When living is no longer for the purpose of dying, everything will change.

Yuanming looked at the people gathered in front of him, with a smile in his eyes that could not be concealed.

"Have a good taste, this is the fine wine I brought back from outside."

Bai Heng chuckled:"Before, the cold food didn’t go well with the wine, now that the hot food is on the table, I can drink it to my heart’s content."

"This wine is much better than Luofu's."

"Of course, the wine industry on the planet I went to can cooperate with the company."

Bai Heng smiled and raised his glass:"Cheers!"


The wine glasses collided, and the wine swayed. The sword master beside him drank it all in one gulp.

Yuanming found that Jingliu liked to drink.

But her drinking capacity seemed to be fixed here.

"Five heroes on the cloud……"

Jing Yuan propped up his chin and picked up the braised beef on the table.

"Best Yellowstone……"

Jing Yuan chews and savors at the same time, this is his habit

"Jingyuan, you should stop being a Cloud Cavalryman.

Ying Xing chuckled and said,"Become a connoisseur. I think you are suitable.""

""Ying Xing!"

Jing Yuan was annoyed, and he was ready to compete with Ying Xing.

This was a common event, and the other people were not surprised, and they did what they had to do.

Yuanming looked around, and seeing that no one wanted to pull him, he did not move. It was a bit like bullying a child, Ying Xing was a Chaos Commander.

He turned to look at Jingliu again.

Jingliu drank the wine in the cup against his gaze, and finally couldn't help turning his head to look at him.

The two looked at each other, and no one's eyes were shifted.

The sound of Ying Xing and Jing Yuan's fighting was in his ears. Yuanming stared quietly at the woman in front of him, almost losing his mind.

Jingliu simply propped up his chin and looked at him.

Jingliu's eyes were red and flashing.

When he was not frowning and his expression was normal, he always looked a little dull.

But in most cases, except when he was with them, Jingliu always frowned outside, and didn't seem happy at all.

This is also normal.

Jingliu always adhered to the principle of not getting too close to anyone outside.

"Mirror Flow"


"There are six of us at the table."

Ying Xing propped up his chin:"Let's look into each other's eyes affectionately when we get home, okay?" Jing

Liu turned his head and glanced at him, sneering as if mocking him.

After doing all this, she turned her head and played the childish eye-to-eye game with Yuan Ming.

Only Ying Xing understood what it meant.

Jing Liu didn't say anything, but this wave of mockery was full.

Ying Xing's face flushed suddenly:"What are you laughing at!"

He originally wanted to make fun of the panic of the Sword Master, but he didn't expect to be mocked by a wave of sarcasm


Jing Liu said without turning his head:"Guess"


Ying Xing gritted his teeth.

We are all envoys! Who is afraid of whom?

Ying Xing turned his head and looked at Jing Yuan who was lying on the table.

Jing Yuan was thrown over the shoulder.

Now he is probably suffering from the blow.

Although he has accepted this fact, in Jing Yuanyuan's heart, Ying Xing is still the arrogant craftsman whose fighting power is not as good as his.

Now that he was knocked down by Ying Xing, Jing Yuanyuan's heart suffered 200% critical damage.

""By the way, how did you tie it?"

Yuanming looked at Jingliu's head.

Jingliu's hairstyle was different from his.

The long white hair below was loose, and the strands above were tied into a loose circle.

"Just tie up the hanging ones."

Jingliu smiled.

Yuanming has always been so clumsy in terms of appearance.

"But don't try it."

Jingliu waved her hand, as if she was worried that Yuanming would tie his hair the same as hers:"It won't look good."

"Is that so?"

Yuanming nodded.


The celebration was lively.

So was his heart.

This was the first time someone had celebrated the festival with him.

Everyone was drunk.

Dan Feng was the only one who was still sane.

"Then, I will take care of the two of them."

Dan Feng held Ying Xing with one hand and Bai Heng with the other:"Jing Liu will be in your care.""

"Where's Jing Yuan?"

Yuan Ming looked at Jing Yuan, who was slumped on the table, and raised his eyebrows.


Dan Feng obviously didn't consider Jing Yuan.

He looked at Jing Yuan, then looked at Yuan Ming:"Why don't you send them both back together... Jing Yuan is not very honest after drinking too much."

"How dishonest can he be."

Yuanming chuckled and stretched out his hand to tap lightly in the air.

Jingyuan stood up and staggered towards his home.

Jingyuan is now grown up and lives in the dormitory of the Cloud Cavalry.

They are all brothers who take baths naked together, so there is nothing to be embarrassed about.

