
When I saw this outside the video, I immediately lost my mind about Pam.

"why me? Pam Pam!"Pam looked at March 7 in surprise.……

"Train... conductor, I don’t think my future self did it on purpose! It's just that the situation forces it, the situation forces it!"March 7 hurriedly explained

"Okay, okay, just don’t make me look too dramatic!"Pam covered her face with her little paws. She couldn't see her eyes anymore.

Sister Xing was a little panicked when she saw this. She was not in this simulation, right?

At this time, everyone's perspective returned to the video..

In the simulation of the video, Pu'er introduced his boss

"This is our boss star, Taro Bobo, take it out quickly and show it to the old man!"Pu'er scolded sternly.

Outside the simulation screen, he saw this"majestic figure" in front of him"

"It’s over! Such a sense of dissonance! Wow, it turns out I’m not suitable for playing a role like a gangster! Pam sighed.

"Train conductor, but I think it’s surprisingly cute in contrast!" March 7 sighed

"I...I also think that the contrast between cuteness and cuteness is very good!"Esta also insisted.

"You two should shut up, Mitsuki, and next time you simulate a crime scene, don’t use my handkerchief, use Jizi!"Pam showed a troubled expression.

"Star taro pop pop? milk tea?"Sister Xing asked with some surprise.

"Milk tea is also tea! It is normal to have milk tea at a tea party." March 7 corrected.

The two looked at each other. Obviously, compared with the previous shortcomings, this kind of thing is nothing.

In the simulation screen, after seeing Star Taro Bobo, Rakshasa was only briefly shocked. After that, he regained his composure20

"You pay with one hand and deliver the goods with the other hand. Don’t you understand such a simple rule?"Rakshasa waved his hand and said coldly.

"Why do you deliver the goods if you are asked to do so?"Pu'er said sharply

"It doesn't matter, this cargo is extremely dangerous, so he will be cautious, which is natural."Xingtao Bobo said calmly.

Outside the simulation screen, Watt was speechless.

"Does Pam really have that much handkerchief when she talks?"Walter questioned

"Do you think you can? No, no, it feels like it will, right? March 7 said a little confused.

In the simulation screen, the words continued.

"Pu'er, give him the money. How about it? Are you willing to give me the goods now?"Xingtao Bobo smiled and said.

After taking the money from Pu'er, Rakshasa warned:"Be careful, this thing is very dangerous, farewell!"As he said that, Rakshasa was about to turn around and leave.

"Indeed, we will never meet again Pa! Pu'er, kill Tapa!"Xingtao Bobo said with a ferocious smile.

When Rakshasa turned around, he found that the Pu'er behind him had disappeared. Replaced by a huge robot

"I thought the transaction was smooth!"Rakshasa said coldly.

"You sold me such a dangerous thing. Even if we are accomplices, in order to keep the secret, we can only force you to shut up forever!"Pam said coldly.

Outside the simulation screen, even Xingxing had to admit that this paragraph was very reasonable.

"Makes sense!"The affirmation from Sister Xing

"Xiao Sanyue's handling of these small details is always very logical, but other parts are……"Walter said helplessly

"Also, why did I become a golden man? Walter asked in surprise

"This is the hidden setting of Pu'er, which will suddenly transform into a golden man in critical moments." March 7th explained, but the result of the explanation was outrageous.

Outside the video, Xiluwa was a little confused after hearing this explanation.

"So the situation simulated in the video is an artificial human?"For her, the concept of humans suddenly turning into machines is still too advanced.

In the simulation in the video

"Uh...ok……"Walter Young accepted his fate.

In the simulation screen, Rakshasa showed disdain when faced with Xingyao Bobo who was preparing to kill the donkey.

"The structure of local gangs is a bit too low."Rakshasa said coldly, and turned around.

Then Rakshasa defeated Pu'er and Xingtaobobo's men with an overwhelming advantage, and left gracefully.

Only the furious Xingtaobobo was left standing there. Stomp your feet

"With such a big commotion in Changletian, Yunqi will appear soon... Get out of here quickly."

Outside the simulation screen, March 7th fell into distress.

"In this case, Rakshasa should run away. Where should he run? I looked at the map, oh, I got it!"

The voice of March 7th fell, and the Rakshasa in the simulation screen ran towards the dock.

"In this way, Rakshasa jumped onto the star and escaped from the scene with the help of unknown people. This is the whole story of Rakshasa's disappearance!"

Outside the simulation screen, March 7 in the video said and stretched.

"Who is the one who came to pick up Rakshasa from Kai Xingcha?"Walter asked like an audience listening to a story.

"I don’t know either. Anyway, if you don’t show your face, just think of it as a star! March 7 said, looking playfully at Sister Xing aside.

"At least give me a role to show my face!"Zi Xing complained.

After pondering for a moment, Walter spoke.

"Xiao Sanyue, although I don’t want to offend you, there are still some minor problems with your reasoning!"

"For example, if Rakshasa escaped from the dock on Star Tea, how could he appear in the image of the Smart Bird two hours later?"Walter touched his chin and said

"It was a military facility. If there was any commotion, Yunqi would come, but why were there monsters?"

"Also, even if this difficult and dangerous process is followed, Rakshasa will not stay in that place for two hours!"Walter's series of questions left March Qi speechless.

