The Joy Star God has a lot to do every day.

Wander in the tavern, drink, go out for a walk, return to the tavern, linger in the tavern, drink.

Look, praise Aha.

The great Joy Star God is so busy. In order to pursue eternal joy with his believers, the Joy Star God even drinks a few glasses of wine in his own tavern - he earns his own money.

The tavern rarely welcomes guests that surprise Aha.

The Joy Star God gently pushed open the door of the tavern and looked at the starry sky in front of him.

The starry sky was covered with scarlet, like a giant snake like a meat mountain devouring the stars


Ahha smiled and spread his hands:"You came so early"


Half of a body emerged from the meat mountain, and the half that looked like a woman looked at Aha:"Chaos, where is it?"

""Here comes with bad intentions."

Ahha muttered softly, then raised his head and looked at Obolos, wondering what he was thinking.


Obolos' tone became more impatient:"Chaos, where is it?"

"Chaos has been looking at you for a long time."

Aha chuckled.

Oboros turned his head, but there was nothing behind him.

At the same time, the huge laughter of the Joyful Star God came from behind him.

"Greedy has been deceived!"

Ahha laughed out loud.

Obolos looked calm:"Joy, where is Chaos?"

"I've been watching you from behind for a long time."

Ahha said with a smile.

Obolos turned his head again.

The starry sky was dark and there was no movement.

"Tantao has been deceived for the second time! Aha!"

Aha laughed sharply again.


The scarlet mountain of flesh surged up suddenly, representing Obolos's agitated mood at the moment.

But she still held back, and looked at Aha expressionlessly again:"Joy, tell me, where is Chaos?"

"Behind you."

Aha raised his chin.

This time, Oboros didn't believe it. She just stared at Aha. The scarlet giant snake surged, as if to swallow Aha.

The Joyful Star God narrowed his eyes, and the mask beside him flickered, and the stars trembled violently.

"It's you first……"

You lied to me first, how dare you be angry?

Obolos seemed to want to say this, but the next second, she felt a sharp pain in her back.

She felt her flesh being torn apart.

Obolos screamed and turned around.

The three giant snakes were torn into pieces and flattened, and they were as thin as paper in Yuanming's hands.

The dark blood dripped, and Yuanming stood there expressionlessly.

His palms were as smooth and flawless as porcelain.

This is the strengthening of the body when using divine power.

"Look, Aha has already told you that Chaos is behind you."

Aha chuckled, as if he had never lied to Obolos.

Yuanming pinched his fingers, and the giant snake instantly turned into ashes.

"Tan Tao."

Yuanming stared at Tan Tao's face and said,"I heard you were looking for me."


Tan Tao didn't seem angry at all. She looked at Yuan Ming with a smile on her face.

The scarlet meat mountain set off a huge wave in the starry sky.

"Don't fight me, Greedy."

Aha narrowed his eyes.

Oboros stopped moving.

Chaos on the opposite side obviously had no intention of giving in, and the joy behind was a little unhappy...

Two against one, she was fighting against two top star gods alone, there was no chance of winning.

Oboros figured this out easily.

She looked around, finally looked at Yuanming deeply, turned around and left.

"Quite smart."

Ah Ha chuckled and looked at Yuanming:"Why didn't you bring your envoy with you?"

"Ah... OK, OK, I know her name is Jingliu."

Looking at Yuanming's eyes, Ah Ha spread his hands:"Why didn't you bring Jingliu with you?"

"I'm not here to look for you. I came here because I sensed Tan Tao's presence. I can't possibly bring her to fight Tan Tao."

Yuanming shook his head and said,"Tan Tao came very early."

"Well, you have met Obolos this time."

Ah Ha chuckled:"How do you feel?"

"She seems to be having trouble with her brain.

Yuanming pointed to his head, then looked in the direction Obolos left, and said softly

"Greedy is like this, keen on devouring... Especially powerful opponents. When Taizi Yulos was still alive, Greedy fought with him once."

"The results of it?"

"There was no result. Countless galaxies and universes were destroyed, but in the end, no one killed anyone."

Aha shrugged:"This time she will find you, don't be too relaxed. If you really want to fight Greedy, you must kill her completely, otherwise as soon as the injury heals, she will come again immediately."

The main point is a difficult

"I understand."

His arm gradually returned to its original color. Yuanming shook off the blood on his palm and turned away:"You left too suddenly. I'm going back."


Ah Ha waved his hand and said,"Come here to play when you have the chance."


Yuanming responded and disappeared into the starry sky.


Jingliu was holding her wrist in panic, looking around.

Yuanming suddenly disappeared beside her, leaving her only a message to wait for him here.