Danfeng looked at Jingyuan and sighed.

This star god only cares about Jingliu's affairs, and he can't say much.

Forget it, I will protect him all the way.

He carried Yingxing and Baiheng and followed Jingyuan's steps away.

Yuanming turned his head to look at Jingliu.

Jingliu was lying on the table, motionless.

Yuanming picked her up and turned to walk towards home.

It's not that he doesn't care about Jingyuan.

There is also Xiaobai here.

Xiaobai was obviously tired, following behind him, without the usual vitality


Jingliu opened her eyes dazedly, and seemed to recognize Yuanming in a trance.

She tilted her head, leaned on Yuanming's arm, and closed her eyes again.


Yuanming lifted the mirror upwards, holding Xiaobai's leash on his finger.

"Do you want to drink hangover soup when you get home?"


Jingliu raised his hands and hugged Yuanming's neck:"They...……"

Jingliu's articulation is a little unclear

"If you can't drink well, use the power of destiny to resolve it next time."

Yuanming sighed helplessly:"I sent them all home."


Jingliu responded in a low voice and rubbed his head in Yuanming's arms.

The calmer a person is at ordinary times, the more confused he becomes after drinking too much.

This statement is indeed not groundless.

Yuanming flashed and appeared in Jingliu's house.

"I'll make you some hangover soup, don't fall asleep yet."

He put Jingliu on the bed, put Xiaobai aside, and patted Jingliu on the head.


Jingliu closed his eyes, and it was unclear whether he heard it or not.

Yuanming turned around and tried to go to the kitchen, but his hand was held

"Where to……"

"I'll make you some hangover soup."

Yuanming turned around and coaxed her softly,"Let go, be obedient."


Jing Liu shook her head without opening her eyes:"Don't go."

She seemed to be forcing herself to stay awake.

"Okay, I won't leave."

Yuanming sighed and stretched out his hand, and golden auras intertwined in the air.

Even if he was not allowed to cook it himself, he could still create it out of thin air.

He was a Chaos Star God and could do anything.

Yuanming turned around and brought the small bowl to Jingliu:"Drink some soup before going to sleep, okay?"


Jingliu half-closed his eyes and lay on the bed, refusing to get up.

"At least cover yourself with a blanket.……"

Yuanming sighed, put the hangover soup aside, and reached out to take off Jingliu's boots. Jingliu

's boots were a little difficult to take off, but it was not a problem for Yuanming.

He spread the quilt with one hand and covered Jingliu's legs, then reached out to lift her upper body:"Be obedient, drink one sip, just one sip."

Jingliu still held his hand, which was a bit awkward.


Jingliu closed his eyes and opened his mouth


Yuanming, like an old father taking care of his daughter, brought the bowl to Jingliu's mouth and gently poured the water.

Jingliu swallowed two mouthfuls and then refused to drink any more.


Yuanming put down Jingliu, waved his hand, and the hangover soup and the bowl disappeared into the air.

"Let go and sleep"

""Don't let go."

The girl seemed to have regained consciousness at this time, although her speech was still a little slurred and her eyes were not open.

"So you want me to sleep with you?"



This time it was Star God who was confused.

"Doll... no more……"

Jingliu muttered.

A doll?

The one he gave her?

Yuanming sighed again, sat down beside Jingliu's bed, and used one hand to cover her with the quilt."Go to sleep, I'm here."


Jingliu responded softly and buried his head in the pillow.

Yuanming closed his eyes quietly, holding the moon-smooth, slightly cold little hand with one hand. After thinking for a while, he lifted a corner of the quilt to cover their palms.

He didn't understand feelings. He had never learned it, and the chaotic fate had never provided him with such memories.

It was even more impossible for him to ask Ah Ha.

But the throbbing in his heart did not seem fake. It has been more than a year.

For human memory, this is a very long day. For more than a year, they were entangled every day, and they could see another person after brushing their teeth and living together.

Yuanming didn't understand feelings, but he understood his own heart.

He fell in love with the moon he was chasing.

What would it be like if a person fell in love with the moon he was pursuing?

He didn't know.

He didn't want to know.

But he couldn't just enjoy the light of the moon.

Even if the moon would not run towards him.

Don't worry.

Yuanming clenched the slender fingers in his hand.

He would definitely change that future.

Jingliu was sleeping quietly.

The moonlight flickered, embracing the gentle dream


When Jingliu got up, Yuanming was gone.


She sat up, rubbed her messy hair, and smoothed it with her palm.

The power of destiny is a tool that is more useful than any comb.

Her long hair fell down smoothly.