She had to admit:"Well, what Uncle Yang said makes sense, and it is true. It seems that my detective March Qi and the Fisherman still have a little bit of trouble. small gap……"

In the follow-up investigation, it was also confirmed that these speculations on March 7 were indeed wrong.

Rakshasa just rescued two people from the ditch, which delayed them for two hours, and then happened to appear in the image of the clever bird.

At this point, the misunderstanding is resolved and the video ends abruptly.

【Immortal Boat Luofu] The group of people breathed a sigh of relief. Sure enough, Rakshasa didn’t have any bad intentions.

"It scared me to death. I thought Rakshasa was really a bad guy!"Su Shang breathed a sigh of relief.

"Rakshasa, it seems we wrongly blamed you!"Jing Yuan was also relieved.

But the expression on Rakshasa's face was very complicated. The impact of the video on him this time was really extraordinary.

First of all, he was suspected of being a bad guy in the video for no reason, although the motive could be I understand, but it’s still quite uncomfortable when I’m really suspected.

Secondly, March 7’s ability to restore cases is really bad. The video he restored made him not even know where to start complaining.

But fortunately in the end The misunderstanding was finally resolved, and it was finally proved that the future self did not have any evil intentions.

Thinking of this, Rakshasa breathed a sigh of relief, and this video was finally over.

Not far away, in the [Star Train] camp, there was a lot of discussion about this video.

"Xiao Sanyue, it seems that your logical reasoning ability still needs to be improved. If it doesn't work, go to Dan Heng to learn!"Walter sighed

"Forget it, I can’t compliment March’s reasoning level, and I can’t teach him!"Dan Heng sighed

"Humph, I’m not that curious about this! But the novel Yu Gongan sounds like a pretty good one!" March 7 said with a smile.

At this time, the sound of the system interrupted everyone's discussion. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"The correct answer is announced below. The buyer who is connected to Rakshasa is option B Xingyaobobo!"

"Current [Stardome Train] 21 minutes

【Belloberg Upper Area] 18 points

【Beloberg lower area] 18 points

【Black Tower Space Station】22 points

【Xianzhou Luofu】19 points

【Star Core Hunter】19 points"

"It is detected that a camp is participating in a continuous Q&A session. If you answer two questions correctly, you will receive two bonus points."

"The score has been refreshed to the current

【Stardome Train] 21 minutes

【Beloberg Upper Area] 20 points

【Beloberg lower area] 18 points

【Black Tower Space Station】22 points

【Xianzhou Luofu】19 points

【Star Core Hunter】19 points

"The rankings of each camp are announced above. The first-place [Black Tower Space Station] camp has 22 points, the second-place [Star Dome Train] camp has 21 points, and the third-place [Belloberg Upper Area] camp has 20 points!"

"The camps that have been ranked are asked to keep up the good work, and the camps that are not ranked are asked to keep up the good work!"

"The next round of answering questions is about to begin, please be prepared!"

Hearing the sound of the system, everyone in the Belloberg upper camp had complicated expressions.

With Cocolia's insistence just now, they took back the third place, but they didn't feel so happy.

Just now Cocolia seemed like It felt a little scary to become a dictator.

Cocolia also breathed a sigh of relief. She was on the stud team after all, and the answer Xinghe told her was indeed correct!

"Everyone, we have finally returned to third place. This ranking is hard-won. I hope you will cherish it!" Cocolia said

"cherish? How does the Great Guardian want us to cherish it?"Shiluva said sharply.

633"Shiluva……"Cocolia was stunned. If this were in the upper Beloberg district, she might have no problem deposing it again

"Does the Great Guardian give us a chance to choose? Shiluva said angrily.

"Okay, okay, sister, don’t do this!"Jepard quickly blocked it.

At this moment, the system's voice came again, causing everyone to stop the discussion.

"Please listen to the question. Which of the following options can communicate with small animals?"

A.March 7

B.white dew

C.Dan Heng


, when the system announced the topic, it also announced the banned list.

"This round of ban targets [Star Train] camp Jizi. [Black Tower Space Station] Camp Alan, [Belloberg Upper Area] Camp Jeppard Landau, [Belloberg Lower Area] Camp Clara"

【Star Core Hunter] camp Kafka, [Xianzhou Luofu] camp Qingque……"

At this time, everyone was a little confused when faced with this question. It seemed that this was another question about predicting the future.

It also tests the information gap between the major camps, but there are three options for a single star train camp.

But at this moment, the one who is most distressed is Pam.

"There are three options in our camp! And one of them has been banned!"

"So let me ask, who in our camp can communicate with small animals!"Pam said and looked at the remaining two people.

"Communicating with small animals is a rare setting! It can’t be me!" March 7 sighed

"It shouldn’t be me either!"Dan Heng sighed

"Could it be a star?"March 7 looked at the muted Chuanxing with some suspicion.

"It can't be her!"Dan Heng covered his face.

Nowadays, Sister Xing has a scornful expression on her face. It is really difficult for people to doubt whether it is her.

"Then, according to the process of elimination, there is only one option! Should it be Yanqing?"Walter thought

"Uncle Yang...take a look around before you plot!"Dan Heng covered his face.

But he found that not far from them, people from almost all camps came to eavesdrop on their conversation. Even the [Xianzhou Luofu] camp had people eavesdropping.

"Ah this……"March 7 covered her face. She never thought that things would turn out like this..

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