What happened... What was so urgent that she didn't even have time to say a word?

"Ah Liu."

Jingliu's body trembled and she turned around suddenly.

Yuanming stood there, with his arms open to her.

Jingliu rushed over in two steps.

"Where have you been?"

Jingliu looked up at him.

Her nose twitched twice, and she suddenly panicked. She raised her hand and ripped open Yuanming's collar:"Why is there such a strong smell of blood?……"


Yuanming chuckled and held her hand:"The smell of Tan Tao."

When Obolos appeared, the space was filled with the disgusting smell of blood.

"Did you fight with the Greedy Star God?"

Jingliu raised his hand to touch Yuanming's shoulder:"Did you���Hurt? Why?……"

"Not injured."

Yuanming shook his head:"I tore off a few of her... legs?"

That thing should be a leg, right?

After all, Tan Tao is also very strong. He was worried that Tan Tao would come directly and Jing Liu would definitely be affected.

As long as he and Tan Tao fought in this universe, Jing Liu would definitely be affected. He was anxious to stop Tan Tao, but he didn't expect that Tan Tao was blocked by Aha.

In fact, it was not blocked, Yuanming arrived very quickly.

From the time he sensed Tan Tao's murderous intent to the time he appeared behind Tan Tao, it took less than fifteen seconds in total.

He only left one sentence for Jing Liu here, and it was indeed his negligence.

The battle between the star gods was too terrifying, and he was worried that it would affect Jing Liu.


Yuanming picked up Lord Jianshou:"Don't worry, I'm very strong."

Jingliu buried her head in his neck, saying nothing.

The moment she smelled the strong smell of blood on Yuanming, she was indeed scared.

The war between star gods was cruel, and she knew that.

She was worried about losing Yuanming.

She couldn't lose Yuanming.

Fortunately, he came back safely.

Tearing off the legs of the greedy star god... Yuanming said it was easy, but who knows what the fight would be like.

Miss Jianshou did misunderstand this.

Yuanming was indeed quite relaxed.

After all, Obolos didn't react.

"I am afraid……"

Jing Liu's voice was muffled:"I can't lose you"

"Well, I will explain it clearly next time."

Yuanming patted her on the back and held her in his arms like a child:"Go home, my lady."


The sword master's long legs were wrapped around his waist like a koala, and her hands were tightly around his neck, just like a child who was afraid of losing his favorite toy, holding him tightly, unwilling to let go.

He really scared her this time.

Yuanming knew he was in the wrong, so he held her thighs with both hands and coaxed her softly.

"You just left a word and left... I was so scared at that time……"

"It's my fault... Don't be afraid, don't be afraid."

Yuanming gently kissed the side of her neck.

"Next time, take me with you wherever you go.……"

"No way."

Yuanming shook his head.

Jingliu raised his head with a stubborn look in his eyes:"Why?"

"Think about it, A Liu."

Yuan Ming hugged her up and said,"You can't lose me, and I can't lose you, right?"

He didn't want to lie to Jing Liu here.

If he really fought with Obolos or some other star god, he would definitely not take Jing Liu and the others with him, and would even send them to a planet that was absolutely safe.

Some things should be made clear. Jing Liu is not that kind of little girl, and it can't be solved by coaxing.

What she needs is the result.

Jing Liu didn't say anything, just stared at him.

"The battle between the Star Gods has a very wide range. Just think about it. If I fight with Tan Tao, it will affect this universe, and it may even affect more than this universe. Those Star Gods are different from me. They don’t care about the lives of mortals at all."

Yuan Ming said softly.��:"You are everything in my life, I cannot lose you, so I cannot take you with me when we go to war with the Star God, but I promise that, other than that, I will be with you wherever I go."

Jing Liu stared at him quietly with her eyes like red moons.

After a long while, she sighed and buried her head in Yuanming's neck again.

Yuanming also breathed a sigh of relief.

Probably with one or two more instructions, this matter will be over.

Jing Liu's heart is strong and fragile.

It doesn't matter if she is injured or even dying.

But the people around her can't.

" have to promise me."

Jingliu lowered his voice and said,"I don't know what the war between the Star Gods is like, but I beg you to think of me when the fight starts.……"

"I know."

Yuanming chuckled and said,"I don't care about my face, I will definitely run away. Besides, my wife will accept me as a deserter, right?"

"Not a deserter."

The Sword Master shook her head and rubbed her nose against Yuanming's neck.

Her voice was low, but Yuanming still heard it clearly.

"You are everything to me."

Yuanming had to admit that this was the most touching moment in his two lives.

No one had ever said such words to him in Xia Country.

Yuanming smiled softly, turned his head and gently kissed her earlobe.

"You are everything to me too."

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