"You have an innate advantage!"

"What innate advantage! If you are not as fast as me, then you are not as fast as me! What excuses are you making!"

"Bai Heng! Your tail is shaking like a propeller! How dare you say you don't have an innate advantage!"

"I don’t know! I don’t have one!"

The voices of Bai Heng and Jing Yuan bickering could be heard in the distance. Jing Liu leaned against Yuan Ming’s chest with a smile on his face.

Ying Xing was sandwiched between Jing Yuan and Bai Heng.

Facing neither?

Nonsense, Ying Xing’s direction was clear.

"Bai Heng is right"

"If you can't swim, you can't swim. Don't make excuses."

"Ying Xing you!"

Jing Yuanqi's eyes were about to pop out.

"Why don't you help Jing Yuan?"

Yuan Ming lowered his head and kissed Jing Liu's forehead.

"Let him show his eloquence."

Jing Liu had no intention of helping his little apprentice, but just leaned quietly in Yuanming's arms.

Yuanming chuckled and hugged her tightly.

Let the child make a fuss, nothing will happen anyway.

Jing Yuan and Bai Heng's bickering continued until both of them were exhausted.

Dan Feng sat on a rock by the sea, watching the two people gasping for breath and parting.

"Jing Yuan...wait for me to calm down!"

Bai Heng was obviously dissatisfied.

"Okay, I'll wait!"

Jing Yuan was even more dissatisfied.

""Okay, okay."

Ying Xing hugged Bai Heng and dragged her away:"Why do you always pick on Jing Yuan?"

"What do you mean I have a problem with him!"

Bai Heng struggled:"I clearly won by my strength!"

It should be said that among the five heroes of Yunshang, only Bai Heng and Jing Yuan would quarrel over these things.

"Yes! Right! You won by your strength!"

Jing Yuan was dragged away by Dan Feng.

These two people...

Bai Heng is really, why would he be angry with a child.

Jing Liu was helpless and leaned in Yuan Ming's arms without saying a word. It didn't matter if the war didn't spread to her.

But how could Bai Heng and Jing Yuan let her go?


"Mirror flow!"

"Please give me some advice!"

Jing Liu turned around quickly, lifted Yuanming's clothes, and buried himself in Yuanming's clothes like an ostrich:"I don't know, don't ask me……"

Yuanming smiled and hugged her in his arms, patting her on the back.

Bai Heng and Jing Yuan enjoyed bickering, and it was a headache for others to hear them.


It was the fifth day after Yingxing's birthday.

Jingliu rarely stayed in bed in Yuanming's arms.

She got up early and sparred with Yingxing and Danfeng in the training ground.

The battle between Jianshou and Longzun attracted many Yunqi soldiers to watch.

Tengxiao also came.

This guy was missing an arm, but he was still drinking tea and pouring water, so happy.

Yingxing also came to spar, but was pulled aside by Tengxiao.

"You are a great master of Baiye, why are you here instead of teaching the newbies?"

Teng Xiao looked at him with some disbelief in his eyes:"You don't want to compete with Jingliu too, do you?"


Ying Xing wanted to say that it was okay for him to hit him now, but after thinking about it, he didn't say it.

Yuan Ming sat on the rooftop in the distance, watching Jing Liu and Dan Feng's sparring.

The collision between Dan Feng's spearmanship and Jing Liu's swordsmanship was a feast for the eyes.

The spear and the sword collided, creating bright sparks, and Jing Liu dodged the spear that Dan Feng was swinging at him.

"Hey... Jingliu is fighting with someone else, why don't you intervene?"

Yuanming knew who the voice belonged to without turning around.

"Aha, are you really free?"

Yuanming turned his head and glanced at the Happy Star God who was sitting beside him.

"Well...if having fun can be considered as free time, then Ah Ha is indeed free."

Ah Ha grinned and said,"You haven't answered my question yet."

"It's just a competition."

Yuanming turned his head and looked at the competition scene in the training ground.

"The time is almost up."

Ah Ha chuckled and said,"In the end, Tan Tao might come to find you at that time."


"But it is not a life-and-death battle."

Ah Ha shook his head:"There will not be a life-and-death battle between you and Tan Tao."

"Is that so?"

The same answer, Yuanming didn't seem to care at all whether there would be a life-and-death battle.

Ah Ha turned his head to look at him, and a thoughtful look flashed across his eyes.

Yuanming seemed to have always been like this, not caring about anything.

"According to what Zhongmo said, Tantao is likely to find the fairy boat."

But Ah Ha still knew what Yuanming cared about.

Sure enough, as soon as this was said, Yuanming's attention immediately shifted to

"Immortal boat?"


Ah Ha nodded:"If you have to fight in the universe where the Xianzhou Alliance is located, what do you want to do?"

"Chaos Star God"


Dan Feng put the spear aside and sighed:"It's almost there."

"It seems that Lingshi has greatly enhanced your body."

Jingliu folded his arms:"You may try other weapons. The spear is still too restrictive for your strength."

