Star Rank Hunter

Chapter 145: Flying fish

When Jiadler heard the report, he sighed and changed his mind!

Since the other party is a trainer, whether it is living in the sea or as a seafood for ornamental fish and fresh ingredients, it can be controlled by the trainer. [.]

At the same time, this also tells Jiadler that the trainer is very close to the manor!

Otherwise, sea creatures that are used as ingredients and ornamental fish may not have such action. After all, they have avoided the eyes and ears of some people in the manor, and they cannot do it with their normal IQ.

When Gardler issued an order, in the room of Tobo's several people, the three little guys looked at the crabs that were lying on the ground and stopped moving, glaring at the sugar balls, although they didn't know why they were installed. How the crabs in the box came out, but now they are more angry with people who are already dissatisfied with the sugar ball.

"Sweet ball, what do you mean?!" Emma first jumped out and pointed at the sugar ball. "This is something we can hardly catch, you dare to shoot?! It is undeniable!"

Sugar ball did not care about her, because Xilin told her that it was not necessarily human to start with Tobo, so the sugar ball completely relied on instinct to kill all the threats to Tobo.

At the moment just now, the sugar ball suddenly felt an abnormality, and then she saw a crab that did not act as usual. Still the three crabs, the sugar ball is the crab caught by the three people in Tobo. At that time, the three crabs gave her a feeling of being dull. It was something that could be used as food, but at that moment she suddenly Feel the murderous, very murderous murderous, the bodyguards staying outside can not feel it. This is also due to the fact that the sugar ball is coming out of the chaotic zone of the v-star area. It can capture the kind of hidden murderousness, or it will die thousands of times in the v-star area.

Rost is definitely biased towards his family, and Emma is fighting the ball of sugar balls, but Tobo just frowned and his eyes swept back and forth between the crab and the sugar ball.

There must be a monitor in the room. After the sugar ball was fired, the surveillance people were afraid of what happened to these little ancestors. Besides, the child named Sugar Ball also had a gun and the bodyguard outside the door. Opening the door, especially the bodyguards of the Binger family, because they are not familiar with the sugar ball, are all around Emma and Rost.

However, the two bodyguards of Finies and the Binger family looked at the three crabs and looked at each other. They ignored the complaints of Emma and Rost, and each of their opponents gestured to check the situation in the room. Come.

Just now, Jiadler informed them that all the things about the sea, whether it is shrimps, crabs or sea snakes, are highly regarded, and they are likely to have been controlled.

Seeing the three crabs pierced by the sugar ball, the two bodyguards were embarrassed. Fortunately, the little girl noticed, otherwise I really don’t know what will happen. At the same time, the person in charge of the guesthouse is still guessing. Where is the sugar ball in the end or is it just that the cat is dead? .

The bodyguards found several shrimps and creeping marine molluscs in several hidden vents.

Even Emma and Rost are aware that something is wrong. After all, there is a sense of crisis, and I can think of a little something, so they are not jealous now, quietly watching the bodyguards check everything in the room.

When the bodyguards inspected the room while observing the sugar ball, the sugar ball simply ignored them. After they felt no threat, they sat in the chair and played the game. Even the eye was not given to the Tobo, and the Tobo was almost angry. Also worried.

The gray cat can also see the picture that the monitor can see, so for all this, Gray Cat and Xilin know.

"The ball is really a good hunter, at least better than the gang of bodyguards." Gray cat said. "There should be nothing on her side?"

"Should, the bodyguards of the Finies family and the Binger family are not eating dry food. As long as the direction of attention is correct, those marine creatures can't get close to them." Xilin looked at the sea outside the window, "can control these intelligences in the manor." Not high marine life, I believe that the people behind it are coming out soon."

Although Warsaw has dragged those deep sea giants, the attack on the fish in the offshore area has become more and more fierce. The sea is floating with the body of a layer of fish. The bottom of the sea is also covered with the bones of the fish. The excessively dense fish body is for Finies. The actions of the family are very disturbing, and some of the less penetrating underwater bullets are basically useless, but the more powerful torpedo they dare not use, if it affects Warsaw, it is not good, then They have to face not only these fish, but the deep sea hegemons.

Kirk is very anxious now. He always feels uneasy. He knows that the trainer is around, but he can't find the guy who is embarrassed. It is not a good idea to continue this way. He knew that the situation on the manor was probably very passive. Now he just regrets and underestimates the ability of the Wissen family.

Thinking about the bad side, this time I am afraid that not only is Tobo threatened, but even the entire Finies layout on this planet will be seriously affected. Who makes the sea on the livable planet in the h star area dominate?

It’s a headache!

In Warsaw, cautiously dragging those deep sea hegemons, Kirk tried his best to find a way. When Jiadler commanded the manor to strengthen the supervision, he was attached to the bottom of the sea, and the flat figures were approaching the coast under the cover of the fish. .

Therefore, when the aircraft in the air and the underwater submarine were close to the fish, Kirk’s alarm system suddenly sounded, which was the first time he was so loud after resetting the monitoring program.

what happened?

Kirk looked at the display, and this time, Kirk stunned.

Kirk, who has held a senior position in the Finies family for many years, never thought about seeing such a scene.

What is the difference between a bird and a fish?

One in the sky and one in the water. This is what most people, including Kirk, think. But what Kirk has seen so far has subverted his views.

Fish that live in the water do not necessarily fly.

Looking at the flat figure that rushed out of the sea, it is impossible to say no surprise.

Kirk doesn't know what kind of fish this is, not the tail. They are all over five meters long, some are even more than ten meters. They look more like manta rays, but they are flatter than manta rays and are lighter. The pectoral fins are elongated like wings, which allows them to rush out of the sea and fly at low altitudes.

One such thing is no problem, but now it is hundreds of thousands, and there is even a tendency to continue to increase.

They are not afraid of dying in the air, which seriously interferes with the aircraft's blocking effect on the fish in the sea. At the same time, because there are too many, some of them rush to the coast.

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