In the video at this time, Walter once again raised questions

"I personally don't think there is such a dangerous place on Luofu... This kind of place where dangerous elements and black market buyers meet, at least before Jianmu grew up, it probably didn't exist!" Walter analyzed

"There are bad guys here, and we have to meet with the buyers of Star Core here.……"March 7 also corrected it again

"Is this a detective story or a martial arts story? Sister Xing complained helplessly.

"The Fisherman is both a detective and a knight! Anyway, it’s hard to imagine what specific difficulties Rakshasa encountered, so just leave it at that! March 7 forcefully explained

"Well, barely it makes sense!"Walter Yang sighed and said

"Uncle Yang, you had a lot of fun too.……"Sister Xing waved her hands helplessly

"Well, let's make peace with it as it comes.……"Walter sighed and said.

At this point, the simulation is continuing

"I didn't expect this place to be so dangerous. It seems that I need to act more safely in the future. I wonder who the mysterious buyer is who is beneficial to the galaxy?"Rakshasa said with a serious expression.

"The buyer is waiting for me there. Let's go and take a look at the situation."Rakshasa said and walked forward.

"Well, judging from the map, that place is indeed the most hidden!"Walter Young said

"Oh my god, my detective March 7 finally got Uncle Yang’s approval.……"March 7 exclaimed.

Outside the video, when he heard the title of Detective March 7, Dan Heng directly covered his face with"627" and became embarrassed on the spot.

Obviously in his mind, the words March 7th and Detective don't go together at all.

"March... Detective... let's forget it! Dan Heng said helplessly.

"Hello! Are you dissatisfied with the title Detective March 7th? March 7 said angrily with her hands on her hips.

"From the perspective of a detective alone, Xiao Sanyue still has a long way to go before reaching this goal!"Walter also sighed

"I feel the same way, I feel the same way." Pam sighed.

"snort! Don’t listen, don’t listen, that bastard is chanting sutras!" March 7 said a little angry.

At this time, in the simulation screen of the video……

"Stop, what are you here for?"In the simulation screen. When I saw Rakshasa, a man who looked exactly like Walter came over.

"Stop, what are you here for?

Seeing Sister Xing outside the simulation here, she couldn't help but complain:"Why Uncle Yang?""

"No, that’s Pu’er, the gatekeeper of the tea party. March 7 quickly corrected him.

"Isn’t Pu’er the name of tea?"Walter said a little surprised.

"Yes, members of the tea party. Of course the names are various teas. March 7 said calmly.

Outside the video, Walter's image appeared in the simulation screen.

Everyone was shocked. Those who didn't know thought the system had returned to its previous state - playing a video of the collapse of the universe.

"So why me?"Walter Yang asked with a sigh. He really didn't understand why March 7 asked him to be the informant named Pu'er.

"Uh... maybe it's because most of the current roles are relatively reliable. Uncle Yang fits this description very well?" March 7 said with some doubts.

Obviously, even she now can't understand why she in the future would choose Uncle Yang as the prototype of Pu'er in the simulation screen.

"In short, there must be a reason why I will do this in the future. Just read on! March 7 smiled awkwardly.

"Uh... 6!" Sister Xing complained with a look of disdain. At this moment, this 6 has already expressed a lot of things.

At this time, in the simulation scene, Pu'er said sharply

"I ask you kid, what are you here for?"Pu'er's voice is intimidating.

"Ask him to speak in a civilized manner!"Walter said as he thought about his image, like a gangster, and thought this picture was very strange.

"oh oh! OK"I promised Walter on March 7

"Let me ask you kid, what are you here for?"Immediately re-simulated on March 7th.

"Forget it, that’s it."Outside the simulation screen, Walter sighed and said

"I also want to give you something, which must be delivered to your boss in person. Please help me contact him!"The simulated Rakshasa said calmly

"delivery? ah? The boss has been waiting for you for a long time, but you need to prove your identity first before I can let you see the boss!"

Pu'er's voice sounded extremely calm, but the gangster's tone, coupled with the honorific, was so strange.

However, facing Pu'er's remarks, the Rakshasa in the simulation screen acted extremely panicked.

"Please, please, just let me meet your boss!"

"For the sake of me begging you, please be accommodating, please!"The simulated Rakshasa begged bitterly.

"There are so many people begging me every day that I have to be accommodating?"Pu'er said sharply

"It seems this trick won’t work!" March 7 sighed

"It’s strange that it works!"Cranx Star looked at March Qi with some contempt.

Outside the video, after seeing this, Rakshasa almost fainted from anger. Do you think he is someone who can talk like that? Let alone asking for help, even if he is asking for help, he will not That’s what you’re asking for.

And when trading things like star cores, shouldn’t you first connect the entire code?

At this time, Rakshasa covered his face. He didn’t know that his nightmare had just begun.

"However, am I the only one who thinks the Rakshasa in the simulation is pretty cute?"Su Shang said a little surprised.

"No, it's not cute!"Rakshasa covered his face and said, he just felt that his IQ was insulted.

In the video, March 7 continued the simulation in another way.

"You see, I have an elder and a younger one. If I don’t sell this star and my whole family will go hungry tonight, please be accommodating and let me meet the eldest son of your family."

The simulated Rakshasa played the emotional card again.

Outside the simulation screen, Chuanxing complained:"There are old people above and young people below, so don't do bad things!"

