Star Rank Hunter

Chapter 126: Real king

Dark nights, bloody, killing, wrapped in thick protective clothing lingering between the pores can not exude the chill, all stimulating the madness of the "fangs".

Kill, kill again! Until you can't move anymore. [Search for the latest updates.]

The cross erected in the center witnessed the madness of this group of "fangs."

After the smashing, the crucifixion field, flesh and blood, flying sand, stone chips, metal wreckage, fire...

More than 10,000 people, less than fifteen minutes, the last remaining only the last aircraft in the air and two fighters in the final fight.

Xilin and the gray cat looked at it quietly. They didn't stay around the cross before. Using the smell of the beast to create traps is something that Xilin often does, so from the time he stepped into the "toxic tooth" transport plane, to the hall, and then to the trap of the cross field, Xilin left another special ability. Keeping a longer breath is to finally concentrate the group on the cross field.

Now all the scanning instruments around it have been destroyed. The pets of Caraño have already been killed. Xilin and the gray cat are close to the cross and watching the last madness of the "fangs" in the sky.

"Xilin, the last three guys left me." Gray cat has been stunned for a long time, Xilin does not let it shot, the original gray cat is also ready to show great power, really disappointed.

"No, it’s all the way to the present. You can stay at peace of mind. Look at the fish on the ground and have no nets to make up a claw and fish out their emblems."

Xilin has his scruples and does not want the gray cat to be exposed too much.

A minute later, the two fighters were destroyed, the aircraft exploded in the air, and everything returned to calm.

After the silence, Carano's voice sounded.

"Oh, the sixth division of the vanguard, Xilin, really surprised the king!" Although laughing, but there is a kind of unspeakable sense of the cold in the voice.

The king of Kalanio slowly came out of the half-collapsed building, leisurely as a walk, and the collapsed building seemed to have no effect on the king.

In more than two hours, 50,000 people were completely destroyed, and Xilin did not personally take it. If it was placed in the past, Carranio would not be believed to be killed. Moreover, these people are still not dead. It can be said that these 50,000 people were forced to die step by step. They realized the panic, experienced despair and helplessness, and the process of life passing.

When Xilin stepped into the cross-field area, Caragno locked his eyes on Xilin. His dark vision was also very good. He stared at Xilin firmly, fearing that he would escape the next moment. However, Xilin did not intend to escape, and this matter should be over.

The 100,000 people stationed on the planet are all killed. For Caraño, it’s really not so big. The 100,000 people are gone. He goes to the v-star area and can gather a batch of new ones. "Poisonous teeth", not to mention the number of desperate people in the galaxy, 100,000 people are just a number.

Therefore, for Caraño, the most important thing is not the destruction of this 100,000 people, but the person of Xilin, Caraño wants to smash this devil-like child into pieces!


Caraño rushed to Xilin with lightning, and Xilin clearly saw it under the sporadic fire. Inflated in a circle, the torso has curved fangs, and there is a **** shadow behind Caragno. It is his tail, the tail with a barbed root, and the tail in the process of rushing over. Inciting to increase impact and speed.

Xilin knew that Caragno was not a mass human, but did not expect that Carano’s true body would be like this, and that Shawton’s message to Xilin did not have the real situation of Caraño. Ozang is really deep. I am afraid that Emus, who has been lurking in "fangs" for so many years, does not know the true face of Carranio.

As Caraño approaches, a strong sigh of relief comes. It is no wonder that those "birds of paradise" dare not approach him. I believe that the original small parasites have little effect on Caraño. At most, there are some at that time, and then they will be killed by Caragno in the body. O'Dai masks wear thick protective clothes. All of these are just for others to see. In fact, Caragno does not need it at all!

This is the suppression, the real suppression, the ability to completely surpass the masses of human beings, and surpass the state of the same level of genes. Perhaps Caragno is not a certain kind of person, may contain a certain kind of species of other kinds of blood, absorb the advantages of various species, and achieve the current king.

Xilin believes that the physical quality is still good, not to mention the solid state, but after the collision with Caraño, I know how strong this king is.

Blocking the hand that Caragno grabbed, while blocking the tail that Caragno swept over, his arm numb, what kind of physique is this? !

Stepping back and avoiding the two vertical rows of fangs in the torso of Carano, such as teeth, it should be regarded as the specialized skeleton of the Carano's torso.

It looks huge but quick, quick to shoot, plus physical advantage, hands and feet on one tail and the two rows of specialized bones in the trunk area. Xilin really can't take him for a time.

Hard hit, even the current Xilin can not be good. Caraño has a wealth of experience in the battle, knowing the weaknesses of human beings, the offensive is fierce, not dragging the water, each hit with a decisive kill. As the king of "fangs", Caraño is full of gas. If it is an ordinary person, there is no courage to resist before standing in front of Carano, let alone fight.

Xilin stepped back while resisting the offensive of Caraño. Carano's strength was great. Every time he blocked a shot, Xilin had to step back to resolve the impact. At the same time, he had to deal with the fists and the pieces that fell like a rainstorm. Annoying tail.

Blocking the claws with pointed long nails, Xilin evaded sideways, leaping forward, kicking on the tail swept by Carano, and jumping backwards through the force of his tail.

When jumping back and forth in the air, Xilin had two more guns on his hand, hehe...

The shots were fired from the positive side and the two sides to Caraño. The Carnio that was chased did not dodge, the tail flattened, and the shape of Caraño was covered like a cloak. The bullet collided with the tail. sound.

The bullet hit a mark on Caragno's tail at the top, or broke a superficial skin, and it will be restored in a few moments.

Xilin’s eyes slammed, and his legs continued to retreat when he landed. This time it was not a bullet, but a flying knife. The speed was not inferior to the number of bullets, and the direction was still from the right side and the two sides. Austria also used the same method to widen the flattened tail to cover the body, and the flying knife hit the top of it to make a broken sound. However, after the sound of breaking, it is the sound of smashing.



Thanks to the book friend Shenzhen Dart Lord for the reward! ^^

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