"Hey... these two were on the same side as us not long ago."

Jing Yuan curled his lips.

Dan Feng crossed his arms and did not comment.

"Thank you, Bai Heng.

Ying Xing hugged Bai Heng and said softly.

"Oh... why are you being so polite?"

Bai Heng patted Ying Xing on the back and smiled softly:"I'll help you put it on"


Ying Xing chuckled, let go of Bai Heng and turned around.

Bai Heng took out a small wooden comb and combed Ying Xing's hair.

"Come to think of it, I just realized it."

Ying Xing's mouth twitched, and he looked at Jing Liu's hair:"What kind of hairstyle is this?"

Jing Liu smiled and said nothing, just holding Yuan Ming's hand.

"Oh, I understand.

Ying Xing curled his lips.

"I originally wanted to braid her hair into a pigtail."

Yuanming looked at Jingliu's hair and said with a rather depressed tone,"I just didn't expect it to turn out like this." Braiding a pigtail requires a little effort and needs to start from the roots of the hair. Some novices don't know how to do such a hairstyle, and the hair will start to gather from the middle and ends, and appear very loose and bloated.

"Let your hair down. I think long hair looks better. I'll comb it for you."

Yuanming dragged Jingliu to a chair nearby and untied the ribbon that bound his hair.

The golden power gathered and condensed into a small comb in his hand.

Baiheng combed Yingxing's hair while Yuanming combed Jingliu's hair.

"Danfeng, how about I comb your hair too?"

Jingyuan stroked his chin and looked at Danfeng.

A disgusted expression appeared on Danfeng's face.

"Are you kidding me? I can't really comb your hair."

Jing Yuan's mouth twitched:"Why are you being so obvious?"

Long Zun took a deep breath and suppressed the urge to kick him off the merchant ship for a long time.

Ying Xing's hair was tied up and pierced with a hairpin.

"Hey, Ying Xing, I just remembered."

Jing Yuan clapped his hands and said,"Give me your earrings."


Ying Xing raised her eyebrows, but still took off the earrings:"Don't break them."

"Although I was also confused at first, why do men wear earrings?"

Jing Yuan turned his back and started to tinker with it.

"Um... I forgot why, and what's wrong with men wearing earrings."

Ying Xing shrugged.

"Um... nothing."

Jing Yuan quickly fiddled with the things in his hand, and he raised his hand to hand the modified earrings to Ying Xing:"Here, take a look at the real finished product"

"What is this?"

Ying Xing raised his eyebrows and looked at the earrings in his hand.

There was a red ribbon on it.

"Speaking of which, Ying Xing, are you really not worried at all about someone pulling your earrings when you fight?"

Jing Yuan tilted his head.

"I wasn't worried at first."

Ying Xing said calmly:"I started to worry after you lengthened it like this."


Jing Yuan scratched his face and said,"I originally bought it to tie your hair... Among us, are Bai Heng, me, and Master the only ones without earrings?"

"Fox people's ears are very sensitive, and piercing their ears is very painful."

Bai Heng touched his ears:"So fox people usually add some other decorations to the ends of their hair or on their hair."

"What about the master? Why doesn't he pierce his ears?"

Jing Yuan looked at Yuan Ming.

Yuan Ming raised his eyebrows:"I just don't like it."

"That's good."

Jingliu touched his face.


Yuanming lowered his voice:"Does Liu like me like this?"

"I like it."

Jing Liu chuckled.

Jing Yuan was depressed.


The moon is bright


The glasses clinked, Bai Heng seemed very excited today.

It was normal, after all, it was Ying Xing's birthday.

"Come, share the cake."

The cake in front of Jing Yuan and Bai Heng was the largest.

"Master... I have grown up."

Jing Yuan looked at Jing Liu

"Well, he's grown up."

Jingliu rubbed his head and put the big piece in front of him.

Jingyuan curled his lips.

He is already an adult!

Why do you still treat him like a child...

But this is not bad.

Jingyuan smiled foolishly and lowered his head to scoop a spoonful of cake

"By the way... who came up with this image?"

Dan Feng pointed to the six cats on the cake.

The cat representing Jing Yuan was the smallest.

The largest one was Yuan Ming.

"Of course it's me."

Bai Heng chuckled:"Isn't it very vivid?"

Yuanming raised his eyebrows, cut off the cat that represented himself, and placed it in front of Jingliu together with the one that represented Jingliu.

"It was more than I could eat……"

Jingliu pursed her lips and looked at Yuanming.

Yuanming lowered his head and kissed the corner of her lips:"Eat slowly, no rush."

The sword master lowered his head and scooped a spoonful like a child.

The blue kitten was missing an ear.

Yingxing also imitated Yuanming and put his own on Bai Heng's plate.

Bai Heng swallowed the whole thing in one gulp.



With Jingyuan and Bai Heng cleaning up the battlefield, a piece of cake is not even a dish.

The cake was soon gone, and Bai Heng had a new idea.

"There's more. There's more."

She pulled Ying Xing to sit in front of the closed window:"Close your eyes."

Ying Xing closed his eyes obediently.

Bai Heng smiled slyly, walked to the window, and raised three fingers to the people behind.

Jing Yuan smiled and put his palm on Ying Xing's shoulder.

"What are you doing?"

Ying Xing suddenly had a bad feeling, but he still didn't open his eyes.

Ying Xing, ah Ying Xing.

Excessive trust in your best friend will only hurt you.

He heard the sound of the window popping open, and something flew at high speed.

Before Ying Xing could open his eyes, his face was covered with cake.

The cake was all cream, but Ying Xing was still shocked.

With laughter lingering in his ears, how could Ying Xing not understand that he had become the laughing stock of the day.

