During the Fire Ban Festival, there were really a lot of people on the streets.

The celebrations, as well as the screens in the streets and alleys, played the origin of the Fire Ban Festival and the history of Xianzhou.

"Before the celebration begins, the Huangzhong resonance system will be used to send blessings to other immortal boats."

Jingliu said:"I will introduce them to you later. The bell sounds of each immortal boat are different."

""Yes, OK."

Yuanming smiled and nodded.

""Jingliu! Yuanming!"

A voice called from above, and Jingliu looked up.

Yingxing was waving his hand, greeting Yuanming and Jingliu below.

"Happy Fire Ban Festival, Yingxing.

Yuanming raised his hand and waved.


Ying Xing grinned:"Come up! Stop shopping."

The two looked at each other.

Well, Ying Xing is always so energetic in most situations.


Dan Feng and Bai Heng are here

"Are we the last?"

"There is also a Jing Yuan."

Dan Feng chuckled and took out a small box wrapped in golden carvings:"Keep it, I cooked it last night, you must have forgotten to prepare it."

"Ah...I really forgot."

Jing Liu blinked.

"What's this?"

"Qiongshi bird eggs."

Dan Feng replied:"During the Fire Ban Festival, the Xianzhou people will prepare these foods in advance. Qiongshi bird eggs are a symbol of"

"I was patrolling last night and forgot about it."

Jingliu rubbed his head and opened the box.

Inside were three rows of Qiongshi bird eggs.

"Thank you, Dan Feng"

"You're welcome."

Jingliu held the Qiongshi bird egg and raised his eyebrows:"Did you carve this pattern yourself?"

"Well, can you see it?"

"Hmm... the mechanisms on the outside are all pretty much the same."

Jing Liu looked at it carefully and said,"This one is very different."


Jing Liu turned around and handed the one in his hand to Yuan Ming, then took another one.

"Oh, it was carved by Lord Long Zun himself, it's worth it."

Ying Xing chuckled:"Hey, Danfeng, I said I would give this to you last time, here it is."

He took out an arm armor and threw it to Danfeng.

Danfeng raised his hand to catch it:"What is this?"

"I made this, it's very useful."

Ying Xing gave a thumbs up:"In the future, when we two fight with Jing Liu, we will use this, it's a matching set, and we can sense each other."

Dan Feng's mouth twitched:"Do we still need these things when we fight two against one?"

"I don't mind."

Jingliu shrugged.

"But I can't accept it"

"Hehe... I can't accept it either."

Ying Xing scratched his head.

Jing Liu folded his arms and looked at them.

It was strange that these two people could get together.

The arrogant Dragon Lord and the arrogant craftsman, these two people could actually become friends.

It should be said that the five people of Yunshang Wuxiao could get together, basically thanks to Jing Yuan and Bai Heng.

"I just remembered that I should try not to light a fire today, so what should I eat today?

Yuanming tilted his head.

"Cold food."

Bai Heng counted on his fingers:"Hot food will be served on time at midnight, so don't drink too fast."


The sky gradually darkened.

Yuanming looked at the gradually darkening sky.

A platter of cold food was already placed on the table.

"Can this Qiongshi bird egg be eaten?"

Yuanming came closer and asked in a low voice.

"Yes, of course you can eat it."

Jingliu nodded:"It's just because it looks good, so I kept it for viewing. Xianzhou people are not used to cold food, especially when they have a party, so they hold the carved Qiongshi bird eggs in their hands and play with them. There are indeed some people who enjoy this."

"Oh, I see."

Yuanming nodded, staring at the Qiongshi bird egg with dragon pattern for a while, and finally put it aside.

It was obvious that Danfeng had spent a lot of time carving it, so forget it.

Jingliu smiled softly and handed his Qiongshi bird egg to Yuanming:"If you want to eat it, eat mine"

"No, I'll just play with it."

Yuanming sighed.

He wasn't hungry, and the bird egg was really pretty. The drinks hadn't arrived yet. As the Dragon Lord, Danfeng had to go down and say a few words before the celebration began. The people at the table were waiting for him boredly.

Yuanming grabbed Jingliu's hair, and his slender fingers acted as a comb in Jingliu's hair.

Jingliu let him fiddle with his hair, and slightly turned his head so that his hands didn't have to twist.

"Do you want to braid your hair into a pigtail?

Yuanming chuckled.

""It's never been combed."

Jing Liu muttered quietly.

"Let's give it a try."

Yuanming did not untie the ribbon used by Jingliu to tie hair, but started to braid the long hair like a waterfall.

In fact, Yuanming did not have the skill, he was just experimenting with Jingliu.

His own hair still had to be tied by Jingliu, and he was worried that his hair would be messy, so Yuanming never lay in bed, just worried that his hair would be messy.