"Just... he was forced to make a living, and he didn't want to be a Rakshasa either." March 7 forcefully explained.

Outside the video, Rakshasa saw this scene, and his whole body felt bad. What the hell is it that there are old people at the top and young people at the bottom? I don't have such a strange setting.

Although I have it in my heart Tens of thousands of doomsday beasts were running wildly, but Rakshasa could only suppress his shock and said:"How could this happen?"

Looking at Rakshasa's collapsed expression, Tingyun, who was under suspicion just now, couldn't help but laugh.

"That March 7th girl is really interesting!" Tingyun thought.

At this moment, Rakshasa hopes that Yue Yue will stop persecuting him. It's really too bad. What are he thinking about?

In the simulation screen in the video at this time

"No, if everyone can adapt to the rules, what's the point?"Pu'er continued to insist.

"It seems like this trick doesn’t work either!" March Qi outside the simulation screen was thinking

"This Pu'er is quite principled in doing things!"Walter also said calmly.

"After all, the character is based on Uncle Yang!"Yuyue Qi said with a smile.

Seeing that both options in the simulation screen were unreliable, Yue Qi simply stopped pretending.

"Sorry, I am an undercover agent of the Diheng Department!"The Rakshasa in the simulation screen once again changed his words.

"I have very important business. Please ask your boss to see me immediately."Rakshasa said coldly.

Outside the video, Rakshasa looked at this kind of scene. After experiencing the previous two rounds of simulations, he was used to it.

It's better to say that this round of simulations is more serious? Rakshasa thought to himself.. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"An undercover agent from the Earth Hengs Division? snort! interesting!"The Blade from the Star Core Hunter camp grinned.

"Hey, you can’t really get into this hopelessly stupid plot, right?"Yin Lang looked at Blade in surprise.

"Damn it, this is so hopelessly stupid!"March 7 is in a hurry, Sister Xing behind me is holding me back...0

"Okay, okay, almost done!"Xingjie tried her best to hold March Qi while retreating.

Silver Wolf was still blowing bubbles casually.

At this time, in the simulation screen of the video, after hearing Rakshasa's words, Pu'er sneered.

"You are dressed in a foreign garb, and you told me that you are from the Earth Hengs Division? Who are you trying to fool?"Pu'er mocked coldly.

"What he said makes sense!"This time, the stars outside the simulation screen also recognized March 7th's statement.

"Xiao Sanyue will suddenly become very logical in details."Walter also praised

"I've always been very logical, and this trick of pretending to look straight at it based on deduction is not going to work! March 7 said firmly.

At this time, in the simulation screen, Rakshasa was still trying new possibilities.

"I want to see your boss. If you are unwilling to get out of the way, I will have to beat you until you are willing!"

Seeing this outside the video, Luka showed excited eyes. He liked this answer.

"The emphasis in the boxing ring is on fist competition. Since no one can convince the other party, it is better to use fists to solve the problem quickly!"Looking at Luka's excited eyes, Sambo waved his hands with a look of helplessness on his face.

"Is this option quite reasonable?"Xie'er also thought about it. She couldn't find any loopholes in this paragraph.

Not far away, Jeppard from the upper area of Belloberg also carefully appreciated this paragraph.

"There seems to be nothing wrong with this section!"Geppard Landau thought for a moment.

"Alas, brother, you should think more about it in the future. How can this kind of bridge be okay?"Hiruvalandao sighed.

"ah?"Jepard looked confused.

"Forget it, bro! forget it!"Sylva sighed, this child is hopeless!

In the video, Walter couldn't stand the simulation until this point.

"This Rakshasa character has changed too much!"Walter couldn't help but complain.

Ah, Walter's complaint did not interrupt March 7th's thoughts. March 7th was still simulating the crime scene.

"You can't threaten me because I have firm beliefs and will never be afraid of power!"Pu'er said firmly

"This Walter isn’t very Walter!"Outside the simulation screen, Sister Xing complained with a disdainful look on her face.

"This is Pu'er, not Uncle Yang! March 7 corrected

"Please pause for a moment, don't fight yet. Xiao Sanyue, I think they should not have a 5.0 fight, otherwise how can they trade?"Walter interrupted.

At this time, Walter was also a little panicked. If the simulation continues like this, wouldn't it become more and more unreasonable? It seems that we should stop or have to stop.

"Uncle Yang is right, so it seems that this trick still won't work!" March 7 sighed.

At this time, March 7 finally thought of it and responded to the informant with the joint code.

At this time, in the simulation screen, Rakshasa took out the joint code. After seeing the joint code, Pu'er quickly relaxed Got a mouthful

"It's the joint code. It seems it's really you. Please wait a moment. I'll call the boss here right now!"

"Take your time, I'm not in a hurry!"Rakshasa said calmly

"Pu'er got the street title page and went to notify his boss. Not long after, Rakshasa saw a majestic figure walking towards him!"March 7 outside the simulation screen said seriously.

Outside the video……

"Boss, this is the guy... holding the goods you need."As he spoke, Pu'er led a petite figure over.

Familiar clothes, furry body, black ears, this petite figure made people look extremely familiar.

"Well, let me see the cargo handkerchief first!"In the simulation, the boss who looked exactly like Pam came over.

"Why Pam? Sister Xing outside the simulation screen complained in surprise.

"Speaking of Uncle Yang’s boss, all I can think of is Pam.……"March 7 said helplessly.


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