Only a strand of hair was still sticking up, stubbornly refusing to lie down.


There was a knock on the door, and Yuanming's voice came from outside:"I cooked some porridge, come out and have some.""


Jingliu got out of bed, stepped on his slippers and opened the door:"Good morning……"

"Good morning."

Yuanming looked at her with a change in his eyes, but Jingliu didn't see it.

"This bun……"

Jing Liu looked at the steamed buns on the plate on the table and blinked.

They didn't look like the ones sold outside.

"This is my first time wrapping, so I can't control the shape very well."

Yuanming crossed his arms and said,"You said yesterday that the meat of the stone cow was delicious, so I went out to buy some to try it out."

Jingliu's heart warmed.

He would remember even a single word.

Yuanming turned around and sat opposite him:"You can't drink much, so next time, use the power of destiny to dissolve the alcohol."

"Drinking with them won't lead to that."

Jing Liu smiled and said,"Sometimes it's better to enjoy the feeling of being drunk."

"Then he collapsed on the bed.

Yuanming chuckled and said,"If I had bad intentions and took a photo of you, it would be your lifelong handle."


Jingliu rubbed his nose at him.

Yuanming was stunned.


Yuanming coughed twice, lowered his head and rubbed his nose

"Are you going to practice sword fighting later?"

"Well, I have to go and see the Cloud Cavalry."

"I'd like to join in the fun too. Do you mind?"

"Of course."

Jingliu nodded:"You can stand behind the Cloud Cavalry and practice swordsmanship with them."

"That's fine."

Yuanming nodded:"It seems I have to forge a sword by myself."

"By the way, Yuanming, will the star gods also rely on force when fighting each other?"

"Isn't it true that fighting relies on the use of force?"

"Ah... I misunderstood. When I say force, I mean using swords to fight."

"Well... I'm not sure either. After all, I haven't had any conflict with... I haven't had any conflict with the Star Gods so far."

Yuanming wanted to say that he hadn't.

But he suddenly thought of the Void.

When he just opened his eyes, the Void had indeed tested him.

"So you mean you have had conflicts with other Star Gods?"

Jing Liu narrowed his eyes.

"Well, there is a little conflict with the void, after all, we are intertwined in fate."

Yuanming nodded:"But there should be no follow-up, after all, the void doesn't want to pay attention to me."

To some extent, the character of the void and the end is quite similar - they live their own lives and don't pay attention to anyone.

That is, Aha is always willing to get involved in various things

"But physical combat is unlikely, after all, in most cases, it is a collision of destiny."

Yuan Ming said

"So that's it……"

Jingliu nodded:"Let's go to the training ground."

Yuanming stood up and raised his hand to smooth Jingliu's curled hair:"Okay."

Jingliu turned his head slightly and touched his earlobe:"Let's go"


Yuanming followed the Cloud Cavalry and swung his sword.

But the Cloud Cavalry around him couldn't see him.

Jingliu stood in front for a while before being called away by Teng Xiao.

Yuanming frowned and followed.

"I have something to tell you."

Teng Xiao said:"Bai Heng and the others have already been notified."

"What's up?"

"Bu Liren has organized a fleet and war beasts, ready to break through Tarasa in one fell swoop."

Teng Xiao said lightly:"Tarasa has no ability to resist."

"Need our help?"


Teng Xiao nodded:"Bai Heng and the others should have started preparing."


Jingliu nodded:"When?""

"Three o'clock in the afternoon."

Teng Xiao said:"It's time to get ready"

"I understand."

Jingliu nodded:"Will you stay?"

"Well, I leave it to you."

Teng Xiao nodded:"Be careful."

Jing Liu didn't say anything else. Teng Xiao was used to her indifference, so he smiled and turned away.

"If you come, just show up. Why are you standing there listening?"

Jing Liu looked back.

"I just thought that maybe my presence was not appropriate."

Yuanming showed up and leaned aside:"Are you nervous?"

"Why are you so nervous?"

Jing Liu chuckled and said,"I've been on the battlefield many times."

"It will be fine."

Yuanming shook his head:"I will follow"

"I think the four of us are enough to defeat them."

Jing Liu smiled and said,"This is a bit of a big deal. You are a Star God, so you don't need to……"

One Star God, four emissaries - this is the battle to defeat the Plague Ancestor.

"I'm worried about you, Jingliu."

Yuanming blocked Jingliu's next words with one sentence.

I always feel that Yuanming is a little different.

Or rather, Yuanming has always been so direct.

Jingliu lowered his head and reached out to touch his earlobe.


She nodded.

Yuanming smiled and said,"I will follow you closely."

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