To be honest, pigtails are not suitable for Jingliu.

Maybe it's because he is used to seeing Jingliu's long hair?

"No success"

"Oh, your hair.……"

Jing Liu looked up at Yuanming's hairstyle, which had not changed at all, and smiled slightly:"I'll tie it for you again."

Yuanming's hair is too long now.

""Turn around."

Jingliu patted Yuanming's arm and said softly.

Yuanming turned around obediently.

Some cold fingers passed through his hair and touched his neck, but Yuanming did not move. Although Jingliu was not very good at it, she was always more skilled than Yuanming in dealing with hair.

"Or you could change to a braid?"

"Allow me to refuse.

Yuanming's mouth twitched.

"Ha ha……"

Jing Liu smiled and said:"I have to change my hairstyle. I can't always tie the same one... Well, let me think about it."

"Hmm...how about I give you a hairstyle similar to mine?"

Jing Liu suddenly had an idea.

"up to you"

"Then I'll tie my hair into braids"

"Mirror Flow……"

Yuanming's rather helpless voice reached Jingliu's ears, and Jingliu chuckled twice:"Okay, let me think about it.……"

After a few minutes, Jing Liu's voice came:"Okay."


Yuanming responded:"Can I turn around?"

"Well, it's OK now."

A hand stroked his hair:"Want to see it?"



Jingliu turned her fingers and a piece of ice condensed in her palm.

Jingliu handed the ice to Yuanming.

Yuanming took the ice and looked at it.

"That's not the way to look at it."

Jing Liu smiled softly,"Tilting your head to look at it"

"I know.

Yuanming curled his lips.

"Yes, you know."

Jing Liu smiled and put his hand on his face.

Yuan Ming looked at his new hairstyle.

"The same as you?"

"Hmm... about the same."

Jingliu took a look and said,"About the same as Jingyuan?""


Yuanming looked at him and said,"I want to have the same hairstyle as you.""

"Or should I cut my hair short?"

Yuanming touched his hair and whispered softly.

"This looks good."

Jingliu supported her chin and rolled Yuanming's long hair with her fingers.

Yuanming let her do as she pleased.

The other two people who tried to reduce their presence looked at each other.

Bai Heng sighed and moved closer to Yingxing:"Yingxing...what do you think of their current situation?"

"Are they really not husband and wife?"

"No way... they always say they are just friends"

"I remember hearing before that many people claim to be friends when they are in a relationship because they are shy."


Bai Heng scratched his nose:"I don't think Jing Liuliu is that kind of person."

Jing Liu has always been outspoken, and in most cases he says whatever he thinks, never hiding anything.

Not to mention declaring to the public that he is friends with Yuanming.

"You will be shy when facing feelings, right?"

Ying Xing shrugged:"You can't always treat Jing Liu as a superwoman."

"That makes sense."

Bai Heng sighed:"Why hasn't Dan Feng come up yet? Could it be that he is being entangled by Master Long?……"

"Bai Heng!"

Ying Xing and Jing Liu opened their mouths at the same time:"Shut up!"

"Huh? Oh……"

Bai Heng pouted:"Why do you treat me like this?"

"Don't you know what your characteristics are?"

Jing Liu sighed.

"What characteristics?"

Yuanming didn't know their affairs, and asked with a puzzled look on his face.

"Crow's Mouth."

Ying Xing rubbed his brows and said,"A famous crow's mouth."


Yuanming looked at Bai Heng.

"What? I didn't!"

Bai Heng curled his lips and said,"It only worked twice.……"

"So twice?"

Jing Liu raised his eyebrows."It's been the 30th year since you met me. You said you wanted to take Dan Feng and me out for a stroll in the Star Raft. On the way, you said that the Star Raft had been inspected by you and it was impossible for it to fall off. But it actually fell off and pulled off a section of Dan Feng's hair."


Bai Heng scratched his nose awkwardly.

"The second time you said you wanted to drive the Star Chariot out, Dan Feng refused. Then you suggested going out shopping. When you saw a loosely hung plaque on the road, you said you couldn't���"It fell down?"

Jingliu said lightly while rolling Yuanming's hair,"As a result, the plaque really fell down and hit Danfeng on the back. Danfeng was eating Qiongshi Bird Cake at the time, and it was all over his face."

"The third time you said you wanted to go shopping, Dan Feng refused to go no matter what. You said,"Then let's get together at home. There's no way anything could go wrong. You can't fall on the ground." As a result, I slipped in the kitchen for no reason. There was not even a drop of water on the ground. I almost hit the back of my head."


"The fourth time was when Ying Xing first arrived. You swore that there would be absolutely no problem. Then when it was flying in the air, the Star Raft fell apart. In the end, it was found that it was not your fault, but that there was an error in the inspection of this batch of Star Rafts. However, almost all of that batch of Star Rafts were stopped and did not leave the factory. The only one was kept by you."

