Star Rank Hunter

Chapter 127: The end of the king

Xilin will never go to the hardships in the case of knowing the weak.

The flying knife was also specially made before Xilin. The flying knife was not too thin. The outer fragile shell wrapped the strong corrosive liquid inside. The strong corrosive liquid was sealed in the flying knife. Xilin also used some expensive inertia. Materials to prevent these highly corrosive liquids from corroding the outer shell of the flying knife. [Search for the latest updates.]

In fact, the original idea of ​​Xilin was to use the hard shell outside the flying knife to cut the other's body surface, and then the strong corrosive liquid oozing out from the hard shell of the flying knife enters the other's wound for maximum corrosion damage. However, even if the skin of the other side is not broken, the highly corrosive liquid splashed by the flying knife can also function.

It is also true now, those liquid splashes squeaking on the flat tail of Carañola, the pain of corrosion makes Caragno very angry, this kid is also swindling! !

Caraño made a long roar, as if to vent all the anger in his chest, and the sound wave shattered the remaining cross that was destroyed and only the rest.

Originally not far away, on a cross that was only one-third left, the gray cat who was watching the battle jumped down and bounced his ears. For it, this level of sound waves could not hurt it, but Have to find a good point of view.

Carano's snoring spread far, and even Emus and Waqing, who stayed in the energy protection cover of the hall, heard it.

"That is..." Waqing was surprised.

"It should be the scream of the king," said Emus, but he also heard the anger in the voice, and was able to push the king to such a degree. Xilin was really amazing, after all, according to Emu. Sri Lanka's understanding, the king of Kalanio is a person who will not make such a roar even if his subordinates are completely destroyed.

Caraño was really angry and very angry. After so many years, in addition to being injured by that person, Carano has not been guilty.

A mass human being, a hairy boy, killed his 100,000 subordinates and said that he would be hurt!

Caraño is going out, and it’s a big deal to abandon a tail. It’s going to grow again in a few years. It’s just the pain of this moment. What he has to do now is to crush this sly kid!

As long as you don't touch it, you can do it if you want to avoid it. In this cross field, a retreat, a pursuit, Xilin is still retreating, licking the flying knife, Carano's tail has been eroded a layer, for the pain on the tail, Caragno has been numb, he Do not believe that Xilin can always retire like this!

Xilin is not in a hurry, and Caragno is now in a state of anger, which is a good phenomenon, because the violent state of Caraño does not have much brain power to think about more things.

He heard such a conversation when Xilin was very young.

“Do you know where the hunter is superior to the prey?”

"Hunters are better than prey, strong people are hunters, and weak ones are prey."

"No, because the hunter will set a trap."

The angler's fish is a hunter, they will leave the bait and wait quietly for the hooked fish.

Those living in the jungle will set traps to capture large fierce beasts. Maybe they will watch the trapped beasts when they rise. They have long been used to capturing prey with minimal force.

Both Xilin and Caraño see each other as prey, but who will eventually be named as a prey?

When Caraño found something wrong, it was already late.

The first thing that started was his tail, and then the numbness quickly spread to other parts of his body.

Caragno realized now that the sly kid was playing tricks.

The highly corrosive liquid corrodes the surface protection of the Caragno tail, allowing the later toxins to work better.

The same flying knives, the same proportion, but absolutely different lining, not to say Caraño, even Emus may not think of these. If the weight is different, it may be suspicious to switch to Emus, guessing the difference in the flying knife, but Xilin completely takes this into account when making these.

Strong corrosive liquids and concentrated neurotoxins, Xilin specifically considers their weight when formulating these two liquids.

However, even if it is not the same proportion, the current Caraño may not pay attention. At the same time, the selective neglect of the pain of the tail also caused Caragno to not detect it in time when the first flying knife containing the toxin was shot. When it was really detected, the toxin had penetrated too much and spread to him. Unsustainable degree.

Emus has been lurking in "fangs" for so many years, and the evaluation of Carranio is suffocating, strong enough, smart enough, but not smart enough, still not cautious.

The past record has already caused the king to ignore too many possible hidden dangers. He always feels that he has stood on the heights and can look down on the ants. But in fact, he has not really experienced the heights of the cold, but has been pulled down the abyss.

Xilin collected the neurotoxins from the vines that had been recruited by Cary. On the green planet, Xilin also collected other neurotoxins, which were obtained from plants and obtained from animals.

Now this is Xilin specially prepared for Caraño. In the work of Enji, Xilin cultivated two kinds of insects, which were equipped with strong corrosive liquids, and also synthesized the neurotoxins that can not be tolerated by the a-class genes.

Caragno only felt that everything around him was far away, more and more ambiguous, and more and more blurred. His hearing, touch, smell and taste seemed to begin to degenerate. Every joint was rusted like scrap iron. And more and more serious, the movement is getting slower and slower.

Every muscle begins to twitch and the breathing begins to rush but is irregular. Carano always feels that no matter how you breathe, the oxygen you breathe in can't satisfy your needs, your brain is getting more and more chaotic, and those sporadic fires seem to burn him. Eyes, can't help but move the line of sight to the dark.

Not far away is the gray cat who is squatting on the ruins of the pile and looking at the battle. At this moment, looking at the people who have just made the s-shaped route, the flexible and versatile tail is dragged to the ground. Without energy, Caraño is now like a drunkard, walking in the ruins.

Xilin stood at a distance of 100 meters from Caraño and watched Caraño move over here step by step, but the role of neurotoxins caused Carano's senses and thoughts to be seriously affected, and then he slowly deviated from the route. Finally, fell down and fell on this piece where he used to punish sinners and watch the killings.

In the past, he was the king of Carano, the "fang", sitting on a high place, arrogantly watching the **** battle and torture of the ants in this field, but now the role has changed.

Caraño seemed to see him lying under a huge cross, the devil-like young man, standing at the top of the cross, indifferently watching him wandering silently. His throat has not produced an accurate syllable, and only an unclear snoring is said.

In fact, he only wants to say one word - the devil.

Xilin still stood in the distance, looking blankly, with no indifference in his eyes, no ridicule, no happiness and remorse after revenge, still calm.

For a long while, Xilin took out a small piece of marbles and bounced to Caraño lying in the ruins. The marbles lingered on Caraño and turned into crumbs scattered around Calagno.

The wind has blown.

The "birds of paradise" that lived around the ruins smelled the smell of the air and rushed to Karagno.

Xilin closed his eyes and felt the turm remaining on the ruins.

It's over.



30w words, some people asked when it was on the shelves, I don't know, I haven't received the notice yet, but it shouldn't be in the short term.

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