"Because you will sweat, the fragrance will be gone, and it will smell like sweat, which is not good."

"Fragrance... fragrance?"

Jingliu swallowed his saliva.


Huang An said, and lowered his head to smell the bracelet:"It has the scent of your hair."

"You! I...I!"

Jing Liu stood up suddenly:"I'm full, go wash the dishes."

She quickly crossed the dining table and walked towards the kitchen.

"What happened?"

The person in question looked at Jing Liu who ran into the kitchen with an innocent face, and looked down at the bracelet with confusion.

He didn't understand.

Did he say something wrong just now?

Huang An was not sure of his own thoughts.

In this era of open media, who hasn't seen love?

But because there are too many love stories on the Internet, everyone has their own understanding of love in their hearts, but some people have no practice process.

Such people have become the so-called"masters""——That is, people who talk big but do nothing.

In fact, such people are always hesitant and even clumsy when facing love, because they can see the love plots they see from the outside world, such as conflicts between lovers, as outsiders.

But when they really face a girl, they will be unsure - is this the case? If not, will it be embarrassing?

In fact, you should be bold and take a gamble at this time, just as you think.

Of course, Huang An does not lack this courage.

But so far, he has not had any tasks that require him to have even slightly intimate words with other girls - the main reason is because of his problem with the control of emotions.

"What's wrong with you?"

Huang An walked to Jing Liu with the bowl and asked in a low voice.

"It's that bracelet, the words you said...……"


"Well... Strictly speaking, I can't say I'm shy, but I think I'm a little embarrassed."

"Will it be embarrassing?"


Jing Liu nodded:"I may not be very sensitive to emotions like shyness."

Although she was shy, she was not shy very often. She threw all these times on Huang An.

However, Jing Liu attributed these to her understanding of this world.

"I see."

Huang An nodded:"I'll pay more attention next time, sorry"


Jing Liu didn't understand.

It seemed that what she wanted him to say was not this.

But she didn't want to think about it further - because she didn't understand anything.

Huang An wanted to say something else, but he felt a wet feeling on his legs.

He put the dishes on the shelf beside him and glanced back.

It was indeed the fur ball at home.

"I take you to exercise every day, why don't you lose weight?"

Huang An squatted down and picked up Xiao Bai.

"I eat four or five meals a day and go out for a run two or three times a day."

"It's running with the two of us, the training should be enough"

"Who knows?"

Jing Liu wiped his hands clean, stretched out his hand and tapped Xiao Bai's nose in Huang An's arms:"Little lazy boy"

"Neither of us are lazy, so how could we raise a lazy kid like you?"

Xiao Bai called softly, lying in Huang An's arms, not moving at all.

"In fact, sometimes I think of how it looked when it first arrived.

Jing Liu stroked his chin and said,"It feels like it has grown a lot."

"You haven't seen this little thing grow up."

Huang An shook Xiao Bai and said,"If it grows any bigger, I won't be able to hold it."

"Will it be that big?"

"The little ball of fur turned into a big ball of fur."The little ball of fur in his arms seemed a little dissatisfied, stretching out his claws to pull at Huang An's collar.

Huang An originally wore a loose short-sleeved shirt at home, and Xiao Bai pulled the collar down a little, revealing his exquisite collarbone and part of his chest muscles.

Jing Liu coughed twice and shifted his gaze a little:"Practice sword"


Swing the sword ten thousand times, as for the result of the final sparring...

I think there is no need to say more.

Huang An came into the house with the sword of disintegration.

Jing Liu looked at his fingers.

Well, today the victory or defeat is decided by two fingers again.

Jing Liu lowered his head and picked up Xiao Bai.

After Huang An took out the sword of disintegration, it was time for Jing Liu to practice.

Huang An did not go into the house to rest this time, but leaned against the door and watched Jing Liu practice the sword.

Jing Liu swung the sword very seriously, and all his mind was immersed in the long sword in his hand.

Even if it was just a repetitive action, it was like a work of art.

