"Did you see those two guys, Tianchi?"

Lord Sword Master and Lord Star God, who were expressing their true feelings to each other down there, did not realize that there were two people peeking at them from above.

"Is that really Jingliu?"

Tianchi's mouth twitched, and he looked at the figure being held like a child, and asked in disbelief.

"The real Luofu sword head."

Bai Heng chuckled:"What's wrong? Tianchi? Speak?"

"Did you hear that, Bai Heng, the sound of my shattered dreams?"

"How did the dream break... Hey! Tianchi? Speak?"

Tianchi shook his head, his eyes full of vicissitudes.

It seems that it is time to get married.

There are many couples in Changletian today.


Bai Heng didn't care what Tian Chi thought, but there were only three days left before she told Ying Xing to reply within a week.

During these four days, Ying Xing rarely showed up.

Ying Xing was sensible and understood Bai Heng.

"Why don’t you go and give Bai Heng something?"

"That's moral kidnapping."

Ying Xing shook his head.

He hoped that Bai Heng's choice was out of her own true will, and hoped that she would like him too, rather than because he had given her too many things during this period of time - like giving her things like lovers who are already together, and making her feel embarrassed to refuse. That kind of relationship is not what Ying Xing wants, it is forced.

Bai Heng is that kind of person. When it comes to her own people, her heart is very soft. She is embarrassed to refuse and agree to this matter... Bai Heng can probably do it.

Moreover, even if Bai Heng refuses, it will have an impact on their relationship.

At that time, the showdown will have a lot of impact.

The so-called forced melon is not sweet.

Eat sweet melons, and it is better to drink water to quench thirst.

So Ying Xing simply did nothing, and did not show his presence in front of Bai Heng, but just waited here for Bai Heng to decide the final result.

Ying Xing leaned against the statue of Dan Feng, with some lightness between his eyebrows.

"Dan Feng, I have actually thought it through."

Dan Feng looked at Ying Xing and raised his eyebrows.

"At first I thought that if Bai Heng rejected me after I confessed, I would be devastated."

Ying Xing shook his head:"But I have figured it out in the past few days. Even if Bai Heng rejected me, we can still be good friends. I will face my attitude... If she rejects me." Liar.

Dan Feng looked at Ying Xing's hand.

His arm holding the wine glass was shaking.

I hope it will succeed.

Dan Feng sighed helplessly.


Bai Heng was still prepared.

In fact, it doesn't take much psychological preparation to agree to someone's confession.

She thought about it for many days. During these days, she went to see Ying Xing forging weapons, watching Ying Xing teaching newcomers, watching Jing Liu and Yuan Ming get along, and watching other couples in Luofu.

She never lied to anyone. If she said a week, it would be a week, and she would never delay.

In particular, she had to give Ying Xing an explanation. It was impossible for her to keep luring him like this.

Bai Heng still made an appointment with Ying Xing to meet in the pavilion.

In fact, even on the way there, Bai Heng was thinking about these things.

What is her concept of love?

She had never thought about these things before. There were only a few things in her life before, such as fighting, Xingra, traveling, fine wine, and close friends.

There was no emotion, no love, and even few opposite sexes.

Because of Bai Heng's cheerful personality, not many people expressed their feelings to Bai Heng.

But there were indeed some.

Bai Heng rejected them all.

They all came because of her face, because she was good-looking, and because the side she showed made people happy.

She thought, if they really were in a relationship, they should understand and support each other, instead of one person finding fun in the other.

Fox people are very loyal to their emotions. They value emotions and the mutuality of emotions. At the same time, they have a deeper understanding of emotions. As the relationship progresses, there will definitely be contradictions and conflicts, because two unrelated people get together. It is impossible to always follow the temper of one of them. Such a relationship will definitely not last long.

Bai Heng thought that such a relationship that is only for happiness is better to be friends. They never thought about understanding her at all. They just thought it would be interesting to be with her just by looking at her cheerful appearance every day.

But relationships are not just for fun.

The clear and ethereal music sounded into his ears, and Bai Heng turned his head curiously.

It was a member of the Chiming tribe, playing a musical instrument.

Bai Heng recognized the instrument.

It was a very old instrument called chime, which was recorded in the ancient books of Yaoqing Xianzhou.

This instrument was not played by one person in ancient times, but this girl obviously made a lot of modifications to the chime.

The girl from the Chiming tribe bowed to the audience in front of her, turned her head and looked carefully at the neatly arranged chimes, raised two small wooden sticks, and gently tapped and slid the chimes. The pleasant and ethereal sound came out again, and Bai Heng blinked and couldn't help but take a step forward.

She knew the rules of the musicians, so she waited until the performance was over before finally speaking:"You played very well."


The girl smiled gently:"Thank you, I have studied it for half my life... I think for most people, these chimes are still just iron tools."