The power of Long Zun is terrifying, but the spear is not compatible with Long Zun's reckless destructive power.

"I'm not used to other things."

"Then I suggest you use other methods, don't just limit yourself to the spear."

Jingliu shook his head:"The weapons made by Yingxing are great, but they don't match your strength... Maybe you can make a breakthrough in the level of weapons like me."

Jingliu's swordsmanship has taken a step further. He fought with the Lord of Extinction and broke through in the scars, so that he could comprehend a more powerful martial arts.

Only a martial arts fanatic like Jingliu would go to great lengths to study this kind of thing.

Danfeng shook his head:"When we first met, I thought you were going to take the ruthless route."

The swordsman is ruthless, with only his sword in his heart.

There are indeed people on the fairy boat who take this path, and Danfeng has indeed seen it in the past.

When he first met Jingliu and saw those eyes, he subconsciously thought that Jingliu might also take this path.

But the result was obviously not the case.

""Hmm... I don't need to take the ruthless path, right?"

Jingliu shrugged.

She herself had never thought of taking the ruthless path.

Such a path was a path that mediocre people took for their weak talents.

Jingliu's talent did not need to take the ruthless path from the beginning - she was just like that.

This is a very sad thing - people without talent have to painfully get rid of their emotions, and the result achieved is just to step on the starting point of those with talent.

Just like some people can only store four flying swords in their acupoints throughout their lives, which has reached the limit. They painfully cut off their emotions, ignored their relatives, and finally just barely controlled the four flying swords.

But when Jingliu just learned the way of the sword, she could flexibly control twelve flying swords - at that time she had not even learned the basic sword moves.

The despairing natural chasm lies between geniuses and mediocre people.

On the fairy boat, Jingliu can only be regarded as a target, not as an object of challenge.

This is the consensus of the swordsmen.

"That's true."

Dan Feng chuckled and said,"I'll consider it... Thank you very much. You have to spare some time to spend with Yuanming to study with us.""

"No trouble."

Jing Liu responded and looked around:"Where is Ying Xingren?"

"He's over there, he'll be here soon."

Dan Feng raised his eyebrows:"Didn't Yuanming come with you?"

"Here it is, over there."

Jingliu pointed in the direction of Yuanming.

"Then I'll call Yingxing over."

Danfeng nodded to Jingliu and turned to leave.

Jingliu watched Danfeng walk towards Yingxing behind him.

The two said something, and Yingxing came over with a smile and took out a silver long sword.

"Since you use a sword... can't you take the time to make a long sword for yourself?"

Jing Liu looked at the long sword in Ying Xing's hand, and his mouth twitched a few times.

"What if the sword I use to spar with you breaks?"

Ying Xing shrugged:"I brought thirty swords and twelve spears. If they break, I will replace them."

Jing Liu:... nothing to say

"Then throw one to me."

Jing Liu waved his hand and said,"I don't need the Zhili Sword to fight you."

"That's fine."

Ying Xing took out his long sword and threw it to Jing Liu.

Jing Liu raised his hand and caught it easily, tried to swing it twice, and then……


The sharp sound of iron, the long sword suddenly broke and shattered into pieces.

Jingliu:... Yingxing


"You used too much strength."

Jingliu coughed awkwardly twice:"Another one."

Yingxing forced a smile and threw another one over.


"……It's still too big. Let me have another one."


"……One more"


"……Couldn't you have chosen a sturdier sword?"

"Jingliu, I seriously suspect that you are just depleting my reserves."

Ying Xing's mouth twitched:"Can you be a little gentler?"

"Give me the weapons for the ordinary Cloud Cavalry."

Jingliu shrugged:"You can't blame me." Yingxing didn't know what to say for a moment.

He took out a sword and tried to swing it.

Hmm... it's okay.

Could it be because the weight of the Zhili Sword is too heavy and Jingliu is used to it?

Yingxing threw another sword over:"No more, use it sparingly."

"This one is barely usable."

Jingliu waved it, took a closer look, and looked at Yingxing with some suspicion:"No... This is not made by you?"

A drop of cold sweat dripped from Yingxing's forehead.

These are certainly not weapons made by him, but the only successful results of those apprentices for more than a month.

Note: The only success: refers to the appearance that looks flawless and makes Yingxing feel satisfied.

As a result, Jingliu destroyed more than 20 swords today, and only one made her feel usable.

Not satisfactory, nor okay - just barely usable.

Jingliu could tell at a glance that this was not something made by Yingxing.

The swords made by Yingxing with his feet are better than this one.

"The apprentice beat me."

Ying Xing sighed,"You figured it out."


Jing Liu tilted his head and said,"You use the sword I gave you to test your apprentice."

She said how could Ying Xing do such a ridiculous thing - bring thirty swords

"Hehe...how about you help me try the spear again?"

"Go find Dan Feng."

Jing Liu showed his starting posture expressionlessly:"Test the quality of your apprentice."

Ying Xing took a deep breath, drew out the last sword, and his eyes became firm:"Come on!"

You have to have confidence in your apprentice Ying Xing... have confidence.

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