Jing Liu swung the sword, and Huang An leaned beside and watched.

Until Jing Liu finished the last swing and began to practice sword moves.

Huang An memorized Jing Liu's movements in his heart.

Of course, he couldn't fully understand it.

But remembering it in his heart might come in handy one day.


Huang An pinched his fingers, and suddenly an emotion called self-mockery surged in his heart.

This kind of life is too good.

It's so good that a monster like him who has never seen the light is obsessed and intoxicated.

But he couldn't afford such a life.

If he didn't kill people, what else could he do?

And this job was not something he could just leave whenever he wanted.

RD allowed their existence.

Similarly, RD would not allow them to be ordinary people.

Just like he had thought before.

A knife will be praised when it is sharp, but in everyone's heart, the knife is still a tool.

When the knife is blunt, they will be thrown into the furnace and smashed to pieces.

This is what is called - they will eventually die in a mission that is bound to go wrong.

How can he run towards the light?

The light has blocked them out.

This is not the path he chose.

Huang An raised his eyes, his eyes as deep as the abyss, looking at the girl who was standing in front of him with her sword sheathed, his eyebrows curved:"Thank you for your hard work, Master."

But that's okay.

At least he is still a relatively sharp knife.

Why not enjoy the sharp time now.

It's good.

Huang An lowered his head and looked at Xiao Bai who was lying at his feet.

Well, it's good.


"Great Wall"

"Star Sink"


"What's up?"

"The time for Huang Cai has come."

Huang Ming's voice came from the headset. Huang An was stunned for half a second and subconsciously glanced at Jing Liu:"Where is he?"

"He said he wants to see you, do you want to come?"


"He is exactly thirty-five years old."

Huang Ming said:"Not young anymore... I just didn't expect this day to come sooner than me."

Huang An stood up from the sofa:"I asked him where he was?"

""Huang Yue, come here."

Huang Ming said, and hung up the phone.

Huang An looked back at Jing Liu and said,"I'm going out for a while and will be back soon.""

"Um...be safe"

"It's not a mission."

Huang An shook his head and walked faster.

He didn't say anything and walked out the door.


Huang Cai, Huang Ming, and Huang Yu all gathered in front of Huang Yue's grave.

Huang Cai sat there with a smile on his face, and he didn't seem to be afraid of dying at all. Instead, he felt relieved and happy.

When Huang An showed up, he waved his hand:"Are you here?"


Huang An frowned:"What's going on?"

"I am old."

Huang Cai lit the cigarette in his mouth, exhaled the white smoke calmly, and then slowly said:"I plucked the old white bear's hair and pulled the meat."

Huang An narrowed his eyes and looked at Huang Ming.

"I thought I could keep it a secret... but I didn't expect I couldn't keep it a secret."

Huang Ming shook his head.

"I almost killed them all."

Huang Cai chuckled and said,"It's time. I'm old now, and it's time to retire."

"We are totally like this……"

"We are just like this."

Huang Cai smiled helplessly:"I am open-minded. I should have died a long time ago. I have lived until now. It is enough."

The other three people didn't know what to say

"It's just... sometimes I still feel it's unfair."

Huang Cai chuckled:"This path was not my choice from the beginning. If I run away, I will be caught again. When I grow up, I will finally start to experience what it means to enjoy myself.……"

He didn't say anything more.

He climbed to the top of the dark and was about to embrace the light, but the light he had longed for since childhood destroyed him.

A moth to a flame.

Huang An didn't know why he thought of this word.

"But then I thought about it. I couldn't blame RD for this. Who should I blame? My fate? Or should I blame my parents whose memories were already blurred? Should I blame them for not finding me?"

"I don't know anyone���If you can blame someone, then blame me for not learning the skills well enough. If I had escaped earlier, none of this would have happened."

Huang Cai took a deep breath and said,"Everyone has to die."

No one spoke.

"But this time it's not just my business, right? I just want to see An, he has changed a lot."


Huang An responded.

The bracelet on his wrist swayed twice.

