Jingliu keenly felt that Huang An seemed to be in a low mood.

But it was not to the point of being bad, just... a little bit low.

Huang An never brought his emotions to her, and he was always like that.

Jingliu stared at her phone.

She was planning to find a job recently.

Rent... and most importantly, a birthday present for Huang An.

She promised to make up for it, so she must make up for it.

Jingliu stood up and took Xiaobai out.

It was just time for her to go out for a walk with the dog, and she thought about going to the nearby bakery to have a look.

Of course, Jingliu knew that with her personality, she might not be able to find any service-related jobs.

But she really didn't have the brains for technical jobs.

Lord Jianshou was very honest. She admitted that there were indeed things she was not good at, and there were many of them.

She could carry plates and move bricks.

But Lord Jianshou also had a clear understanding of her physique.

With a physique like hers, people probably wouldn't even look at her when they were selecting.

But if she really had to move bricks, she could move a building by herself.

Jingliu planned to go to the bakery to see if there was any job she could do.




Hearing the sound of the door opening, the clerk standing behind the counter raised his head and looked towards the door.

What a beautiful girl... even though she is also a woman.

The girl swallowed and said:"Hello, please come in."

Jingliu took Xiaobai's hand:"I want to ask...uh, give me a piece of this chocolate cake first"

"Ah... OK."

Although the girl didn't understand what Jingliu wanted to say at first, she still packed a small cake for Jingliu based on her duty as a shop assistant.

"I want to ask, does your family have any positions that are currently open for recruitment?"

Jingliu asked after paying the money.

Well, now she can pay for herself.

Except that she has no job, she is no different from most ordinary people in this world.


Lord Jianshou named it Growth

"Um...beauty, please wait a moment, I'll call the store manager."

The girl nodded and took out her phone to send a message to the store manager.

After a long time, the girl put down her phone and nodded at the mirror:"There is a vacancy for a service clerk now. The specific job content is to add bread every day and do various service work, such as sweeping the floor when you see it is dirty. The monthly salary is 5,000 yuan, and you will have normal rest on statutory holidays. The specific time is from 7 am to 6 pm, regardless of meal time."


Jingliu nodded:"I'll think about it and give you an answer before I get off work today."

"OK, no problem."

The girl raised her phone and said,"You can also add me on WeChat so we can talk about things."

"Ah... OK."

Jingliu took out his phone and added the girl on WeChat.

Jingliu didn't even have an avatar now, and her nickname was her real name.

The girl looked at her strangely.

Aren't such beautiful girls supposed to be cheerful and talkative, with at least dozens of posts on their Moments...

Jingliu nodded at her, carried the small cake, and walked out with Xiaobai.


The door was opened, Huang An turned around and folded the rag. He had a good timing, he had just finished cleaning.

Xiaobai had been shedding a bit of hair recently, and he always had to work hard to clean up the hair that Xiaobai had stained on the sofa.

"This is for you."

Jing Liu placed the small cake in front of Huang An.

"For me?"

"For you."

Jingliu nodded.

"Why did you suddenly buy me a cake?"

"Because I think you are not in a good mood."

Jingliu said:"Bai Heng said that eating sweets can make people feel better."

"I'm not in a bad mood."

Huang An said:"But, thank you."

Thank you Bai Heng too.

Jing Liu raised his hand and patted him on the head, then, regardless of Huang An's stiff body, he walked straight to the seat next to him and sat down:"I have something to tell you"

"Well, go ahead."

Huang An quickly recovered, unwrapped the small cake, took a bite and put it aside, looking at Jing Liu.

"I...found a...job?"

"Why are you so hesitant?"

Huang raised his eyebrows

"Because I think that sometimes you may be busy on a mission, and I am at work...who will take care of Xiaobai?"

"Don't worry about that."

Huang An yawned:"The pet shop downstairs will take care of everything."

"But why do you suddenly want to find a job?"

Huang An raised his eyebrows and looked at her

"No... that's it... I have to do something, plus I have to pay my debts."

"Yeah, that makes sense."

Huang An nodded:"Then you can just tell me directly, we can open a store together and I won't pay you a salary."

Jing Liu's mouth twitched:"It's illegal"

"Husband and wife shop, no offense"


This guy can really say such words without any expression!