"Tianbosi was originally here to check, but when they received the last ship, you had already sailed out, and the people from Tianbosi stood behind you and watched you fly away."

"The fifth time was Jing Yuan……"

"Okay, okay, stop talking!"

Perhaps because he was really embarrassed, or because he felt uncomfortable looking at Yuanming's increasingly surprised eyes, Bai Heng raised his hand to signal Jingliu to stop talking.

"Is there really such an effective crow's mouth in this world?"

Yuanming approached Jingliu and whispered in her ear

"I didn’t believe it before I met Bai Heng either."

Jing Liu replied in a low voice:"But every time, apart from the four of us, Bai Heng was fine."

"I heard everything, okay?"

Bai Heng puffed up his cheeks:"Ying Xing, you tell me! Is my Xingcha driving skill not good?"

"It's good, but there will always be... unexpected situations."

Ying Xing smiled awkwardly.

He had a premonition... no, it was a lesson learned from the past.

If he talked about something else now, Bai Heng would probably keep pestering him about this matter.

"Dan Feng seems to be entangled by someone"

"Okay, now just say half a sentence and it will work."

Jingliu's mouth twitched, and he looked around:"Jingyuan hasn't come yet?"

"Jing Yuanyuan said she had prepared a big surprise.

Bai Heng stroked his chin and said,"I don't know what it is."

"It won’t get lost again."

Ying Xing yawned:"When does the celebration start?"

"Who knows... Today's preparation time seems to be very long.……"

"Shut up!"

The three of them blocked Bai Heng's words at the same time.

"You guys are too much……"

Bai Heng curled his lips and said,"Jing Liuliu, don't you feel heartbroken?"

"It doesn't hurt."

Jing Liu chuckled.

After a while, Dan Feng finally came up.

"The Huangzhong system is being prepared, and the celebration will be held after the Huangzhong system."

"What exactly is the Huangzhong system?"

Yuanming raised his eyebrows.

"You can simply think of it as a communication system, but on Fire Ban Day, the day begins with the sound of bells."

Jingliu explained


As he spoke, a low roar echoed.

The melodious and low bell sound echoed.

"This is the sound of Zhu Ming's bell."

Jing Liu explained to Yuan Ming.

Then the high-pitched and majestic bell sound echoed over Luofu for a long time.

"Hey, is Yaoqing also making such a big show this year?"

Bai Heng propped up his chin and looked up.

Then there was the ethereal sound of a bell.

"This is Yuque's."

Then Fang Hu and Xu Ling

"The celebration is about to begin.

Bai Heng looked down with a smile.

The celebration began, and the crowd was bustling.

Jing Yuan hurried over and said,"Sorry! I'm late."

"Why did you come just now?"

Ying Xing raised his eyebrows:"And where did you get these clothes?"

"How is it? My new uniform.

Jing Yuan smiled proudly.

"Tsk...you even put on a cape."

Ying Xing sneered:"Are you a general?"

"That's my goal"

"Very good, your apprentice's goal has changed from sword master to height growth, and now it has become to become a general."

"It's pretty good."

Jing Liu replied calmly.

"Ying Xing, that's my master, why do you always go to complain to my master?"

Jing Yuan stuck out his tongue at Jing Liu, walked to the side and sat down, looking at the box on the table:"What is this?"

"Qiongshi bird eggs."

Ying Xing said:"Dan Feng carved it himself, you also forgot it, right?"


Jing Yuan blinked and took out another box from his arms:"I thought you guys didn't prepare anything, so I took some more from home."


Bai Heng blinked:"So we are the only three who forgot?"

"No, no, no...it should be said that we are the only ones who think about it."

Jing Yuan smiled.

"……What's the difference?"

"It sounds like we two have more serious business."

"This is the Qiongshi bird egg at home. It is definitely not as beautiful as the ones carved by machines outside."

"It's okay, I don't dislike you, come on."

Jing Yuan rolled his eyes and threw the Qiongshi bird egg to Ying Xing:"You still say I'm a child... Busy adults... Are you so busy that you can't even remember this?"

Jing Yuan did it on purpose, he was not so busy that he couldn't think of others.

Bai Heng and Ying Xing's faces froze. Jing Liu, on the other hand, looked normal, holding Yuanming's hair in his hand and dividing it into three strands to braid into a pigtail

"Jing Yuan, you will be very busy in the future.

Bai Heng made faces at Jing Yuan.

Jing Yuan's expression suddenly changed.

"Sister Bai Heng, I was wrong... Don't curse me……"

It would be better to kill him directly than to let him work or do his job.

Others would just treat him as a joke.

But if Bai Heng opened his mouth... that would be his life.

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