"The atmosphere is too heavy."

Huang Ming chuckled:"I don't even know how to start."

"But it's okay"

"Wouldn't you care?"

"Well, I guess what you want to say is related to my situation."

"I can't say it's related, I can only say that except for the fact that you're not here, your current situation is completely different."


Huang Cai waved his hand and leaned back.

"Well... the three leaders of the Huangtian organization are all here."

Huang Ming also leaned back:"It's a good opportunity to talk about the affairs of Huang Cai and Huang Mei."

Huang An glanced at Huang Mei

"I used to think that I would choose one between Phoenix and Phoenix.……"

Huang Ming looked at Huang An:"Should we add one more now?"

Huang An narrowed his eyes and put his hands in his pockets:"No need"

"Is there really a chance?"

Huang Cai glanced at him and said,"Huang Luo is still young.……"

"I'm already preparing for Huangluo's affairs."

Huangming sighed:"Sending her out is not a problem, Huangmei...her chance is not in the last mission."

"So what are your plans?"

Huang Yu looked at him.

"I'll think about it again. Maybe there will be a suitable opportunity in a while, and I will definitely send her out."

Huang Ming crossed his arms and said,"Don't worry."

"I'm not in a hurry."

Huang Yu probably didn't believe what he said.

Huang An looked at him, then at Huang Cai:"So what is the content of the mission?"

"How should I put it... I will go to Uncle Sam's territory alone and do some small things."

Huang Cai smiled and said,"Don't worry, I will certainly try my best to save my life."

That's what he said.

But everyone knows what's going on.

"I plan to... wait until I die, and the Huangtian organization will disband."

After a long silence, Huang Ming suddenly dropped a bombshell.



Huang Ming nodded:"Haven't you noticed that there have been no new members in the Huangtian organization since not long ago?"

"So what should these people do now?"

"Those who can run can run, the money they have earned in these years is enough for them to spend, but we can't run away."

Huang Ming folded his arms:"Live well... If you don't understand, I can't do anything, after all, I am also an ordinary human being."

"Let me ask you a question, An"


"For example, if you were really allowed to leave, what would you like to do?"

"There is nothing I want to do."

Huang An shook his head honestly:"I have never had a goal... It is better to die in the last mission."

"Very your style……"

Huang Ming narrowed his eyes:"Is this what you think?"

"What else?"

Huang An raised his eyebrows.

This question was inexplicable.


Huang Ming nodded, stretched out his hands to support his knees and stood up:"Then let's go, I'll talk to Huang Cai."

Huang An and Huang Yu looked at each other.

Huang Yu walked forward and patted Huang Cai:"Take care"

"You too."

Huang Cai smiled.

Huang An was silent for a few seconds, then stepped forward and patted Huang Cai on the shoulder. Without saying anything, he turned and left.

"Ah An!"

Huang Cai turned around and called out.

Huang An stopped and turned around.

"Be happy."

Huang Cai narrowed his eyes and smiled:"You iceberg-faced bastard"


Huang An turned and left


His reply was carried to Huang Cai's ears by the wind.

"At least he responded to you."

Huang Ming patted Huang Cai on the back and said,"Anything else you want to ask? If not, I'll tell you."

"I want to hear Huang Yue's story."

Huang Cai crossed his arms and said,"When I joined the organization, Huang Yue had already died. No one told me about her."

"Oh... I just remembered."

When Huangcai entered the Huangtian organization, he was older than them. He didn't have the same terrifying physical fitness and skills as them, so his training didn't focus on physical fitness.

Not long after he entered the Huangtian organization, Huangming took over the old Huangming's position.

Well... right in the middle, Huangcai didn't know anything.

"Why are you all so curious about Huang Yue?"

Huang Ming said helplessly:"You haven't even seen her."

"I'm just curious."

Huang Cai chuckled and said,"She must be a very charming girl, since you choose to hold every meeting in front of her."


Huang Ming looked at Huang Cai, then turned to stare at Huang Yue's tombstone.

"Yes, that’s right."

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