"There will be someone who can appreciate you."

Bai Heng smiled and said,"You play very well."

She repeated


The girl sighed and put the two sticks aside.

"What a pity?"

"It's a pity that I'm already at the age of shed tears. I may not remember these rhythms in my next life."

The girl smiled bitterly:"The life of the Chiming tribe is still too short, not enough for me to study this thing... or maybe I got to know it too late."

She turned her head and stroked each bronze bell obsessively, murmuring:"It's really too late."

Bai Heng saw the disappointment in her eyes.

The Chiming tribe is a completely different person after reincarnation.

It's just that some people will persist in finding the memories of their previous lives, but most of them can't find them.

Bai Heng had heard before that there was a Chiming tribe member who reincarnated many times and fell in love with the same immortal species.

But such people are only a minority after all.

After this girl is shed, she will completely abandon everything about the chimes - even the love.

Without love, even if she studies again, she can't be like now

"But you seem different"


The girl turned to look at Bai Heng.

"Why aren't you that sad?"

Bai Heng looked at her and asked

"Because I found the successor.

The girl smiled and said,"It's a fox-man. She loves chimes very much."

"I passed on the chime skills to her, and she promised to pass on the chime skills to future generations."

As she said this, she gently plucked the chime with her fingers, and the chime rang twice:"I think this is good, even if I disappear, at least there are still people in this world who love this thing."

"But won’t you feel sad?"

Bai Heng tilted his head:"I passed on something I liked to someone else."

"That's so weird.……"

The girl smiled and said,"Are you having any emotional difficulties?"

""What... I didn't!"

Bai Heng took a half step back.

This guy is very accurate in judging people.……

"No... I always feel like you are talking about someone else."

The girl chuckled:"To be honest, she doesn't like it either, but she really wants to learn it and she really likes it."

"But I still want to tell you something."

The girl looked at Bai Heng:"If you like it, you must fight for it and seize it. If I am not in danger of dying, I will definitely guard this clock tightly."

Bai Heng looked at her and said nothing.

After a long silence, the girl was not anxious, but just smiled and looked at her.

Bai Heng finally raised his head.

"I see."

She nodded:"Thank you."

She thought, she should bow to her.

Bai Heng bent down and bowed.

"I wish you all the best."

The girl also bowed with a smile.


When Bai Heng arrived at the small pavilion hidden in the sea of clouds, the craftsman was still waiting there.

"Ying Xing!"

As soon as Bai Heng finished speaking, she saw the bright eyes of the craftsman who turned around suddenly.

She stared at him for a long time without saying a word.

The two just stared at each other, and Ying Xing didn't seem to be in a hurry to get the answer that he hadn't received for a week.

Of course, Bai Heng didn't have the same idea as Ying Xing - Bai Heng didn't have such a deep mind.

She simply felt that she was late and ran too fast, which made her thoughts disordered. Seeing Ying Xing turned back too quickly, her heart was flustered again, so she simply couldn't think of what to say for a while.

"Why don't you speak?"

Coming back to his senses, Bai Heng tilted his head towards Ying Xing:"���Don't you expect my answer at all?"

Ying Xing:...

He said, how could Bai Heng play the romantic game.

Sometimes Bai Heng is as straightforward as Jing Liu.

Otherwise, they can become good girlfriends.

Lord Bai Ye's words are joking.

Among the five heroes on the cloud, there is no one with high emotional intelligence.

Only Jing Yuan is smart sometimes.

"Ying Xing...I……"

Bai Heng took a deep breath and said,"What I'm going to say will be quite long, but you have to listen carefully."

"Well, you talk, I'm listening carefully."

Ying Xing nodded.


That night, the jade veins of the other three members of the Yunshang Wuxiao were bombarded simultaneously by the other two.

"I'll just lie down for a while... Eight hundred messages came in."

Jing Liu complained helplessly and removed his hand from Yuanming's abdominal muscles.

I'll touch him again later.

【Baiye: Jingliu Jingliu Jingliu Jingliu!

Jingliu: I saw it.

Baiye: Sister Baiheng promised me! She promised me!

Baiye: Although I have also put in a lot of effort... but in the future you won’t be the only one showing off your affection!

Baiye: Wait for my baptism!


Baiye: She promised me... I can’t sleep tonight, let’s find Danfeng and have a fight. 】

Jingliu sighed, turned around and placed Yuzhao in front of Yuanming, and pressed the voice button:"Say something."

"Ah Liu... go to sleep."

Yuan Ming chuckled, his voice clear.

Jing Liu sent it directly, and then turned around and threw Yu Zhao aside.

Don't even think about it, there will be news from Bai Heng in a while.

Hehe... baptism.

Jing Liu's mouth corners rose.

You two are still young.

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