He was extremely fast, and with his backhand he grabbed a large piece of cream from his face and threw it on Jing Yuan's face.

Dan Feng didn't run away either, and Lord Bai Ye quickly threw another piece on his face.

There was still a piece of cream hanging on the corner of Dan Feng.

Jing Yuan subconsciously reached out and wiped his face.

Well, it was originally a small piece, and now it is directly spread evenly.


Jingyuan roared and reached out to wipe the cream off Yingxing's face.

The scene turned into a chaotic battlefield in an instant.

Yuanming hugged Jingliu and moved away from the battlefield.

Baiheng also ran out secretly.

Of course, in front of the cream splashing range, these people could not escape.

The piece of cream flew out and hit Jingliu's nose directly.

There was a small white ball on Jingliu's nose.

Yuanming couldn't help but laughed out loud.

Lord Jianshou was angry and raised his body to hug his head, rubbing it on Yuanming's face again and again.

Yuanming let her do it, but just hugged her tightly to prevent her from falling.

As for the deputy helmsman of Tianbosi, he was chased out by his boyfriend and pressed into his arms and rubbed cream all over his face.

No one ran away, a group of big cats.

However, Yingxing, Jingyuan, and Baiheng were still the most serious.


Jing Yuan held his stomach and laughed:"Look at the two of you"

"You are not much better."

Bai Heng curled his lips and took out a wet tissue and handed it to Ying Xing.

Ying Xing took the wet tissue and wiped Bai Heng's face first.

"Oh, I told you to clean it yourself."

"It's the same if I clean it for you first."

Ying Xing smiled and wiped Bai Heng's face carefully.

Yuan Ming reached out and wiped Jing Liu's face, and the cake disappeared automatically.

Jing Yuan became the biggest complainer in the scene.

He stood there with a face full of cake, neither laughing nor crying.

"Jing Yuan, turn around."

Dan Feng's voice came from behind, and Jing Yuan turned his head.

The surging water hit him directly in the face. His face was clean.


Jing Yuan roared and rushed out, but Dan Feng held his head.

No matter how hard he punched, he couldn't hit Dan Feng.

"You ungrateful brat."

Dan Feng said as if it was his duty:"I helped you wash the cake off your face."

"Should I thank you too?"


""What the hell!"

Jing Yuan's defense was broken.

He broke the big defense.

"I thought I was the joker today, but I didn't expect the clown to be someone else."

Ying Xing couldn't hold it back after he finished speaking, grinning like a fool.

In the matter of making fun of Jing Yuan, Ying Xing wanted to be the first


It didn't take much time to clean up the merchant ship. Yuanming just waved his hand.

"I want to jump in and swim."

Jing Yuan thought about it one by one. He leaned on the edge of the merchant ship, looked at the sea below, and said softly

"What are you swimming for?"

Ying Xing wiped his hands and looked at Jing Yuan's back. He suddenly had the idea of playing a prank.

He wanted to throw Jing Yuan down like that.

But he felt that it seemed a bit too much, so he gave up.

"Really, you don’t want to swim?"

Jing Yuan blinked:"You can’t be all incapable of swimming, right?"

"Who wouldn't know how to do it?

Bai Heng couldn't stand provocation the most:"The swimming champion of Tianbo Division is me!" Tianbo

Division swimming champion?

You're kidding. Tianbo Division has never held a swimming competition.

Bai Heng just called herself the champion.

"I am also the swimming champion of the Cloud Cavalry Army."

Jing Yuan sneered.

"Hey, you little brat."

Bai Heng rolled up his sleeves and said,"Bibi?"

"You are the little brat."

Jing Yuan's eyes widened:"Let's compete!"

The villain in Jing Yuan secretly clenched his fist.

When Bai Heng went into the water, Ying Xing would definitely not stand by and watch. There was an 80% chance that Ying Xing would pull Dan Feng down.

The remaining master would most likely be pulled down by Bai Heng, and if the master went down, the master's master would definitely follow.

Connection successful! Jing Yuan, you are so smart, you are worthy of being the little think tank of the Cloud Cavalry Army!

Bai Heng raised his hand and waved, and the power of destiny covered her.

It was so cold at night, even if she didn't catch a cold, her boyfriend would definitely not let her go into the water with her clothes on.

"Mirror Flowing!"

Bai Heng grinned:"Wait for you underwater!"


Jing Liu's mouth twitched, and before he could say anything, Bai Heng had already jumped down.


Jing Yuan gave Ying Xing a very provocative smile, turned over and jumped off the edge.

There was a sound of heavy objects falling into the water from below.

"What the hell are you laughing at?……"

Ying Xing's mouth twitched, and he exchanged glances with Yuan Ming, then he jumped down helplessly.

Dan Feng wanted to run away, but Ying Xing almost grabbed his horn and threw him down.

Only Jing Liu and Yuan Ming were left on the boat.

Jing Liu looked at Yuan Ming.

"If you want to play, go ahead."

Yuanming raised his chin and said,"The power of destiny is wrapped around my body, so my clothes won't get wet."


Jingliu smiled and held Yuanming's hand:"Accompany me"


Water splashes


Luofu night, the moon is bright in the sky, the cave is floating on the water.

The swimming competition of the five heroes on the cloud - the great victory of the deputy helmsman of Tianbosi


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The attendance award mechanism of Tomato has been changed, and the threshold for full attendance will be raised soon, which means that many authors will not be able to get the full attendance award.

After all, I have to eat, so please help me recommend my book and give me rewards.

Thank you! ps: I have a fever, the highest is 40.5, I just covered it up, so I updated early today, I have to go to bed early, and everyone should take care of their health.

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