Jingliu rubbed his hot earlobe.

It's over.

I just said that I am not easily shy.

"It's very expensive, right?"

"The last thing you need to worry about in this family is money."

Huang An shook his head and said,"But if you want to try, go ahead and do it. Is lunch provided?"

"No matter."

Jing Liu thought for a moment and said,"I have to go to work at 7 o'clock in the morning. It's just right to have breakfast and rest for a while before going out."

"Well, I'll bring you lunch when I'm free."

Huang said secretly:"At twelve o'clock noon"


Jingliu nodded:"You must not slack off in your training at home after I go to work."

Huang An nodded:"I know, Master."

Jingliu did not refute him, curled the corners of his mouth, and leaned on the sofa behind to rest.

She did not ask what happened.

Because Huang An could not tell her.

Huang An is a person who keeps everything in his heart.

At first, Jingliu thought that he didn't care about anything.

Later, he found out that he kept everything in his heart and didn't tell others.

Huang An also has that personality. He is used to this kind of life.

"Then I will reply to them... I will go to work tomorrow"


Huang An nodded:"I often visit you"


Jing Liu did not refuse.


The work and rest time in this family is extremely regular.

At half past six, Jingliu finished washing the dishes, sat on the sofa and took a deep breath.

Huang An had already started swinging the sword.

The only one who hadn't gotten up was Xiaobai.

The two of them got up earlier than the dogs.

It was half past six.

Jingliu looked at the time on her phone, and her heartbeat suddenly accelerated. She felt a little nervous for some reason.

She took a deep breath and stood up:"I'm going to work."

"Well, be careful."

Huang An nodded and continued to practice sword



When Jingliu opened the door, there was only a middle-aged woman standing inside.

"Sorry, we are not open yet.……"

The woman turned her head and said, and when she saw Jing Liu, she swallowed the second half of the sentence:"Oh... I remember you, you came here yesterday to ask about the job, right?"

"Yes, my name is Jingliu.

Jingliu nodded.

"Yang Yuenan.

The woman smiled and said,"Follow me."

Yang Yuenan is the manager of this bakery. She introduced the general work process and methods to Jingliu, as well as where to get the bread, how to get it, what to say, etc.

Some breads can be discounted every day, and some breads must be sold at the original price.

Of course, these things are not Jingliu's business, and Yang Yuenan only mentioned them briefly so that she would not be too embarrassed when facing questions from customers.

"The little girl standing at the front desk is Bai Miao, whom you met yesterday. She is in charge of these things.

Yang Yuenan took Jing Liu around and familiarized himself with the entire store:"Well, that's about it. Once you've made up your mind, come with me to get the employee uniform."

Jing Liu nodded.

It's called employee uniform, but it's actually just an apron.

"The store opens at 8 o'clock, and we can start putting out the bread in a while."

Yang Yuenan pointed to the kitchen and said,"Bai Miao will be here soon."

The chef has arrived.

Jing Liu nodded.

Bai Miao stepped into the store at 7:50 on time.

The first thing she saw when she entered the store was the clock on the wall, and she curled her lips and said,"Hey, you're five minutes early."

"Good morning, Sister Jingliu!"

Bai Miao's expression quickly turned into a smile. She waved at Jingliu and walked forward:"You're here so early!"

"Well, I get up early."

Jingliu nodded:"Do you usually come at this time?"


Bai Miao nodded:"If you come later, you will be late. If you come earlier, you will have nothing to do. This is the best."

Bai Miao walked to the counter with a smile.

Jing Liu looked at this beautiful girl and felt that her personality was a bit like Bai Heng.

But Bai Heng was much more diligent than her.

At eight o'clock, the store door opened.

The first customer was a woman in her fifties. She walked in, smiled at Bai Miao, and looked at Jing Liu.

After looking for a long time, she looked away

"Little beauty."

The woman raised her hand and called to Jing Liu:"My finger is injured, can you help me pick up the bread?"


Jingliu nodded, walked over and picked up the tray and tongs beside him:"What kind of bread do you want?"

Jingliu suddenly found that he was quite suitable for this kind of work.

When he met such a customer who made him feel comfortable, he felt comfortable working.

"Then I'll take this and this."

The woman smiled and said,"Thank you, little beauty."

"It's okay."

Jingliu took the tray to the front desk and said,"Check out this way."

The woman paid the bill, said hello to the two of them, and left.

"That person is our old customer."

Bai Miao whispered,"He comes here every morning."

"Is that so?"

Jingliu nodded.

"You see, our bread is not cheap, right?"


"Sometimes this auntie even bought bread to feed the seagulls.

Bai Miao said:"The people who live here are all very rich people."

"Is that so?"

Jing Liu raised his eyebrows.

Huang An's life didn't seem to be very luxurious.

"Many residents here have several houses, and their whole family lives here."

Bai Miao curled his lips and said,"It's good to be rich... What can I do if there is one more rich person in the world?"……"

Jing Liu rubbed his nose and didn't tell anyone that he also lived here.

Although the house was not hers, it was better not to disclose one's family situation when with colleagues.

More than a dozen people came in the morning.

"Oh, the people who live here are so well-educated."

Bai Miao muttered to Jing Liu in a low voice again:"You don't know, in the last bakery where I worked, the people there treated me like a big shot just by spending a few dollars, and they wanted me to feed the bread into their mouths."

"We can't just slam everyone with one stick, there are many good people over there, just like there are rich people here."

Jingliu nodded as a response.

"Sister, do you have a boyfriend?"


Jing Liu's body stiffened."……No"

"Hey... you have such high standards."

"Why do you say that?"

"You are so beautiful and you don't have a boyfriend. It's impossible that no one is chasing you, right?"

Jing Liu nodded:"It's true that no one is chasing you."

"I don't believe it."

Bai Miao pouted:"By the way, what are we having for lunch?"

"have no idea……"

Jing Liu shook his head honestly:"What do you eat?"

"I plan to order some spicy hotpot."

Bai Miao propped up his chin and said,"Do you need me to order it for you? Then you can transfer the money to me.""


Jingliu waved her hand.

As she was talking, Bai Miao suddenly poked her:"Fuck! Look! Sister! Handsome guy! Very handsome guy!"

Jingliu looked in the direction of the voice.

Huang An just pushed open the door and walked in, holding a thermos lunch box in her hand.

Bai Miao was whispering excitedly in her ear, and Jingliu had already walked forward.

Bai Miao:?

"Thank you for your hard work."

Huang An handed the insulated lunch box to Jing Liu:"I stewed pork ribs soup on the bottom layer, and then made tomato scrambled eggs on the second layer. The rice is on top and the chopsticks are also in it. Don't forget it when you get off work in the evening... Forget it"


Jing Liu was listening attentively when Huang An suddenly stopped. She raised her head in confusion and asked,"Don't forget what?"

"I said forget it, I'll pick you up from work and walk the dog at the same time."

Huang An said, waving his hand:"I'll wait for you to finish eating and take the lunch box back, otherwise it will smell bad in the evening."

Jing Liu thought about it, turned around and saw Bai Miao's accusatory and angry eyes.

Jing Liu blinked.

Bai Miao didn't say anything, just nodded to Huang An:"Hello"


Huang An nodded, turned to the mirror and said:"Let's go eat."


Jingliu looked at him and said,"Have you eaten?"


Huang An nodded:"Go quickly."

The two of them sat in the rest room in the back kitchen to eat.

"Where is Xiaobai?"

"Fell asleep"

"Did you practice swordplay this morning?"

"I practiced it, and I also practiced the sword moves you practiced before according to my memory."

"Well, not bad."

Jingliu put a few small rice bowls on the table and took out chopsticks to eat:"Have you taken the dog for a walk?"

"I just came out of my shower after taking a walk."

Huang An leaned back, still expressionless on his face:"How do you feel after working for a whole morning?"

"Not bad."

Jing Liu nodded:"It's not as difficult as I thought, and the customers are also easy to get along with."

"That's good."

Huang An nodded and pushed the pork rib soup forward:"Drink the soup first, otherwise it will get cold and the oil will float up and it will not taste good."


Jingliu took a sip and said,"It's delicious."

"As long as it tastes good."

Huang An nodded:"Is that your colleague?"


Jingliu nodded:"It's... Bai Miao."

Huang An nodded, not caring at all what her name was.

Looking at his expression, Jingliu was sure that he had no intention of remembering it.

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